Yellow Stripes eco wallpaper

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ENG: This classical striped wallpaper is a popular, energetic companion and pairs well with the Striped Lemon, Lemon Branch or Lemon Branch on Buffalo Check wallpapers.

  • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
  • Horizontal repeat: continuous repeat
  • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
  • Straight across match

Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks, and cannot be returned.


-no smell

-solvent-free certified printing ink

-brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

-non-bleaching colors


-non-woven material, 122 g/qm

-resistant to humidity

-free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


EST: Tapeet YELLOW STRIPES on osa FRUIT tapeedikollektsioonist toetava tapeedimustrina. See on suurepärane valik madalate lagedega ruumidesse, kuna prindi vertikaalne kujundus muudab ruumi visuaalselt kõrgemaks.
Sobib ideaalselt hommikusööginurka, elutuppa ja suvemaja interjööri.
Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
Tapeedid paigaldatakse kohakuti.
Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeete ei saa tagastada.



-solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

-võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

-mitte pleekivad värvid


-mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


-PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

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Designer home textiles. The product range of our e-store includes silk and wool scarves designed in Estonia, handmade rugs, eco-wallpaper and decorative pillows. All the products have a unique design and vibrant colours. Miurio wants to add more beauty, art, colours and positivity to the world.
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