
Fillikid is for little heroes with big goals. As a classic family business from Austria, our focus is on the needs of our little heroes. Fillikid develops products that are safe and practical and at the same time convincing with their high-quality materials and loving design.

family business / for kids / parenting / diaper bags / toys

4 Products


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    The Fillikid baby essentials backpack is stylish and comfortable, and best of all, it’s just as big as you need it to be. The roll-top of the bag has a magnetic fastening, making it very convenient to open.

    The baby essentials backpack has space for diapers, milk bottles, and a changing pad. With the zipper on the back, you can easily find even the items at the very bottom.

    • Backpack with magnetic closure
    • Adjustable size – from 20 L to 25 L
    • Reflective attachments for attaching to the stroller handle
    • Includes a changing pad with the bag
    • Separate pocket for the bottle
    • Ergonomic, well-padded shoulder straps


    EST: Fillikid beebitarvete kott on stiilne ja mugav ja mis kõige parem, see on just nii suur kui Sul parasjagu vaja läheb. Koti rullitaval ülaosal on magnetkinnitus, mis teeb selle avamise väga mugavaks.

    Beebitarvetekotil on ruumi nii mähkmetele, piimapudelitele kui ka mähkimismatile. Tagaküljel oleva tõmbluku abil leiad ka kõige põhjas olevad esemed lihtsasti üles.

    • magnetkinnitusega seljakott
    • reguleeritav suurus – alates 20 L kuni 25 L
    • helkurkinnitused vankri lükkesangale kinnitamiseks
    • kotiga kaasas mähkimisalus
    • pudeli jaoks eraldi tasku
    • Ergonoomilised, hästi polsterdatud õlarihmad
  • The mesh material allows for quickly finding items you need at the moment. Can be hung on the stroller or used as a backpack. Quickly attachable and removable. Washable. With a reflector.”

    EST: Võrkkott/seljakott, must. Võrkmaterjal lubab kiirelt leida asju, mida parasjagu vaja läheb. Saab riputada vankri külge või kasutada seljakotina. Kiiresti paigaldatav ja eemaldatav. Pestav. Helkuriga.

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    Fillikid universal backpack is equipped with many practical inner and outer pockets and is very spacious. This bag is not only extremely practical but also trendy and modern. The backpack is designed for both carrying on the back and simply attaching to the stroller. A changing pad is included in the set.


    • Dimensions: 48 x 27 x 14 cm
    • Material: 100% polyester
    • Changing pad included


    Fillikidi universaalne seljakott on varustatud paljude praktiliste sisemiste ja väliste taskutega ning on väga mahukas. See kott pole mitte ainult äärmiselt praktiline, vaid ka trendikas ja kaasaegne. Seljakott on mõeldud kasutamiseks nii seljas kandmiseks kui ka lihtsalt jalutuskäru külge kinnitamiseks. Komplektis mähkimisalus.

    Mõõdud: 48 x 27 x 14 cm

    Materjal: 100% polüester

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    The Fillikid baby essentials bag is truly spacious and practical to carry everything necessary while on the move with the baby. The main part of the bag has a lot of room for diapers and bottles, and in addition, there are several pockets for smaller items. It comes with a practical changing mat measuring 59 x 48 cm – so you can conveniently change the baby dry wherever you are.

    The bag has a wide strap, making it comfortable to carry on the shoulder, and it closes with a zipper.

    Included in the set:

    • 2 carabiners
    • Bottle holder bag
    • Changing pad
    • Pacifier bag


    Fillikid beebitarvete kott on tõeliselt mahukas ja praktiline, et beebiga liikvel olles kõike vajalikku kaasas kanda. Koti suures osas on palju ruumi mähkmete ja pudelite jaoks, lisaks on mitmeid taskuid väiksemate asjade jaoks. Praktiline mähkimismatt mõõduga 59x48cm – nii saad beebi kuivaks vahetada mugavalt kus iganes. Kotil on lai rihm, millega saab kotti mugavalt ka õlal kanda ning kott sulgub lukuga


    • Karabiinid 2tk
    • Kott joogipudeli jaoks
    • Mähkimisalus
    • Lutikott