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    Silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant. The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
    • Weight: 5.6g
    • Heart pendant size: 11 x 10mm
    • Lenght: 42 cm
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    ENG: Smarttan’s tan-through mini leggings Carola are sewn from an ultra-thin stretchy material. This fabric REPLACES SUNSCREEN, allowing for pleasant and safe tanning while walking on the street, engaging in sports, or relaxing on the beach. The mini leggings are also comfortable for swimming and dry within minutes after getting wet. Pairing the leggings with a long-sleeved blouse in the same pattern creates a nice sporty set.

    Smarttan long-sleeved shirts and mini leggings are made of a special, ultra-thin fabric with many tiny holes, allowing up to 70% of UV rays to pass through. The fabric is composed of 80% polyamide and 20% elastane, making the clothes comfortably stretchy and exceptionally quick-drying.

    We recommend wearing seamless, skin-colored thin thongs under the mini leggings, as regular underwear can be seen through them.

    The thin and perforated fabric allows air and sunlight to pass through comfortably. The pattern deceives the eye, making it hard to realize that the fabric is THAT thin. However, there is no risk of burning, as the fabric sufficiently protects the skin. People with very sensitive skin should still be cautious and test it gradually. There’s no worry about sweating off, washing off, or forgetting this “fabric cream.”

    The fabric helps to tan healthily without sunburn, acting similarly to sunscreens.

    Note! Any tan-through fabric does not allow 100% of UV rays to pass through. Combine tan-through clothes with sun protection oils to achieve an even tan.


    EE: Smarttan läbipäevituvad miniretuusid oleme õmmelnud imeõhukesest venivast materjalist. Selline kangas ASENDAB PÄIKESEKAITSEKREEMI ja sellega saab mõnusasti ja turvaliselt päevitada nii tänaval jalutades, sportides kui ka rannas peesitades. Miniretuusidega on mugav ka ujuda ja need kuivavad pärast vees käimist mõne minutiga. Valides retuuside juurde sama mustriga pikkade käistega pluusi, saate kena sportliku komplekti.

    Smarttan pikkade varrukatega särgid ja miniretuusid on spetsiaalsest, imeõhukesest ja paljude tillukeste augukestega kangast, mis laseb läbi kuni 70% UV-kiirgusest. Kangas koosneb 80% polüamiidistist ja 20% elastaanist, mis teeb riided mõnusalt venivaks ja eriliselt kiiresti kuivavaks.

    Soovitame miniretuuside all kandmiseks kasutada õmblusteta, naha värvi õhukesi stringe, sest tavalised pesupüksid paistavad neist läbi.

    Õhukesest ja augulisest kangast käivad õhk ja päikesekiired mõnusasti läbi. Muster petab vaataja silma ära ja ei saagi aru, et kangas NII õhuke on. Põletusohtu aga ei ole, sest kangas kaitseb nahka piisavalt. Väga tundliku nahaga inimesed peavad siiski olema ettevaatlikud ja katsetama järk-järgult. Samas ei ole sugugi karta, et sellise „kangast kreemi“ maha higistad, ujud või unustad.

    Kangas aitab päevitada tervislikult ilma päikesepõletuseta, toimides sarnaselt, kui päikesekaitsekreemid.

    NB! Mistahes läbipäevituv kangas ei lase läbi 100% UV-kiirgusest. Kombineeri läbipäevituvaid riideid oma nahale sobiva päikesekaitsekreemiga või päikesekaitseõlidega, et saavutada ühtlasem päevitus.

  • A lightweight, flowing, and beautifully draping tan-through sarong by Smarttan. A useful accessory for all beachwear. Made from patented ultra-light Transol® see-through fabric. The airy fabric ensures that the sarong can be folded surprisingly small.

    If you need quick coverage from too strong sunlight or when entering a beach bar, there is nothing better than an ultra-light sarong to add to your swimwear. Lightweight, floating, and beautifully fitting on the hips, our see-through sarong is a beautiful and practical accessory for every summer wardrobe.

    The sarong helps you tan while walking outside the beach, visiting beach bars, attending outdoor concerts, etc. Tie it around your hips as a skirt, cover your shoulders, or twist it into a small dress – you can walk both on the beach and in the street while tanning healthily.

    The sarong comes with a guide introducing tips and tricks for using see-through products and their maintenance.

