Backpack 114-070-03 80L | Hertwill

Backpack 114-070-03 80L

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The Galvi-Linda Backpack 114-070-03 80L is a backpack manufactured in Estonia by Galvi-Linda and is also in use by the Estonian Defense Forces. The main compartment of the backpack can hold 80 liters.

It comes with two detachable side pockets that can be transformed into a smaller capacity backpack. There’s a zippered compartment at the bottom of the bag for storing shoes. The back panel of the backpack, covered with cotton fabric, is equipped with padding to ensure better ventilation between the wearer’s back and the backpack. It features padded shoulder straps and a hip belt. The front panel has MOLLE straps for attaching additional equipment. There are loops attached to the bottom of the bag for securing gear (such as a sleeping mat). There is also a zippered pocket on the flap that closes the bag.

Galvi-Linda, the Estonian company, is known for producing no-nonsense military-grade bags that are reliable in various situations. The company has been a trusted partner for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment for many years. When the Ministry of Defense decided to develop its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces in the late 1990s, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.

Additional information:

  • Color: military green
  • Dimensions: 58 cm x 77 cm x 25 cm
  • Capacity (main compartment): 80 liters
  • Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
  • Designed and produced in Estonia


Seljakott 114-070-03 80L on Galvi-Linda poolt Eestis valmistatud seljakott, mis on kasutusel ka Kaitseväes. Koti põhiosa mahutab 80 liitrit.

Kaks eemaldatavat küljetaskut, millest on võimalik moodustada väiksema mahutavusega seljakott. Koti põhja all on lukuga avatav ruum jalatsite paigutamiseks. Koti puuvillase kangaga kaetud seljaosa on varustatud pehmendustega, mis tagavad parema ventilatsiooni kandja selja ning koti tagapaneeli vahel. Pehmendatud õlarihmad ja puusavöö. Esipaneelil MOLLE paelad varustuse kinnitamiseks. Koti põhja alla on kinnitatud paeltest aasad varustuse kinnitamiseks (alusmatt). Kotti sulgeva klapi peal on lukuga suletav tasku.

Eesti ettevõtte Galvi-Linda poolt toodetud kotid on no-nonsense militaarkotid, mis ei jäta sind hätta üheski olukorras. Galvi-Linda on olnud aastaid Eesti Kaitseväe ja politsei poolt usaldatud partneriks seljakottide, riiete ja muu varustuse tootmisel. Kui Kaitseministeerium otsustas 90ndate teises pooles Eesti Kaitseväele päris oma varustust välja hakata arendama, siis üheks partneriks valiti just Galvi-Linda.


  • Värv: militaarroheline
  • Mõõdud: 58 cm x 77 cm x 25 cm
  • Mahutavus (põhiosa): 80 liitrit
  • Tootja standardid: ISO 9001:2015
  • Disainitud ja toodetud Eestis


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Galvi Linda
Galvi-Linda is an Estonian company producing military-grade bags built for reliability. A trusted partner of the Estonian Defense Forces and police, they have been making tactical gear and equipment since the '90s
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