Body Scrub — Orange and Carrot | Hertwill

Body Scrub — Orange and Carrot

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The citric orange smells like a tropical island in the middle of dull darkness. Its invigorating and energizing aroma gives you the most candid feeling of peace and happiness. A carrot, on the other hand, takes care of you just like a loving mother would. Its soft-touch makes all of the troubles disappear and takes away all the pain. A truly royal combination for an everyday super-woman!

Orange is a powerful source of vitamin C, improving your body’s overall resistance. It is also rich in other antioxidants that help maintain the skin’s youthfulness and glow. Carrot can be a perfect skin tonic thanks to beta-carotene, as well as vitamins A, B, C, D, E and F that it is full of. It boosts healing processes in the skin and reduces itchiness

  • Size: 120 ml

  • Use: Exfoliate after sauna, bath, or shower. Apply to wet skin, massage, and then rinse.

  • Ingredients: Coconut oil, shea butter, cane sugar (unrefined), orange essential oil, carrot powder, and vitamin E.

  • Use within 3 months of opening, keep protected from direct sunlight.

  • Produced in Estonia


Apelsini ja porgandi kehakoorija – rõõmustab ja leevendab! Sobib igale nahatüübile.

Tsitruseline apelsin lõhnab nagu troopikasaar keset pilkast pimedust. Selle ergutav ja turgutav aroom tekitab tõelise rõõmu- ja rahulolutunde. Porgand seevastu on nagu hoolitsev ema, kelle puudutus pehmendab iga mure ja leevendab iga valu. Tõeliselt kuninglik kombo igale argisele supernaisele!

Apelsin on tõeline C-vitamiini allikas, mis tõstab keha vastupanuvõimet. Lisaks sellele leidub apelsinis veel hulgaliselt teisigi antioksüdante, mis aitavad nahal säilitada selle nooruslikkust ja sära. Porgand sisaldab aga rohkelt beetakaroteeni ning A-, B-, C-, D-, E- ja F-vitamiine, tänu millele on see suurepärane nahatoonik, soodustades naha paranemist ja leevendades sügelevat nahka.

  • Suurus: 120 ml

  • Kasutamine: keha kooritakse viimase protseduurina pärast sauna, vannis või duši all käimist. Kanda märjale nahale, masseerida ning seejärel loputada veega.

  • Koostisosad: Kookosrasv, shea-või, roosuhkur (rafineerimata), apelsini eeterlik õli, porgandi pulber ja E-vitamiin.

  • Avatuna säilib kuni kolm kuud, hoida toatemperatuuril, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.

  • Eestis toodetud

Shipping: 3-7 working days

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BONOBO crafts pure, natural cosmetics that nourish the skin without toxins. Made with hand-picked Estonian flora and organic shea butter, their products offer gentle, nature-inspired care for all.
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