    The fabric is very breathable, airy, and light. It dries at least 3 times faster than regular beachwear. The fabric is covered with a high-contrast print, whose colors do not fade even after long hours in the sun, sea, or pool. The see-through fabric acts similarly to a low SPF sunscreen, thus protecting the skin from too strong sunlight.

    Note! Any tan-through fabric does not allow 100% of UV rays to pass through. The effect of tan-through clothes depends on the skin type. The combination of appropriate sun protection oil and see-through clothes is individual.

    Dimensions: 145 x 100 cm


    Mõõdud: 145 x 100 cm
    • Kerge, voogav ja kaunilt langev läbipäevituv sarong.
    • Kasulik aksessuaar kõikide rannariiete juurde.
    • Valmistatud patenteeritud läbipäevituvast sulgkergest Transol® kangast.
    • Õhuline kangas tagab, et sarongi saab voltida üllatavalt väikeseks.

    Kerge, hõljuva ja kaunisti puusadel istuvana on meie läbipäevituv sarong ilus ja praktiline aksessuaar iga suvegarderoobi juurde. Kui vajad kiiret katmist liiga tugeva päikesekiirguse korral või rannabaari sisenedes pole midagi paremat kui sulgkerge sarong Sinu ujumisriietele lisaks.

    Sarong aitab Sul päevituda ka väljaspool randa jalutades, rannabaari külastades, vabaõhukontsertidel jne. Siduge see puusadele seelikuks, katke õlgu või keerake väikeseks kleidikeseks – saate jalutada nii rannas kui ka tänaval, samal ajal tervislikult päevitades.

    Sarongiga tuleb kaasa juhend, kus tutvustame läbipäevituvate toodete kasutamise nippe ja trikke ning nende hooldamist.

    Kangas on hästi hingav, õhuline ja kerge. Kuivab vähemalt 3 korda kiiremini, kui tavalised rannariided. Kangas on kaetud kõrge kontrastsusega trükiga, mille värvid ei tuhmu ka peale pikki tunde päikese käes, meres või basseinis viibimist. Läbipäevituv kangas toimib sarnaselt madala SPF-ga päikesekaitsekreemiga kaitstes seega nahka liiga tugeva päikesekiirguse eest.


    NB! Mistahes läbipäevituv kangas ei lase läbi 100% UV-kiirgusest. Kombineeri läbipäevituv sarong meie päikesekaitseõlidega, et saavutada ühtlasem päevitus. Läbipäevituvate riiete mõju sõltub nahatüübist. Sobiva päikesekaitseõli ja läbipäevituvate riiete kombinatsioon  on individuaalne.

    Eesti põhjarannik on Gröönimaa lõunatipuga sisuliselt samal laiuskraadil. Meie suved on lühikesed ja jahedad. Nii on vaja päikeselisi elamusi leida nii palju, kui võimalik, et pimedal oleks mida meenutada.

    Kuna läbipäevituvad kangad oleksid ilma trükita ka osaliselt läbipaistvad, on disainerid loonud vahvad mustrid, mis püüavad pilku rohkem, kui miski muu. Sestap on meie läbipäevituvad riided eripärased ja eristuvad kaunilt tavalistest ühevärvilistest. Vaata saadaolevaid mustreid.

    Lõppude lõpuks – kuna Sul on sellist sarongi rannas ümber tõmbamiseks niikuinii tarvis, miks ei võiks see olla siis juba läbipäevituv?

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page


    The Smarttan long-sleeved tan-through blouse Carola is sewn from an ultra-thin stretchy material. This fabric REPLACES SUNSCREEN and allows you to tan comfortably and safely while walking on the street, engaging in sports, or basking on the beach. The blouse is also convenient for swimming and dries within minutes after getting wet. Pairing the blouse with matching patterned mini leggings creates a nice sporty set.

    Smarttan long-sleeved shirts and mini leggings are made from a special, ultra-thin fabric with many tiny holes, allowing up to 70% of UV rays to pass through. The fabric consists of 80% polyamide and 20% elastane, making the clothes comfortably stretchy and exceptionally quick-drying.

    The shirt has a thin skin-colored lining at the chest area, allowing the blouse to be worn without a bra. Thanks to the lining, nipples are not visible. The thin and perforated fabric allows air and sunlight to pass through pleasantly. The pattern deceives the viewer’s eye, making it hard to realize that the fabric is THAT thin.

