Tan-Through Mini Leggings – Blue Mandala

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ENG: Smarttan’s tan-through mini leggings Blue-Purple Mandala are sewn from an ultra-thin stretchy material. This fabric REPLACES SUNSCREEN, allowing for pleasant and safe tanning while walking on the street, engaging in sports, or relaxing on the beach. The mini leggings are also comfortable for swimming and dry within minutes after getting wet. Pairing the leggings with a long-sleeved blouse in the same pattern creates a nice sporty set.

Smarttan long-sleeved shirts and mini leggings are made of a special, ultra-thin fabric with many tiny holes, allowing up to 70% of UV rays to pass through. The fabric is composed of 80% polyamide and 20% elastane, making the clothes comfortably stretchy and exceptionally quick-drying.

We recommend wearing seamless, skin-colored thin thongs under the mini leggings, as regular underwear can be seen through them.

The thin and perforated fabric allows air and sunlight to pass through comfortably. The pattern deceives the eye, making it hard to realize that the fabric is THAT thin. However, there is no risk of burning, as the fabric sufficiently protects the skin. People with very sensitive skin should still be cautious and test it gradually. There’s no worry about sweating off, washing off, or forgetting this “fabric cream.”

The fabric helps to tan healthily without sunburn, acting similarly to sunscreens.

Note! Any tan-through fabric does not allow 100% of UV rays to pass through. Combine tan-through clothes with sun protection oils to achieve an even tan.


EE: Smarttan läbipäevituvad miniretuusid oleme õmmelnud imeõhukesest venivast materjalist. Selline kangas ASENDAB PÄIKESEKAITSEKREEMI ja sellega saab mõnusasti ja turvaliselt päevitada nii tänaval jalutades, sportides kui ka rannas peesitades. Miniretuusidega on mugav ka ujuda ja need kuivavad pärast vees käimist mõne minutiga. Valides retuuside juurde sama mustriga pikkade käistega pluusi, saate kena sportliku komplekti.

Smarttan pikkade varrukatega särgid ja miniretuusid on spetsiaalsest, imeõhukesest ja paljude tillukeste augukestega kangast, mis laseb läbi kuni 70% UV-kiirgusest. Kangas koosneb 80% polüamiidistist ja 20% elastaanist, mis teeb riided mõnusalt venivaks ja eriliselt kiiresti kuivavaks.

Soovitame miniretuuside all kandmiseks kasutada õmblusteta, naha värvi õhukesi stringe, sest tavalised pesupüksid paistavad neist läbi.

Õhukesest ja augulisest kangast käivad õhk ja päikesekiired mõnusasti läbi. Muster petab vaataja silma ära ja ei saagi aru, et kangas NII õhuke on. Põletusohtu aga ei ole, sest kangas kaitseb nahka piisavalt. Väga tundliku nahaga inimesed peavad siiski olema ettevaatlikud ja katsetama järk-järgult. Samas ei ole sugugi karta, et sellise „kangast kreemi“ maha higistad, ujud või unustad.

Kangas aitab päevitada tervislikult ilma päikesepõletuseta, toimides sarnaselt, kui päikesekaitsekreemid.

NB! Mistahes läbipäevituv kangas ei lase läbi 100% UV-kiirgusest. Kombineeri läbipäevituvaid riideid oma nahale sobiva päikesekaitsekreemiga või päikesekaitseõlidega, et saavutada ühtlasem päevitus.


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Tan-through clothing. Smarttan is a family business. We have been using sun-through swimwear for many years ourselves. The need for it arose primarily for the family father, who suffers from the annoying, but non-contagious skin condition psoriasis, for which sunbathing is the most natural and effective remedy. Since it was always necessary to chase down these special sun-through garments from the far corners of the world and sometimes the package never arrived, we came up with the idea in the summer of 2018 to start offering these interesting products here in Estonia. We believed that there must be other people in the Nordic countries interested in such an option. And it turned out there are!
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