FACET Mini waist & shoulder bag

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ENG: Facet Mini is Gerda Retter’s multifunctional leather bag that can be worn as a shoulder bag, handbag, or waist bag. The bag features an adjustable and removable strap and an open inner pocket. Facet Mini is handmade in Estonia.

Gerda Retter is an Estonian accessory designer who established her brand in 2016 while studying leather design at the Tartu Higher Art School. Additionally, Gerda has studied under accessory design masters in both Italy and Hungary. She was nominated for the Design-a-Bag competition in Hong Kong in 2015 and has been nominated for the BRUNO Award at the Estonian Design Award for multiple years.

  • Dimensions: 21 x 16 x 6 cm
  • Strap length: max 136 cm, min 100 cm
  • Material: high-quality Spanish leather
  • Designed and handmade in Estonia

EU Delivery: 4-10 working days

EST: Facet Mini on Gerda Retteri multifunktsionaalne nahast kott, mida saab kanda õla- või käekotina, aga ka vöökotina. Kotil on reguleeritav ja eemaldatav rihm ning lahtine sisetasku. Facet Mini on valmistatud käsitööna Eestis.

Gerda Retter on Eesti aksessuaaridisainer, kes lõi oma brändi 2016 aastal õpingute ajal Tartu Kõrgemas Kunstikoolis nahadisaini erialal, lisaks on Gerda õppinud nii Itaalia kui ka Ungari aksessuaaridisaini meistrite käe all. Gerda on nomineeritud Hong Kongi Design-a-Bag konkursil aastal 2015 ning mitmel aastal Eesti Disaini Auhinna BRUNO auhinnale.

  • Mõõdud: 21 x 16 x 6 cm
  • Rihma pikkus: max 136 cm, min 100 cm
  • Materjal: kvaliteetne Hispaania nahk
  • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis käsitööna

Eestisisene transport: 3-5 tööpäeva

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Gerda Retter Design
Gerda Retter Design is an Estonian accessory brand since 2016. Each product is handcrafted in their atelier in Tartu, Estonia. They use only high-quality chrome-tanned leather to make the goods. Spatial forms and geometrical shapes are the brand’s trademarks, as well as the simplicity of the Nordic colors and architecture. leather bags / designer brand
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