Here’s the logistical aid for walking with a child – Treasureback! It’s a backpack that can be attached to a stroller or worn on your back daily. With 9 practical pockets (including a thermal pocket, a zippered pocket, and a wet clothes pocket), it allows for organization so that all the essentials for a walk are within reach. With the beautiful design from the Nature Vibes collection, nature is always with you. The backpack is exceptionally stylish – perfect for solo travels or even a short trip, for instance, to the lakeside or the mountains. Thanks to its practical closure and comfortable shape, Treasureback is the ideal companion for outings.
The backpack has nine pockets, enabling excellent organization during walks and longer journeys. Treasureback is very spacious, with a thermal pocket, a zippered pocket, a wet clothes pocket, and side pockets. Everything will be at hand!
Treasurepack has a beautiful design from the Nature Vibes collection. Its interior has a unique print, and there’s a charming bee pendant added to the zipper. Due to its style, the backpack matches almost every daily outfit!
To reduce the burden on parents, Treasureback can be attached to the stroller handle with the provided special straps. In just a moment, you can detach it from the stroller and sling it over your shoulder for a world journey.
The set also includes a changing mat. Thanks to this, a wet diaper won’t surprise you anywhere – you can change your toddler wherever you wish. And do so in hygienic conditions. The mat’s design matches the backpack’s design.
The backpack has wide shoulder straps. It’s comfortable and distributes the weight of the parent’s belongings well. The reinforced material allows the backpack to maintain its proper shape and also sits softly on the back.
Materials: PU and polyester. Changing mat: polyester with foam padding.
EST: Siin on lapsega jalutamise logistiline abi – Treasureback! See on seljakott, mida saab lapsevankri külge kinnitada või igapäevaselt seljas kanda. 9 praktilist taskut (sh termotasku, tõmblukuga tasku ja märgade riiete tasku) võimaldavad ruumi korraldada nii, et kõik jalutuskäigul vajalikud tarvikud on käepärast. Nature Vibes kollektsiooni imekauni disainiga on loodus alati koos teiega. Seljakott on erakordselt stiilne – sobib ideaalselt ka iseseisvaks reisiks või isegi lühikeseks väljasõiduks, näiteks järve äärde või mägedesse. Tänu praktilisele kinnisele ja mugavale kujule on Treasureback väljasõitudel ideaalseks kaaslaseks.
Seljakotil on koguni üheksa taskut, mis võimaldavad jalutuskäikudel ja pikematel reisidel suurepärast organiseerimist. Treasureback on väga mahukas, termotasku, tõmblukuga tasku, märgade riiete tasku ja küljetaskutega seljakott. Kõik saab käepärast olema!
Treasurepack on Nature Vibes kollektsiooni imekauni disainiga. Selle siseküljel on omapärane trükis, lisaks on tõmblukule lisatud armsa mesilasega ripats. Stilistika tõttu sobib seljakott peaaegu iga argipäeva kuvandiga!
Vanemate koormuse vähendamiseks on Treasureback kaasasolevate spetsiaalsete rihmade abil lapsekäru käepideme külge kinnitav. Vaid hetkega saab selle lapsekärust lahti võtta ja maailmarännakuks õlale visata.
Komplektis on ka mähkimismatt. Tänu sellele ei üllata märg mähe teid kuskil – saate oma väikelast mähkida, kus iganes soovite. Ja seda hügieenilistes tingimustes. Matt sobib kujunduselt seljakoti disainiga.
Seljakotil on laiad õlarihmad. On mugav ja jaotab hästi sees olevate lapsevanema asjade kaalu. Tugevdatud materjal võimaldab seljakotil asjakohast kuju säilitada ja laotub ka pehmelt seljale.
Toys falling from the hand, water bottle, diapers, pacifier, and many other things your child needs. Sounds familiar, right? We know all too well that even a short walk with a baby is a logistically complicated task. That’s exactly why we created the universal stroller backpack Molly, which you can also use as an organizer during walks. The backpack can be hung on the stroller handle (using special hooks) but can also be worn separately as a regular backpack. It even has 14 pockets, including: a pocket for bottles, an external pocket for wet wipes, and a thermal pocket. Molly is ideal for active parents who want to explore the world with their child.
Multifunctional backpack – you can fit in both the baby’s items and your own. It even has 14 practical pockets that allow for better organization during shared walks.
Special pocket for wet wipes and bottles, and an extra pocket for wet diapers or clothes – the rest of the items stay dry.
An innovative mechanism that allows for one-handed removal and attachment of the backpack – no more tiring yourself out with a stuck zipper!
Exceptionally easy to clean – just wipe its surface with a damp cloth. The inside of the bag is coated with a layer that’s easy to clean.
The backpack can be attached to the stroller with hooks or worn as a regular backpack.
The included changing mat allows for longer walks.
The thermal pocket lets you enjoy a warm meal with your child wherever you go!
There’s a quick access pocket on the back – you can access the backpack without opening the main part.
