Anet L shoulder bag - Caramel

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ENG: Anet L is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Anet L shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia. Size: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

Shipping: 4-7 workdays

EST: Anet L on naturaalsest nahast naiste õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kotil on suur lukuga suletav tasku ja 2 väiksemat sisetaskut. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Anet L on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

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Trendbag handmakes bags from the furniture industry leftovers. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag's products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than the standards in the bag industry.
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