Storage Basket / Diaper Caddy Organizer

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The diaper caddy organizer stands as the epitome of convenience for baby supplies. Its ingenious design showcases multiple pockets and customizable partitions that adapt to your unique needs. Effortlessly move it from room to room or even to your car using the convenient handles, making parenting easier wherever you are.

Key Features:

  • Thoughtfully designed using premium quality felt and soft PU vegan leather
  • Featherlight at just 0.3 kg, ensuring effortless portability
  • Durable construction that requires minimal care
  • Spacious interior boasting up to 11 versatile pockets, providing a dedicated place for every essential
  • Two removable partitions to transform the interior based on your specific requirements

Designed and developed in Estonia, the diaper caddy organizer epitomizes functional elegance. Experience the perfect blend of style and purpose, and take a step towards a more organized and stress-free parenting journey.



39 × 27 × 18 cm
Hoiukorv kaalub ainult 0,3 kg.

Disain ja funktsionaalsus

Helehalli vegan-vildi ja pruuni PU-vegannaha värvikombinatsioon on skandinaavialikult modernne. Nii sobib see hoiukorv peaaegu igasse kodusse ja muudab beebitarvete hoiustamise stiilseks.

  • 8 välistaskut
  • Avar sisemus, mida saab kahe eemaldatava vaheseinaga endale sobivaks kohandada


Kõikide Älly kottide ja tarvikute materjalid on hoolikalt valitud. Neid materjale on lihtne hooldada, need on vastupidavad, hea välimuse ja kerge kaaluga ning toodetud julmust kasutamata. See on beebitarvete hoiustamiseks ideaalne kooslus.
  • PU-vegannahk on kerge, väga vastupidav ja veepritsmeid tõrjuv.
  • Vegan-vilt on vastupidav, veepritsmeid hülgav ja kergesti hooldatav materjal.
  • Loomasõbralik eluviis on meile väga oluline, sest loomad on meie sõbrad. Meie teadlik valik on kasutada vegan-materjale, kuid ainult kõige kvaliteetsemat.
  • Vooder on Älly mustriga polüestrist – see saab hakkama ka suurema õnnetusega kui väiksed veepritsmed või vihm. Polüestervoodrit on puhtana hoida lihtne, just seepärast eelistame puuvilla asemel polüestrit.


Mustuse eemaldamiseks on vaja hoiukorvi pühkida üksnes niiske pehme mikrokiudlapiga. Hästi sobivad ka lastele mõeldud niisked salvrätikuted. Tugevama mustuse korral võib kasutada ka õrnatoimelise seebivee lahust. Ei sobi pesumasinas pesemiseks ega leotamiseks. Lase kuivada naturaalse toaõhu käes ja aseta hoiukorv varjulisse kohta, kuhu päike otse peale ei paista.

Additional information




Ally Scandic

Make your parenting journey easier and beautiful! Stylish diaper bags and accessories crafted with smart details and sustainable vegan materials. Ally Scandic bags are created with care and love. Every detail - the placement and size of pockets, materials and zippers, color tones, and extras - has been carefully tested and thoroughly for a long time. Ally Scandic bags are created by Silja, a mother of two boys. Silja founded Ally Scandic to create solutions for convenient storage of baby items at home and on the move: “We have deliberately designed unconventional baby bags. In my opinion, not all baby items need to look childlike. They should provide a woman with the opportunity for self-expression and the courage to carry the bag at any time and in any situation. An Ally Scandic bag not only serves your baby but is also a good companion even when your child has grown older.” diaper bags / functional / sustainable / vegan / parenting


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