Material: Polyester
Dimensions: Height: 38 cm, Width: 28 cm, Depth: 16 cm.
EST: Käest kukkuvad mänguasjad, veepudel, mähkmed, lutt ja palju muud, mida Su laps vajab. Kõlab tuttavalt, eks? Teame väga hästi, et isegi lühike jalutuskäik beebiga on logistiliselt keeruline ettevõtmine. Just nimelt sellepärast lõime universaalse käruseljakoti MOLLY, mida saad jalutuskäikudel kasutada ka korraldajana. Seljakoti saab riputada käru käepidemele (spetsiaalsete haakide abil), aga kanda ka eraldi tavalise seljakotina. Sellel on isegi 14 taskut, sh: tasku pudelitele, väline tasku märgadele rätikutele, termotasku. MOLLY on ideaalne aktiivsetele vanematele, kes tahavad maailma avastada koos lapsega.
Mitmefunktsiooniline seljakott – mahutad sinna nii beebi kui oma asjad. Sellel on isegi 14 praktilist taskut, mis võimaldavad Sul ühiste jalutuskäikude paremat korraldamist.
Spetsiaalne tasku niiskete salvrätikute, pudelite jaoks ja lisatasku märgade mähkmete või riiete jaoks – ülejäänud asjad jäävad kuivaks.
Uuenduslik mehhanism, mis võimaldab seljakoti eemaldamist ja kinnitamist ühe käega – ei ole vaja enam end väsitada kinnijääva tõmblukuga!
Erakordselt lihtne puhastada – piisab selle pinna pühkimisest niiske lapiga. Koti sisemus on kaetud kattega, mida on lihtne puhastada.
Seljakoti saab kinnitada haakidega käru külge või kanda tavalise seljakotina.
Komplekti kuuluv mähkimismatt võimaldab Sulle pikemaid jalutuskäike
Termotasku võimaldab Sul nautida sooja sööki koos lapsega, kuhu Sa ka ei läheks!
Tagaküljel on kiire juurdepääsuga tasku – pääsed seljakotti ilma põhiosa avamata.
Materjal: polüester
Mõõtmed: kõrgus: 38 cm, laius: 28 cm, sügavus:16 cm
Do you enjoy shared walks with your family and wish everything was at hand? Try Moonpack – a backpack that attaches to the stroller, transforming your walks, shopping, and city trips. It even has 9 practical pockets: a spacious main pocket, a waterproof pocket for wet diapers/clothes, a side pocket for wipes, 3 bottle pockets, a thermal pocket, a front pocket for small items, and a document pocket on the back of the backpack.
Moonpack is perfect for active parents who want to explore the world with their child and love traveling together – both in the city and beyond.
The backpack is safe – it features a convenient magnetic fastening and a buckle that allows you to secure and open the backpack with one hand. Additionally, the rigid material and wide shoulder straps ensure comfort for the parent when carrying and prevent items from wrinkling in the main pocket. The Moonpack can be hung on the stroller handle using special hooks, but it can also be worn separately as a traditional backpack or shoulder bag.
You can hang the backpack on the stroller using the included hooks or wear it as a regular backpack.
Moonpack is multifunctional – you can store both your child’s and your items. The backpack has up to 9 practical pockets that help you better organize shared walks with your child.
Moonpack is equipped with a special pocket for wet wipes and bottles and an additional pocket for wet diapers or clothes.
The thermal pocket ensures a warm meal for your child wherever you go! It’s especially useful during colder months.
Moonpack also has additional handles, allowing it to be used as a regular bag.
There’s a special pocket on the side of the backpack for wet wipes. You no longer have to pull out the whole pack.
3 bottle pockets help better organize things needed for a walk. They can hold both the child’s and your bottles.
The set includes a portable changing mat – making diaper changes during walks easier.
There’s a key carabiner in the main pocket of the backpack – gone are the days of digging through everything to find apartment keys!
Along with the document pocket, you can keep all your items in one place. The backpack can be closed with a magnet and buckle – ensuring nothing falls out.
Material: polyester
Dimensions: height: 57.5 cm, width: 13 cm, length: 26.5 cm
Weight: 0.7 kg
EST: Kas teile meeldivad ühised jalutuskäigud koos perega ja soovite, et kõik oleks käepärast? Proovige Moonpack’i – kärule kinnitatavat seljakotti, mis muudab teie jalutuskäike, ostu- ja linnareise. Sel on koguni 9 praktilist taskut: mahukas põhitasku, veekindel tasku märgade mähkmete/riiete jaoks, küljetasku salvrättide jaoks, 3 pudelitaskut, termotasku, eesmine tasku pisiesemete jaoks ja dokumenditasku seljakoti tagaküljel.
Moonpack sobib suurepäraselt aktiivsetele vanematele, kes soovivad koos lapsega maailma avastada ja armastavad koos reisida – nii linnas kui linnast väljas.
