Kinderkraft Diaper Backpack Molly

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Toys falling from the hand, water bottle, diapers, pacifier, and many other things your child needs. Sounds familiar, right? We know all too well that even a short walk with a baby is a logistically complicated task. That’s exactly why we created the universal stroller backpack Molly, which you can also use as an organizer during walks. The backpack can be hung on the stroller handle (using special hooks) but can also be worn separately as a regular backpack. It even has 14 pockets, including: a pocket for bottles, an external pocket for wet wipes, and a thermal pocket. Molly is ideal for active parents who want to explore the world with their child.

  • Multifunctional backpack – you can fit in both the baby’s items and your own. It even has 14 practical pockets that allow for better organization during shared walks.
  • Special pocket for wet wipes and bottles, and an extra pocket for wet diapers or clothes – the rest of the items stay dry.
  • An innovative mechanism that allows for one-handed removal and attachment of the backpack – no more tiring yourself out with a stuck zipper!
  • Exceptionally easy to clean – just wipe its surface with a damp cloth. The inside of the bag is coated with a layer that’s easy to clean.
  • The backpack can be attached to the stroller with hooks or worn as a regular backpack.
  • The included changing mat allows for longer walks.
  • The thermal pocket lets you enjoy a warm meal with your child wherever you go!
  • There’s a quick access pocket on the back – you can access the backpack without opening the main part.
  • Material: Polyester
  • Dimensions: Height: 38 cm, Width: 28 cm, Depth: 16 cm.


EST: Käest kukkuvad mänguasjad, veepudel, mähkmed, lutt ja palju muud, mida Su laps vajab. Kõlab tuttavalt, eks? Teame väga hästi, et isegi lühike jalutuskäik beebiga on logistiliselt keeruline ettevõtmine. Just nimelt sellepärast lõime universaalse käruseljakoti MOLLY, mida saad jalutuskäikudel kasutada ka korraldajana. Seljakoti saab riputada käru käepidemele (spetsiaalsete haakide abil), aga kanda ka eraldi tavalise seljakotina. Sellel on isegi 14 taskut, sh: tasku pudelitele, väline tasku märgadele rätikutele, termotasku. MOLLY on ideaalne aktiivsetele vanematele, kes tahavad maailma avastada koos lapsega.

  • Mitmefunktsiooniline seljakott – mahutad sinna nii beebi kui oma asjad. Sellel on isegi 14 praktilist taskut, mis võimaldavad Sul ühiste jalutuskäikude paremat korraldamist.
  • Spetsiaalne tasku niiskete salvrätikute, pudelite jaoks ja lisatasku märgade mähkmete või riiete jaoks – ülejäänud asjad jäävad kuivaks.
  • Uuenduslik mehhanism, mis võimaldab seljakoti eemaldamist ja kinnitamist ühe käega – ei ole vaja enam end väsitada kinnijääva tõmblukuga!
  • Erakordselt lihtne puhastada – piisab selle pinna pühkimisest niiske lapiga. Koti sisemus on kaetud kattega, mida on lihtne puhastada.
  • Seljakoti saab kinnitada haakidega käru külge või kanda tavalise seljakotina.
  • Komplekti kuuluv mähkimismatt võimaldab Sulle pikemaid jalutuskäike
  • Termotasku võimaldab Sul nautida sooja sööki koos lapsega, kuhu Sa ka ei läheks!
  • Tagaküljel on kiire juurdepääsuga tasku – pääsed seljakotti ilma põhiosa avamata.
  • Materjal: polüester
  • Mõõtmed: kõrgus: 38 cm, laius: 28 cm, sügavus:16 cm
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Parenthood is an adventure. Everyone who becomes a parent learns just how true this is. You discover how many things in your life are happening for the first time: the first walk, first nights with your baby, first smile, first playtime and first progress – words, gestures, and new emotions. In each of these situations, you're accompanied by children's products and accessories: pushchairs, cots, bouncers, play mat, bikes and many other helpers in your everyday activities.

If you're looking for the best solutions, Kinderkraft makes sure that the ones you choose when trusting us are safe, functional and tailored to your needs. And that Kinderkraft products last you for many years and ensure convenient use. It's about both children and their parents!

for kids / for babies / parenting
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