Lilac Garden in Light Purple eco wallpaper | Hertwill

Lilac Garden in Light Purple eco wallpaper

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ENG: This lilac garden in light purple wallpaper has lush hand-painted watercolor strokes in shades of purple, violet, and fuchsia, inspired by the romance of Estonian lilacs in bloom. The wallpaper was designed during the COVID-19 pandemia’s quarantine time to boost positivity and focus on the natural beauty surrounding us.

  • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
  • This high-quality non-vowen wallpaper is easy to install and removable.
  • Horizontal repeat: 48cm
  • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
  • Straight across match.

Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks, and cannot be returned.



-no smell

-solvent-free certified printing ink

-brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

-non-bleaching colors


-non-woven material, 122 g/qm

-resistant to humidity

-free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


EST: Helelilla mustriga sireliaed on maalitud käsitsi lopsakate akvarellsete pintsitõmmetega – lilla, violetse ja fuksia värvide varjundis, mis on inspireeritud õitsvate eesti sirelite romantikast. Muster kujundati COVID-19 pandeemia karantiini ajal, et kasvatada positiivsust ja keskenduda meid ümbritsevale looduslikule ilule.

Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.

Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
Mustri jätkamine kohakuti.
Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeedid ei ole tagastatavad.



-solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

-võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

-mitte pleekivad värvid


-mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


-PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

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