Seljakott on ohutu – sel on mugav magnetkinnitus ja klamber, mis võimaldab seljakotti ühe käega kinnitada ja avada. Lisaks tagavad jäik materjal ja laiad õlarihmad vanemale kandmismugavuse ning väldivad ka asjade kortsumist põhitaskus. Moonpack’i saab riputada spetsiaalsete konksudega kärusangale, kuid seda on võimalik ka klassikalise selja- või kandekoti kombel eraldi kanda.
Seljakoti saab käru külge riputada kaasas olevate konksude abil või kanda tavalise seljakotina.
Moonpack on multifunktsionaalne – selles saab hoida nii lapse kui ka enda asju.
Seljakotil on kuni 9 praktilist taskut, mis võimaldavad teil ühiseid jalutuskäike koos lapsega paremini korraldada.
Moonpack on varustatud spetsiaalse taskuga niiskete salvrättide ja pudelite jaoks ning lisataskuga märgade mähkmete või riiete jaoks.
Termotasku tagab lapsele sooja eine, kuhu iganes te suundute! See on eriti kasulik külmematel kuudel.
Moonpack’l on ka lisasangad, tänu millele saab seda kasutada tavalise kotina.
Seljakoti küljel paikneb spetsiaalne tasku niiskete salvrättide jaoks. Enam ei pea te kogu pakki välja võtma.
3 pudelitaskut võimaldavad paremini korraldada jalatuskäigul vajalikke asju. Mahutate nendesse nii lapse kui ka enda asjad.
Komplekti kuulub kaasavõetav mähkimisalus – nüüd on lapse mähkimine jalutuskäigul lihtsam.
Seljakoti põhitaskus on võtmekarabiin – lõpp kõigi asjade väljakoukimisele, et leida üles korterivõtmed! Koos dokumenditaskuga saate hoida oma asjad ühes kohas koos.
Seljakotti saab sulgeda magneti ja klambriga – mitte midagi ei kuku sellest välja.
Materjal: polüester
Mõõtmed: kõrgus: 57,5 cm, laius: 13 cm, pikkus: 26,5 cm
Everyday walks with the child can be an organizational challenge. That’s precisely why Kinderkraft created the Treasurebag handbag – to assist every parent, anytime and anywhere. The Treasurebag handbag can fit all the essentials for a walk: diapers, pacifier, wipes, bottle, toys, and parents’ belongings. The bag is zippered. It has 4 spacious pockets, one of which is zippered, for example, for keys or a phone. The bag comes with a travel changing pad – allowing you to change your toddler under hygienic conditions wherever you wish. Thanks to the modern design of the Nature Vibes collection, Treasurebag can be a decorative element for every parent. Easily attach it to a stroller or wear it on the shoulder.
Nature’s time! With the Treasurebag, nature is always with you. Due to the modern design of the Nature Vibes collection, the bag is exceptionally elegant and matches not only with the same collection’s strollers and carriers but also with everyday style.
Including a travel changing pad: Toddlers need a diaper change at the most unexpected times. If there’s no changing station around, the Treasurebag’s included, design-matching pad comes to the rescue. Thanks to this, you can change your child under all conditions.
For the stroller and shoulder: To relieve the burden on the shoulders of new parents a bit, theTreasurebag can be attached to the stroller handle. This way, during walks, your hands are entirely free to devote to your toddler. Attach the handbag with the included special attachments. There’s also a classic long strap for the bag, so it can be worn as a traditional handbag.
Easily cleanable: Anything can happen during a walk. Spilled milk, leaking diapers… That’s why the Treasurebag is easy to clean. To freshen up the bag, all it takes is a damp cloth – and it looks just like when purchased. Additionally, the bag is very durable – not afraid of wear.
Material: PU, polyester
Pad: polyester with foam filling
Dimensions: 30 cm x 53 cm
EST: Igapäevased jalutuskäigud koos lapsega võivad korralduslikuks väljakutseks olla. Just seetõttu lõi Kinderkraft käekoti TREASUREBAG – abiks igale lapsevanemale alati ja kõikjal. Käekott TREASUREBAG mahutab kõik jalutuskäigul vajalikud tarvikud: mähkmed, luti, salvrätikud, pudeli, lelud ja lapsevanema asjad. Kott on tõmblukuga suletav. Sellel on 4 mahukat taskut, sealhulgas üks tõmblukuga: näiteks võtmetele või telefonile. Kotiga on kaasas reisi mähkimisalus – saate oma väikelast mähkida hügieenilistes tingimustes, kus iganes soovite. Tänu Nature Vibes kollektsiooni moodsale disainile saab TREASUREBAG iga lapsevanema dekoratiivelemendiks. Kinnitate selle hõlpsasti lapsekäru külge või kannate õlal.
