Store in Spotlight #2: Wild Viking Travels

The second online store in our new series, Store in Spotlight, where we showcase new and upcoming online stores and the entrepreneurs behind them, is Wild Viking Travels, owned by two popular creators, Liisu and Joe.

What is Wild Viking Travels?

Wild Vikings are Estonian creators Joe and Liisu, whose goal is to travel the world and share their amazing adventures through their camera lens. Their travels have been viewed millions of times on YouTube, and we definitely recommend joining them on a (virtual) journey: Wild Viking Travels on YouTube.

Joe started traveling with a one-way ticket to Australia, which was supposed to be a 6-month holiday in 2015, but he fell in love with the lifestyle. In 2021, he went all-in on YouTube, and by the end of that year, Liisu joined him. Together, they have been adventuring for over two years.

While traveling in Australia, Joe earned the nickname “Viking” from the people he met, and it stuck. When he launched his travel channel, the name seemed like a perfect fit, even though Estonia isn’t traditionally associated with Vikings. Now, Wild Viking Travels has multiple very popular social media channels, as well as their own website with a shop.

Joe and Liisu on one of their many trips.

We at Hertwill partnered with Joe and Liisu to enable them to sell high-quality products in their own webshop—products they also wear and use in their travels. We found a great match as we both prioritize quality. We also asked them a couple of questions about their e-commerce journey:

Why did you start your own online store?

Liisu & Joe: “We started the Wild Viking Travels Shop to offer people high-quality designer products perfect for traveling. Our goal was to make the items we use on our adventures available to everyone. We’ve been planning to add physical products to our store for a long time and finally found the right fit. Quality is key for us — we didn’t want to sell cheap knock-offs with our logo.”

What has been harder about running your store than you anticipated?

Liisu & Joe: “Marketing has been tougher than we expected. Our store’s success relies heavily on social media interactions.”

What is your favorite product from your store?

Liisu & Joe: “Our favorite product is definitely the High Aviator Boots. They make the wearer feel really badass!”

wild vikings travel high aviator boots x hertwill dropshipping
Here is Liisu wearing High Aviator Boots.

What would you say to people who are thinking of starting their own store but haven’t made the jump yet?

Liisu & Joe: “If you’re thinking about starting your own store, go for it! Selling can seem scary, but it’s an important step forward. If you believe in and use the products you plan to sell, you have nothing to lose.”

Thanks, Joe and Liisu. We wish you great adventures and lots of sales in your store. Thank you for partnering with Hertwill.

If you want to have high-quality dropshipping products from real brands in your store, sign up for Hertwill here.