In our new series, Store in Spotlight, where we showcase new and upcoming online stores and the entrepreneurs behind them, the fourth store we’re featuring is Kids In Style. Founded by Sabine, who also shared insights about her e-commerce journey with us, here is our interview with Sabine.
1. What is Kids In Style?
kidsinstyle.eu is an online store that offers all kinds of accessories for kids, starting from the baby-age until primary school age. The assortment is quite big, so when you start browsing, there should always be something that you like. The focus is on high-quality products that are made in Europe.
2. What is your background, Sabine?
I have a background in marketing & innovation. I used to help big companies with how to best position new products in the market and how to optimize any new ideas. So, for me, it was quite natural to leverage this way of thinking when I considered starting my own online adventure to build a new store. What would customers like to buy for their kids? What’s my target audience? How can I best reach them?
3. Why did you start your Kids In Style store?
Because of my background and my interest in IT, starting an e-commerce store was something I had been considering for a few years. When I took a break from work for a few months, I decided to take the leap and develop my idea for a new online store. It’s become a bit of a franchise now; aside from kidsinstyle.eu, I also started womeninstyle.eu and meninstyle.eu. And who knows what’s next?
4. What has been harder about running your store than you anticipated?
The immense competition that’s already out there. You need to make sure that your proposition is well thought through before you go live with your store. Consumers need to see how you are different and what your unique selling point is. Being able to convey trust through the front-end of the store is also key, as with the amount of choice consumers have nowadays, it’s easy for them to go somewhere else.
5. What is your favorite product from your store?
A hard question to answer, but I definitely like the ball pits! The colorful balls and the soft fabric of the ball pit itself will give hours of playtime for your kids, and at the same time, it will be a nice addition to your interior!

6. What is your one recommendation for new online stores?
Make sure that you are willing to invest a lot of time in building the presence of your store online. The online market is quite saturated, so you need to make sure that you stand out — and stand out in a good way. It’s definitely an investment you need to be willing to make.
7. What would you say to people who are thinking of starting their own store but haven’t made the jump yet?
Start a store with products that you are enthusiastic about, as you will be seeing a lot of them when you are working on your store in the future. Also, you’ll need to be patient and find the right channels to sell your products. Rome wasn’t built in a day either.
Thank you, Sabine! Wishing you lots of sales!
Kids In Style partnered with Hertwill to sell high-quality products from designer brands without needing their own warehouse. If you want to do the same, sign up for Hertwill here.