4 taskut:
Lutt, mähkmed, rahakott, võtmed… Ja siis veel vesi, vahetusriided – see on lapsevanema argipäev. Tänu 4-le mahukale taskule mahutab TREASUREBAG kõik jalutuskäigu tarvikud. Üks neist on tõmblukuga: panete sinna väärtuslikud esemed, näiteks võtmed, telefoni või kaardi. Kõik on käepärast, ühes kohas! Lisaks sellele on põhikamber tõmblukuga suletav.
Looduse aeg!
Tänu TREASUREBAG-le on loodus alati teiega kaasas. Tänu Nature Vibes kollektsiooni moodsale disainile on kott ka erakordselt elegantne ning sobib mitte ainult sama kollektsiooni kärude ja kandekottidega, aga ka igapäevase kuvandiga.
Komplektis reisi mähkimisalus:
Väikesed lapsed vajavad mähkme vahetust kõige ootamatumal hetkel. Kui ümbruses mähkimisjaama ei ole, tuleb appi TREASUREBAG-le lisatud, kujunduse poolest kotiga sobiv matt. Tänu sellele mähite lapse kõikides tingimustes.
Kärule ja õlale:
Et vähegi värskete vanemate õlgade koormust vähendada, saab TREASUREBAG-i käru käepideme külge kinnitada. Tänu sellele on jalutuskäikudel käed täielikult oma väikelapsele pühendumiseks vabad. Kinnitate käekoti komplekti kuuluvate spetsiaalsete kinnitustega. Kotile on lisatud ka klassikaline pikk rihm, tänu millele saab seda kanda klassikalise käekotina.
Kergesti puhastatav:
Jalutuskäigu ajal võib kõikvõimalikke asju juhtuda. Väljavalgunud piim, lekkivad mähkmed… Seetõttu on TREASUREBAG kergesti puhastatav. Koti värskendamiseks piisab märjast lapist – ja näeb välja nagu pärast ostmist. Lisaks on kott väga vastupidav – kulumist ei karda.
The Fillikid baby essentials backpack is stylish and comfortable, and best of all, it’s just as big as you need it to be. The roll-top of the bag has a magnetic fastening, making it very convenient to open.
The baby essentials backpack has space for diapers, milk bottles, and a changing pad. With the zipper on the back, you can easily find even the items at the very bottom.
Backpack with magnetic closure
Adjustable size – from 20 L to 25 L
Reflective attachments for attaching to the stroller handle
Includes a changing pad with the bag
Separate pocket for the bottle
Ergonomic, well-padded shoulder straps
EST: Fillikid beebitarvete kott on stiilne ja mugav ja mis kõige parem, see on just nii suur kui Sul parasjagu vaja läheb. Koti rullitaval ülaosal on magnetkinnitus, mis teeb selle avamise väga mugavaks.
Beebitarvetekotil on ruumi nii mähkmetele, piimapudelitele kui ka mähkimismatile. Tagaküljel oleva tõmbluku abil leiad ka kõige põhjas olevad esemed lihtsasti üles.
The mesh material allows for quickly finding items you need at the moment. Can be hung on the stroller or used as a backpack. Quickly attachable and removable. Washable. With a reflector.”
EST: Võrkkott/seljakott, must. Võrkmaterjal lubab kiirelt leida asju, mida parasjagu vaja läheb. Saab riputada vankri külge või kasutada seljakotina. Kiiresti paigaldatav ja eemaldatav. Pestav. Helkuriga.
Fillikid universal backpack is equipped with many practical inner and outer pockets and is very spacious. This bag is not only extremely practical but also trendy and modern. The backpack is designed for both carrying on the back and simply attaching to the stroller. A changing pad is included in the set.
Dimensions: 48 x 27 x 14 cm
Material: 100% polyester
Changing pad included
Fillikidi universaalne seljakott on varustatud paljude praktiliste sisemiste ja väliste taskutega ning on väga mahukas. See kott pole mitte ainult äärmiselt praktiline, vaid ka trendikas ja kaasaegne. Seljakott on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii seljas kandmiseks kui ka lihtsalt jalutuskäru külge kinnitamiseks. Komplektis mähkimisalus.
The Fillikid baby essentials bag is truly spacious and practical to carry everything necessary while on the move with the baby. The main part of the bag has a lot of room for diapers and bottles, and in addition, there are several pockets for smaller items. It comes with a practical changing mat measuring 59 x 48 cm – so you can conveniently change the baby dry wherever you are.
The bag has a wide strap, making it comfortable to carry on the shoulder, and it closes with a zipper.
Included in the set:
2 carabiners
Bottle holder bag
Changing pad
Pacifier bag
Fillikid beebitarvete kott on tõeliselt mahukas ja praktiline, et beebiga liikvel olles kõike vajalikku kaasas kanda. Koti suures osas on palju ruumi mähkmete ja pudelite jaoks, lisaks on mitmeid taskuid väiksemate asjade jaoks. Praktiline mähkimismatt mõõduga 59x48cm – nii saad beebi kuivaks vahetada mugavalt kus iganes. Kotil on lai rihm, millega saab kotti mugavalt ka õlal kanda ning kott sulgub lukuga
Get Shit Done – you know the feeling sometimes when you just have to pull yourself together and get it done. This mug will always remind you to focus on what’s important and achieve your desired results. Drink tea or coffee from this wonderful mug.
