Pencil Case IF NOT NOW, WHEN? - Black

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Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

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Seik Publishing issues inspiring gift books, calendars, and much more. We want every product to inspire exciting adventures. "We are young and innovative designers. We create our products right here in Estonia and with great love. Every day is an adventure. We started with SEIK, aiming to inspire and make the people around us happy, which has brought us many incredible experiences and continues to do so daily. We monitor our footprint. We pack thinly, don't use plastic, recycle as much as possible, and constantly look for new ways to leave a smaller footprint."
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