Kinderkraft Diaper Backpack Treasureback

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Here’s the logistical aid for walking with a child – Treasureback! It’s a backpack that can be attached to a stroller or worn on your back daily. With 9 practical pockets (including a thermal pocket, a zippered pocket, and a wet clothes pocket), it allows for organization so that all the essentials for a walk are within reach. With the beautiful design from the Nature Vibes collection, nature is always with you. The backpack is exceptionally stylish – perfect for solo travels or even a short trip, for instance, to the lakeside or the mountains. Thanks to its practical closure and comfortable shape, Treasureback is the ideal companion for outings.

  • The backpack has nine pockets, enabling excellent organization during walks and longer journeys. Treasureback is very spacious, with a thermal pocket, a zippered pocket, a wet clothes pocket, and side pockets. Everything will be at hand!
  • Treasurepack has a beautiful design from the Nature Vibes collection. Its interior has a unique print, and there’s a charming bee pendant added to the zipper. Due to its style, the backpack matches almost every daily outfit!
  • To reduce the burden on parents, Treasureback can be attached to the stroller handle with the provided special straps. In just a moment, you can detach it from the stroller and sling it over your shoulder for a world journey.
  • The set also includes a changing mat. Thanks to this, a wet diaper won’t surprise you anywhere – you can change your toddler wherever you wish. And do so in hygienic conditions. The mat’s design matches the backpack’s design.
  • The backpack has wide shoulder straps. It’s comfortable and distributes the weight of the parent’s belongings well. The reinforced material allows the backpack to maintain its proper shape and also sits softly on the back.
  • Materials: PU and polyester. Changing mat: polyester with foam padding.


EST: Siin on lapsega jalutamise logistiline abi – Treasureback! See on seljakott, mida saab lapsevankri külge kinnitada või igapäevaselt seljas kanda. 9 praktilist taskut (sh termotasku, tõmblukuga tasku ja märgade riiete tasku) võimaldavad ruumi korraldada nii, et kõik jalutuskäigul vajalikud tarvikud on käepärast. Nature Vibes kollektsiooni imekauni disainiga on loodus alati koos teiega. Seljakott on erakordselt stiilne – sobib ideaalselt ka iseseisvaks reisiks või isegi lühikeseks väljasõiduks, näiteks järve äärde või mägedesse. Tänu praktilisele kinnisele ja mugavale kujule on Treasureback väljasõitudel ideaalseks kaaslaseks.

  • Seljakotil on koguni üheksa taskut, mis võimaldavad jalutuskäikudel ja pikematel reisidel suurepärast organiseerimist. Treasureback on väga mahukas, termotasku, tõmblukuga tasku, märgade riiete tasku ja küljetaskutega seljakott. Kõik saab käepärast olema!
  • Treasurepack on Nature Vibes kollektsiooni imekauni disainiga. Selle siseküljel on omapärane trükis, lisaks on tõmblukule lisatud armsa mesilasega ripats. Stilistika tõttu sobib seljakott peaaegu iga argipäeva kuvandiga!
  • Vanemate koormuse vähendamiseks on Treasureback kaasasolevate spetsiaalsete rihmade abil lapsekäru käepideme külge kinnitav. Vaid hetkega saab selle lapsekärust lahti võtta ja maailmarännakuks õlale visata.
  • Komplektis on ka mähkimismatt. Tänu sellele ei üllata märg mähe teid kuskil – saate oma väikelast mähkida, kus iganes soovite. Ja seda hügieenilistes tingimustes. Matt sobib kujunduselt seljakoti disainiga.
  • Seljakotil on laiad õlarihmad. On mugav ja jaotab hästi sees olevate lapsevanema asjade kaalu. Tugevdatud materjal võimaldab seljakotil asjakohast kuju säilitada ja laotub ka pehmelt seljale.
  • Materjalid: PU ja polüester
  • Mähkimismatt: vahttäidisega polüester
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Parenthood is an adventure. Everyone who becomes a parent learns just how true this is. You discover how many things in your life are happening for the first time: the first walk, first nights with your baby, first smile, first playtime and first progress – words, gestures, and new emotions. In each of these situations, you're accompanied by children's products and accessories: pushchairs, cots, bouncers, play mat, bikes and many other helpers in your everyday activities.

If you're looking for the best solutions, Kinderkraft makes sure that the ones you choose when trusting us are safe, functional and tailored to your needs. And that Kinderkraft products last you for many years and ensure convenient use. It's about both children and their parents!

for kids / for babies / parenting
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