Paula Helena Kuklane is a graphic design student at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and has designed a series of mugs with delightful sayings and scenarios. A combination of proverbs, famous sayings, and expressions mixed with tasteful graphic design.
The mug has a capacity of 330ml. Size: diameter 82, height 95 mm. The mug can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher. The mug is packaged in a beautiful box. Whether you drink coffee or tea – enjoy it!
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Get Shit Done – tead ise ka mõnikord seda tunnet, kui lihtsalt tuleb võtta ennast kokku ja ära teha. Hoia tassiga alati meeles, et keskendu olulisele ja saavuta soovitud tulemused. Joo teed või kohvi sellest imelisest tassist. Paula Helena Kuklane on EKA graafilise disaini tudeng ja on kujundanud seeria kruuse mõnusate ütlemiste ja olukordadega. Kombinatsioon vanasõnadest, tuntud ütlustest ja väljenditest segatud maitseka graafilise disainiga. Kruusi mahutavus on 330ml. Suurus: diameeter 82, kõrgus 95 mm. Kruusi võib pesta käsitsi või nõudepesumasinas. Kruus on pakendatud ilusasse karpi. Vahet ei ole, kas jood kohvi või teed – naudi seda!
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva. Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
All I need right now is for you to take me into your embrace and warm me up. Nothing else. Drink tea or coffee from this charming mug.
Paula Helena Kuklane is a graphic design student at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and has designed a series of mugs with delightful sayings and scenarios. A combination of proverbs, famous sayings, and expressions mixed with tasteful graphic design.
The mug has a capacity of 330ml. Size: diameter 82, height 95 mm. The mug can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher. The mug is packaged in a beautiful box. Whether you drink coffee or tea – enjoy it!
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Ainus, mida hetkel vajan, on see, et võtaksid mind oma kaissu ja soojendaksid mind. Ei mitte midagi muud. Joo teed või kohvi sellest armsast tassist. Paula Helena Kuklane on EKA graafilise disaini tudeng ja on kujundanud seeria kruuse mõnusate ütlemiste ja olukordadega. Kombinatsioon vanasõnadest, tuntud ütlustest ja väljenditest segatud maitseka graafilise disainiga. Kruusi mahutavus on 330ml. Suurus: diameeter 82, kõrgus 95 mm. Kruusi võib pesta käsitsi või nõudepesumasinas. Kruus on pakendatud ilusasse karpi. Vahet ei ole kas jood kohvi või teed – naudi seda!
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva. Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Attachment anchor with a moving loop for wooden ceiling, including screws (4 pcs).
The swing must be attached to a strong and durable surface. A plasterboard ceiling is not suitable for swing installation. The installer must ensure that the surface to which the swing is attached has an appropriate load-bearing capacity and is safe.
Suitable for indoor use.
The manufacturer is not responsible for incorrect installation!
Attachment anchor with a moving loop for concrete ceiling, including screws (4 pcs).
The swing must be attached to a strong and durable surface. A plasterboard ceiling is not suitable for swing installation. The installer must ensure that the surface to which the swing is attached has an appropriate load-bearing capacity and is safe.
Suitable for indoor use.
The manufacturer is not responsible for incorrect installation!
Do you remember from your own childhood those moments when a swing was brought home? It was a joy that’s hard to describe. To this day, it brings a smile to the lips and a warm feeling in the heart. Those moments are unforgettable. If you want to gift those moments to your child, the HopOn swing certainly offers that.
Swinging supports a child’s physical development – different muscles are at work, body awareness improves, and coordination gets better. And on top of that, there’s the pure joy that swinging brings.
Fasteners do not come with the swing, and can be purchased separately
The set includes a swing with a carabiner
The swing prototype has undergone testing in the Health Board’s Health Safety Laboratory
The swing complies with EU safety requirements and has a CE marking.
Produced and designed in Estonia
Suitable for children from the age of 3
The parent must be sure that the child is capable of swinging independently.
Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.
Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!
Do you remember from your own childhood those moments when a swing was brought home? It was a joy that’s hard to describe. To this day, it brings a smile to the lips and a warm feeling in the heart. Those moments are unforgettable. If you want to gift those moments to your child, the HopOn swing certainly offers that.
Swinging supports a child’s physical development – different muscles are at work, body awareness improves, and coordination gets better. And on top of that, there’s the pure joy that swinging brings.
Fasteners do not come with the swing, and can be purchased separately
The set includes a swing with a carabiner
The swing prototype has undergone testing in the Health Board’s Health Safety Laboratory
The swing complies with EU safety requirements and has a CE marking.
Produced and designed in Estonia
Suitable for children from the age of 3
The parent must be sure that the child is capable of swinging independently.
Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.
Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!
Do you remember from your own childhood those moments when a swing was brought home? It was a joy that’s hard to describe. To this day, it brings a smile to the lips and a warm feeling in the heart. Those moments are unforgettable. If you want to gift those moments to your child, the HopOn swing certainly offers that.
Swinging supports a child’s physical development – different muscles are at work, body awareness improves, and coordination gets better. And on top of that, there’s the pure joy that swinging brings.
Fasteners do not come with the swing, and can be purchased separately
The set includes a swing with a carabiner
The swing prototype has undergone testing in the Health Board’s Health Safety Laboratory
The swing complies with EU safety requirements and has a CE marking.
Produced and designed in Estonia
Suitable for children from the age of 3
The parent must be sure that the child is capable of swinging independently.
Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.
Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!
Gift this mug to someone you love the most. The mug has been designed by a young designer, Anne Hanni. What could be better than reading books or simply enjoying the sun, sipping a warm cup of tea from a mug filled with memories of a wonderful person – you. From our Publishing House SEIK, we want to inspire you every day.
The mug has a capacity of 330ml, size: diameter: 82, height 95 mm. The mug can be hand washed or put in the dishwasher. The mug is packed in a beautiful box. It doesn’t matter whether you drink coffee or tea – enjoy it!
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kingi see tass kellelegi, keda kõige rohkem armastad. Kruusi on kujundanud noor disainer Anne Hanni. Mis oleks parem, kui lugeda raamatuid või nautida lihtsalt päikest, juues sooja tassi teed kruusist, mis on täis mälestusi imelisest inimesest – sinust. Meie Kirjastus SEIKist tahame sind inspireerida iga päev. Kruusi mahutavus on 330ml, suurus: diameeter: 82, kõrgus 95 mm. Kruusi võib pesta käsitsi või nõudepesumasinas. Kruus on pakendatud ilusasse karpi.
Vahet ei ole, kas jood kohvi või teed – naudi seda!
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
This color-it-yourself and assemble-it-yourself house for children is the perfect gift idea for Children’s Day, birthdays, or any other special occasion. It supports the development of creativity and logical thinking and encourages artistic activity. It provides the “little architect” with limitless opportunities to develop their invention and imagination while stimulating their creativity. This playhouse won’t just be another toy in their room, but you can co-create a story and look for it exactly as the child wishes. Have they long dreamed of their own cafe? Or would they like a place to fix their model cars? Make this your unique tradition:
Assemble the house together. It takes about 15 minutes.
Come up with a plan for how to decorate it and what type of house it will be. The house has doors and window shutters that open. With its counter and blackboard showcase, the house can transform into a cafe, store, pizzeria, post office, making it a wonderful play area for a long time.
Next, paint and create decorations for the house. The house can be painted, and its facade can be adorned with materials such as colored paper, fabric materials, leftover wallpaper, chalk, colored pencils, paints, felt stickers, foam, and many other materials according to intuition and creativity. The little house offers endless fun – the child can play in the house they’ve created and build their reality.
The house consists of 6 main construction elements and 21 additional connection and decorative elements.
Its exceptionally large dimensions, 1150x950x1470 mm, allow bigger kids or those in early school grades to play freely. Delivered flat (multi-element) for self-assembly (instructions are included)
The product is made of durable cardboard, one-sided bleached, five-layer EB corrugated cardboard 4 mm thick, and three-layer bleached cardboard.
It takes about 15 minutes to assemble the house. The house can be assembled by one person, but two are recommended.
A wonderful opportunity to spend time with the child both indoors and outdoors. The house can also be used in the garden, but you should take care to protect it from moisture.
Each set contains elements necessary for the quick and easy connection of two houses into one larger house, making it a great attraction for a larger group of children, e.g., in kindergarten or during a birthday party. NOTE: The cardboard house does not fit in a parcel machine. Please choose courier delivery.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Ise värvitav ja kokkupandav maja lastele on ideaalne kingiidee lastekaitsepäevaks, sünnipäevaks või mõneks muuks eriliseks tähtpäevaks. See toetab loovuse ja loogilise mõtlemise arengut ning ergutab kunstilist tegevust. See annab “pisikesele arhidektile” piiramatud võimalused arendada oma leiutist ja kujutlusvõimet, ergutades samal ajal tema loomingulisust. Sellest mängumajast ei saa mitte ainult üks järjekordne mänguasi tema toas, vaid sellele saate luua üheskoos just sellise loo ja väljanägemise nagu laps soovib. On ta juba ammu unistanud oma kohvikust? Või tahaks ta kohta, kus oma mudelautosid parandada? Tehke sellest teie eriline traditsioon:
pange üheskoos maja kokku. See võtab umbes 15 minutit.
mõelge välja plaan, kuidas seda kaunistada ning mis majake sellest saab. Majal on avatavad uksed ja aknaluugid. Tänu leti ja tahvliga vitriinile võib maja muutuda näiteks kohvikuks, kaupluseks, pitsabaariks, postkontoriks, muutes maja suurepäraseks mängupaigaks pikemaks ajaks.
seejärel värvige ja looge majale kaunistused. Maja saab värvida ja fassaadi saab kaunistada erinevatest materjalidest nagu: värviline paber, tekstiilmaterjalid, tapeedijäänused, kriit, värvipliiatsid, värvid, viltkleebised, vahtplast ja palju muid materjale vastavalt äratundmisele ja loomingulisusele.
