Handmade shoulder bag ROOSI

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This small and lightweight Estonian design shoulder bag is designed for everyday wear. Regardless of the event or season, this shoulder bag is the perfect companion that accommodates all the necessary items and adds style to your everyday outfit. Carry it comfortably on the shoulder or across the body, so you can enjoy beautiful moments knowing that everything necessary is always within reach.

In addition, it can be a great gift of Estonian design for loved ones who value style and practicality.

Handmade and designed in Estonia.

EE: See väike ja kerge Eesti disain õlakott on loodud igapäevaseks kandmiseks. Olenemata sündmusest või aastaajast on see õlakott täiuslik kaaslane, mis mahutab kõik vajalikud esemed ning lisab stiili Sinu igapäevasele riietusele. Kanna mugavalt õlal või üle keha, nii saad nautida kauneid hetki teades, et kõik vajalik on alati käeulatuses.

Lisaks võib see olla suurepärane Eesti disaini kingitus lähedastele, kes hindavad stiili ja praktilisust.

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Katré's brand started with a passion for quilting, quilting led to the development of Katre Arula's royalty techniques. Katre Arula doesn't follow big trends, her brand has its own energy and is constantly growing, evolving, and sustainable. Katré has created a completely unique DNA for her brand, which gives her products great added value. Recycling, designing the old into the new, and using leftovers are all aspects that Katré values most when creating designer products. In today's world of high consumption and fast fashion, more and more people appreciate timeless, quality and subtle design. Buying new accessories and clothes in several styles every season is not good for the wallet or the environment. That's why Katré, for example, looks for multi-functionality and quality when making bags - one bag can be worn in 3 different ways, you can change the colour of the straps if you like, and thus match it with different styles. Katré's design has found its way into people's hearts and into the urban landscape. An accessory that matches people's lifestyles, needs and desires will quickly become a favourite among wearers. Katré's aim is to create timeless Estonian design that is suitable to adorn everyone, regardless of gender or age. Katré's design bags have been given the touch of a master craftsman, as all pieces are handmade in Põltsamaa, Estonia.
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