Store in Spotlight #5: UPUPU

In our new series, Store in Spotlight, where we showcase new and upcoming online stores and the entrepreneurs behind them, the fifth store we’re featuring is UPUPU from Finland. Founded by Toni and his rabbit, Vänskä, who also shared his e-commerce journey with us, here is our interview with Toni.

1. What is UPUPU, and how did you come to start your own online store?

I have a background in e-commerce payments, and ever since I began working with online payments, I’ve dreamed of starting my own online store. I did my research and found Hertwill, which was exactly what I was looking for because I wanted to offer quality, handmade, and long-lasting products to people who appreciate them.

2. What has been harder about running your store than you anticipated?

I definitely didn’t anticipate how much there was to learn about running an online store, and I’m learning more every day! So far, it has been a valuable learning experience.

3. What is your favorite product from your store?

My favorite products in my store are the children’s backpacks by Muni and Trixie Baby—cute designs with superb quality!

Muni backpacks available at UPUPU.

4. What is your one recommendation for new online stores?

My recommendation is to find products that genuinely resonate with you. Those are the ones you’ll want to offer. If a product doesn’t interest you at all, you won’t make the effort to make it shine.

5. What customer acquisition channel do you recommend online stores focus on?

Google is a powerful channel that needs to be utilized, so remember SEO! But also, TikTok has limitless possibilities, so let your creative side shine!

6. What would you say to people who are thinking of starting their own store but haven’t made the jump yet?

I think it’s well said: don’t wait for perfection—start now and work on it along the way. If you wait for the perfect moment, product, or anything else, it will never come. So if you’re thinking of starting your own online store, do it today, not tomorrow.

7. Is there a podcast, blog, or book you would recommend for eommerce entrepreneurs?

I think there’s a great book by Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge. It basically says that little things done every day will compound into something big. Don’t feel like doing something big? Do something small but consistently every day, and before you know it, you’ll have accomplished something significant. The same applies to running an e-commerce store—you might feel there’s too much to do, but doing even a little bit each day will make the job easier.

Toni & Vänskä

Thank you, Toni and Vänskä! Wishing you lots of sales!

UPUPU partnered with Hertwill to sell high-quality products from designer brands without needing their own warehouse. If you want to do the same, sign up for Hertwill here.