Majake pakub lõputult palju lõbu – laps saab mängida just enda loodud majas ja luua enda reaalsus.
Maja koosneb 6 konstruktsiooni moodustavast põhielemendist ja 21 täiendavast ühendus- ja dekoratiivelemendist.
Maja erakordselt suured mõõtmed, 1150x950x1470 mm, võimaldavad vabalt mängida suurematel lastel või varajases kooliastmes.
Tarnitakse tasasel (mitmeelemendilisel) kujul ise kokkupanemiseks (juhend on saadetisega kaasas)
Toode on valmistatud vastupidavast papist, ühepoolsest pleegitatud, viiekihilisest EB lainepapist paksusega 4 mm ja kolmekihilisest pleegitatud lainepapist.
Majakese kokkupanemiseks kulub umbes 15 minutit. Maja saab kokku panna ühe inimese, soovitavalt kahe inimesega.
Suurepärane võimalus lapsega aega veeta nii kodus kui väljas. Maja saab kasutada ka aias, siis tuleks hoolitseda niiskuse eest kaitsmise eest.
Iga komplekt sisaldab elemente, mis on vajalikud kahe maja kiireks ja lihtsaks ühendamiseks üheks suuremaks majaks, mis on suurepärane atraktsioon suuremale lastegrupile nt. lasteaias või sünnipäevapeo ajal
NB: Papist maja ei mahu pakiautomaati. Palun valige kuller.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva. Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.
psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.
psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.
psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.
psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.
psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.
psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.
psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.
psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.
psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.
psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute puppy smiling back at you. The pencil case is in a pastel blue color, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little puppy friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This puppy is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Saa tuttavaks maailma kõige armsama pinaliga! Kujuta ette, kuidas avad oma seljakoti ja näed, kuidas armas kutsu naeratab sulle vastu. Pinal on pastelselt sinine, mis muudab selle veelgi lõbusamaks ja mängulisemaks! Sisemuses saad hoida kõiki oma pastakaid, pliiatseid, makereid ja kõike muud, mida koolis vaja on. Kuid parim osa selle pinali juures on, et see paneb sind iga kord naeratama, kui seda kasutad. See on lihtsalt nii armas ja rõõmsameelne! See on nagu oleks sul terve päev väike kutsu-sõber kaasas. Tehtud kunstnahast. Vegan. Suurus: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute little bear smiling back at you. It’s in a pastel orange color, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little bear friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This bear is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Tutvuge maailma kõige armsama pinaliga! Kujuta ette, kuidas avad oma seljakoti ja näed, kuidas armas karuke naeratab sulle vastu. See on pastelselt oranzikas, mis muudab selle veelgi lõbusamaks ja mängulisemaks! Sisemuses saad hoida kõiki oma pastakaid, pliiatseid, markereid ja kõike muud, mida koolis vaja on. Kuid parim osa selle pinali juures on see, et see paneb sind iga kord naeratama, kui seda kasutad. See on lihtsalt nii armas ja rõõmsameelne! See on nagu oleks sul terve päev väike karu-sõber kaasas. Tehtud kunstnahast. Vegan. Suurus: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm.
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute little cat smiling back at you. The pencil case is pink, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little kitty friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This cat is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
Simplicity is enchanting. The SEIK laptop sleeve captivates with its straightforward design while being extremely practical. The laptop sleeve fits into a handbag, but thanks to its minimalist design, it’s also suitable to be carried on its own. Embossed with a subtle message: ‘DREAM. PLAN. DO.’, the sleeve serves as a constant reminder. The inspirational messages written on the sleeve will motivate you, upon noticing them, to be the best version of yourself.
PS! We all try to keep our computers as safe as possible. But when “life happens” and something goes wrong, the SEIK laptop sleeve protects your valuables from every angle while looking exceptionally stylish. Size: Fits laptops up to 15”. Material: Faux leather. Designed in Estonia. Weight: 100g. Dimensions: 18 × 8 × 7 cm.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
SEIK’s stylish water bottle with a motivational slogan (in Estonian) will help you get one step closer to your goal. With your personal water bottle, you save money and save the environment, because you don’t have to grab another plastic bottle in the store, but you can fill your bottle with clean tap water. Renewed and more durable bottle. A strong matte paint layer and scratch-resistant printing will ensure longer durability compared to the first-generation bottle.
