Lite Walnut - Card Holder with RFID Blocking

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Lite is a metal cardholder designed using durable aluminum and real wood. It is minimalist, unique, and secure, comfortably storing up to 12 cards while protecting you from contactless theft. The product is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials. Dimensions: 9 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm.

Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design exclusively uses fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia. Former president of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid: “A wallet made from stone is as sustainable as it gets! A true counter to things with a short lifespan, hopefully lasting from father to son. I love it when things don’t break or wear away.”


Lite on metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame vastupidavat alumiiniumit ning päris puitu. See on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja turvaline, sest hoiustab mugavalt kuni 12 kaarti ning kaitsteb Teid viipevarguste eest. Toode on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega. Mõõdud: 9 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm.

Seif Design
on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.

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Seif Design
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its unique stone-design card holders. Seif Design only uses fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transferred its processes to green energy, which comes from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia. Former president of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid: "A wallet made from stone is as sustainable as it gets! A true counter to things with a short lifespan, hopefully lasting from father to son. I love it when things don’t break or wear away."
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