We are happy to announce Hertwill’s next store – the international bag store Nordicbags! The store is our way to praise the craftsmanship and design skill put into these high-quality handmade bags. Nordicbags has a wide selection of bags, from long-lasting leather bags from independent designer brands you didn’t know about to military backpacks trusted by NATO.
We work only with small European brands known for their unique, high-quality bags. With most of the brands, we know the people behind them personally and know they are passionate about creating the best bags. So at Nordicbags, you won’t find fast fashion or trendy pieces that will fall apart after a few uses. Instead, you’ll find carefully crafted bags made from the finest materials and designed with both style and functionality in mind. So whether you’re in the market for a sleek and stylish briefcase for work or a rugged backpack for your outdoor adventures, Nordicbags has you covered.
We ourselves are also fans of the brands we work with. For example, our founder Roland wears Nordhale’s laptop bag daily and Joosep Galvi-Linda’s backpack 063. Our third co-founder, Annamari, prefers Noel’s backpack.
What defines Nordicbags?
✅ Small brands so you can be sure none of your friends has the same bag
✅ Most of the bags are handmade in Europe
✅ All items have a 2-year warranty, and some even have a lifelong one.
✅ Personalization is available for most of the bags, which means you can, for example, have Slava Ukraini on your briefcase.
And lastly – Why don’t bags have any friends? Because they’re always carrying around all their baggage.