With your personal water bottle, you can save money and the environment. You don’t have to grab another plastic bottle from the store. Take the thermos bottle with you to your next adventure! It keeps your coffee or tea hot for 6 hours and water cold for 12 hours. The thermos bottles are made of stainless steel and have a vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find your computer and notebook soaked in the beverage from the water bottle. SEIK water bottles have a stylish design and are therefore cool accessories to fit in your handbag or on your desk.
The outer surface of the flask is non-slip and the walls are made of double stainless steel, which keeps the drink hot for at least 6 hours and cold for 12 hours. Our water bottles do not give your drink a metallic taste!
Thermos bottles are with vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find a computer or notebook soaking wet in the same bag as the flask.
ELEGANT AND SUPPORTIVE PACKAGING Water bottles are packed in recycled tubes, that look elegant and protect the thermos bottle on the journey to you. Add a ribbon and special gift is ready to give!
The stylish design and colours of SEIK water bottles are an accessory on your desk or in your handbag.
12H Cold/6H Hot
BPA Free
Designed in Estonia
Suitable for storage of hot and cold liquids, except carbonated drinks.
Wash the water bottle by hand, gently use a water bottle brush, water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The smell and taste of strong-smelling tannins may stick to the thermos bottle.
Do not put the flask in the oven, freezer or microwave oven.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
SEIK’s stylish Girl Boss water bottle will help you get one step closer to your goal. With your personal water bottle, you save money and save the environment, because you don’t have to grab another plastic bottle in the store, but you can fill your bottle with clean tap water. Renewed and more durable bottle. A strong matte paint layer and scratch-resistant printing will ensure longer durability compared to the first-generation bottle.
With your personal water bottle, you can save money and the environment. You don’t have to grab another plastic bottle from the store. Take the thermos bottle with you to your next adventure! It keeps your coffee or tea hot for 6 hours and water cold for 12 hours. The thermos bottles are made of stainless steel and have a vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find your computer and notebook soaked in the beverage from the water bottle. SEIK water bottles have a stylish design and are therefore cool accessories to fit in your handbag or on your desk.
The outer surface of the flask is non-slip and the walls are made of double stainless steel, which keeps the drink hot for at least 6 hours and cold for 12 hours. Our water bottles do not give your drink a metallic taste!
Thermos bottles are with vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find a computer or notebook soaking wet in the same bag as the flask.
ELEGANT AND SUPPORTIVE PACKAGING Water bottles are packed in recycled tubes, that look elegant and protect the thermos bottle on the journey to you. Add a ribbon and special gift is ready to give!
The stylish design and colours of SEIK water bottles are an accessory on your desk or in your handbag.
12H Cold/6H Hot
BPA Free
Designed in Estonia
Suitable for storage of hot and cold liquids, except carbonated drinks.
Wash the water bottle by hand, gently use a water bottle brush, water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The smell and taste of strong-smelling tannins may stick to the thermos bottle.
Do not put the flask in the oven, freezer or microwave oven.
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
Do you know what can be done, for example, from 12 plastic bottles? An ultra-soft bouclé cloth baby swing, which is especially soft and warm. The poles are made of oak wood and finished with natural oil wax, which is safe for children and the environment.
The swing prototype has undergone testing at the Health Board’s Safety Laboratory. The swing complies with EU safety requirements and bears the CE mark.
Nordic color of the swing can easily be matched to various interiors.
Suitable for children from 6 months of age when the child is capable of sitting independently. Intended for indoor use. The fabric part of the swing is removable and washable. Mounting accessories are not included with the swing.
Swing dimensions: 41 x 41 cm
Weight capacity up to 50 kg
Suitable for children from 6 months
Indoor use
Fabric is removable and washable
Oakwood poles
The set includes a swing with a pillow and two carabiners.
Material: fabric made of 100% polyester, of which 90% is recycled material (OEKO-TEX certified), 100% cotton rope (OEKO-TEX certified).
Produced and designed in Estonia
Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.
Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!
Do you know what can be done, for example, from 12 plastic bottles? An ultra-soft bouclé cloth baby swing, which is especially soft and warm. The poles are made of oak wood and finished with natural oil wax, which is safe for children and the environment.
The swing prototype has undergone testing at the Health Board’s Safety Laboratory. The swing complies with EU safety requirements and bears the CE mark.
Nordic color of the swing can easily be matched to various interiors.
Suitable for children from 6 months of age when the child is capable of sitting independently. Intended for indoor use. The fabric part of the swing is removable and washable. Mounting accessories are not included with the swing.
Swing dimensions: 41 x 41 cm
Weight capacity up to 50 kg
Suitable for children from 6 months
Indoor use
Fabric is removable and washable
Oakwood poles
The set includes a swing with a pillow and two carabiners.
Material: fabric made of 100% polyester, of which 90% is recycled material (OEKO-TEX certified), 100% cotton rope (OEKO-TEX certified).
Produced and designed in Estonia
Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.
Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!