Body Scrub — Raspberry and Grapefruit

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Raspberry & Grapefruit Body Scrub – Relieves redness and soothes. Suitable for all skin types.

The raspberry & grapefruit body scrub, with its raspberry-pink color and wonderfully summery and soothing scent, works wonders for your skin! With a texture characteristic of body scrubs, derived from unrefined brown sugar, it thoroughly cleanses your skin and leaves it with a silky, moisturizing, and nourishing layer. And you’ll smell as fresh as grapefruit!

Raspberry powder is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium. Raspberries have stimulating properties that help relieve redness and irritated skin.

Grapefruit contains plenty of vitamin C, which helps the skin produce collagen, keeping it firm and smooth. Grapefruit essential oil adds a tangy note to the sweet raspberry scent and has a refreshing effect on the skin.

  • Size: 120 ml
  • Usage: Use as the final step in your skincare routine after a sauna, bath, or shower. Apply to wet skin, massage, and then rinse with water.
  • Ingredients: Coconut oil, shea butter, unrefined brown sugar, grapefruit essential oil, raspberry powder, and vitamin E
  • Use within 3 months of opening, keep protected from direct sunlight.
  • Produced in Estonia



Vaarika & greibi kehakoorijaLeevendab punetust ja rahustab. Sobib igale nahatüübile.

Vaarikaroosat värvi ja imeliselt suvise ja rahustava lõhnaga vaarika & greibi kehakoorija teeb sinu nahaga imet! Kehakoorijale omase tekstuuriga, mis on saadud kasutades rafineerimata roosuhkrut, puhastab ta põhjalikult su nahka ja katab selle siidise, niisutava ja toitva kihiga. Ja sa lõhnad nagu värske greip!

Vaarikapulber on rikas A ja C vitamiini, kaaliumi, raua, fosfori ja kaltsiumi poolest. Vaarikal on stimuleerivad omadused, mis aitavad leevendada punetavat ja ärritunud nahka.

Greip sisaldab ohtralt C-vitamiini, mis aitab nahal kollageeni toota, hoides selle pringi ja siledana. Greibi eeterlik õli lisab hapukat nüanssi vaarikaselt magusale lõhnale ja mõjub nahal värskendavalt.

  • Suurus: 120 ml
  • Kasutamine: keha kooritakse viimase protseduurina pärast sauna, vannis või duši all käimist. Kanda märjale nahale, masseerida ning seejärel loputada veega.
  • Koostisosad: Kookosrasv, shea-või, roosuhkur (rafineerimata), greibi eeterlik õli, vaarikapulber ja E-vitamiin.
  • Avatuna säilib kuni kolm kuud, hoida toatemperatuuril, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
  • Eestis toodetud

Shipping: 3-7 working days

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BONOBO takes care of your skin with pure, natural cosmetics. Natural cosmetics are designed for discerning women who cherish nature. BONOBO counters today's chemical-laden world. Our bodies deserve relief from toxins, and our cosmetics shouldn't add to the burden. Instead of overwhelming the skin, BONOBO nurtures it. With creations like naturally-infused creams and lip balms, crafted from hand-picked Estonian flora and pure organic shea butter, BONOBO offers a rejuvenating touch that's safe even for kids. Every BONOBO product harnesses the unique potency of its ingredients. Choose BONOBO — where nature and care converge. Your body will be grateful. 🌿 In 2014, driven by her own skin sensitivities, globe-trotter and passionate mother, Kristi Kalluste, embarked on a mission: crafting pure, natural cosmetics. Partnering with Estonia’s renowned herbalist, Irje Karjus, she delved into ancient herbal secrets, infusing BONOBO's line with the potent magic of native Estonian plants. cosmetics / pure ingredients / natural product / gruelty-free
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