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I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.

Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.


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Bags and accessories with outstanding prints. The illustrations for the prints are made by the artist/founder of Garbonata. All Garabanota bags are designed and made in Lithuania.
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