    Wearing the blouse does not cause burns, as the fabric sufficiently protects the skin. However, people with very sensitive skin should be cautious and test it gradually. At the same time, there’s no worry of sweating off, washing off, or forgetting this “fabric cream.”

    The fabric helps to tan healthily without sunburn, acting similarly to sunscreens.

    Note! Any tan-through fabric does not allow 100% of UV rays to pass through. Combine tan-through clothes with sun protection oils to achieve an even tan.


    EE: Smarttan läbipäevituva pikkade käistega pluus on õmmeldud imeõhukesest venivast materjalist. Selline kangas ASENDAB PÄIKESEKAITSEKREEMI ja sellega saab mõnusasti ja turvaliselt päevitada nii tänaval jalutades, sportides kui ka rannas peesitades. Pluusiga on mugav ka ujuda ja see kuivab pärast vees käimist mõne minutiga. Valides pluusi juurde sama mustriga miniretuusid, saate kena sportliku komplekti.

    Smarttan pikkade varrukatega särgid ja miniretuusid on spetsiaalsest, imeõhukesest ja paljude tillukeste augukestega kangast, mis laseb läbi kuni 70% UV-kiirgusest. Kangas koosneb 80% polüamiidistist ja 20% elastaanist, mis teeb riided mõnusalt venivaks ja eriliselt kiiresti kuivavaks.

    Särgil on ees rindade koha peal õhuke nahavärvi vooder, mis võimaldab pluusi kanda ka ilma rinnahoidjata. Tänu voodrile ei ole nibusid näha. Õhukesest ja augulisest kangast käivad õhk ja päikesekiired mõnusasti läbi. Muster petab vaataja silma ära ja ei saagi aru, et kangas NII õhuke on.

    Pluusi kandes põletust ei teki, sest kangas kaitseb nahka piisavalt. Väga tundliku nahaga inimesed peavad siiski olema ettevaatlikud ja katsetama järk-järgult. Samas ei ole sugugi karta, et sellise „kangast kreemi“ maha higistad, ujud või unustad.

    Kangas aitab päevitada tervislikult ilma päikesepõletuseta, toimides sarnaselt, kui päikesekaitsekreemid.

    NB! Mistahes läbipäevituv kangas ei lase läbi 100% UV-kiirgusest. Kombineeri läbipäevituvaid riideid oma nahale sobiva päikesekaitsekreemiga või päikesekaitseõliga, et saavutada ühtlasem päevitus.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The original Norwegian felted boots. The boiled wool is very breathable and keeps your feet warm and dry. The sole has a great grip on snow with its unique profile. It will keep you warm in cold weather. The felt boots are special because there is no difference between the left and the right foot in the beginning – your feet will get used to the boots and you won’t feel the need for left and right foot.

    Buy them up to 2 sizes bigger than normal shoes especially if you wear wool socks inside.

    The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • 100% wool felt
    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The original Norwegian felted boots. The boiled wool is very breathable and keeps your feet warm and dry. The sole has a great grip on snow with its unique profile. It will keep you warm in cold weather. The felt boots are special because there is no difference between the left and the right foot in the beginning – your feet will get used to the boots and you won’t feel the need for left and right foot.

    Buy them up to 2 sizes bigger than normal shoes especially if you wear wool socks inside.

    The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • 100% wool felt
    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Norwegian felted wool boots are lightweight and very warm. The sole has a great grip on snow with its unique profile. It will keep you warm in cold weather. The felt boots are special because there is no difference between the left and the right foot in the beginning – your feet will get used to the boots and you won’t feel the need for left and right foot.

    Buy them up to 2 sizes bigger than normal shoes especially if you wear wool socks inside.

    The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • 100% wool felt
    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Norwegian felted wool boots are lightweight and very warm. The sole has a great grip on snow with its unique profile. It will keep you warm in cold weather. The felt boots are special because there is no difference between the left and the right foot in the beginning – your feet will get used to the boots and you won’t feel the need for left and right foot.

    Buy them up to 2 sizes bigger than normal shoes especially if you wear wool socks inside.

    The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • 100% wool felt
    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Norwegian felted wool boots are lightweight and very warm. The sole has a great grip on snow with its unique profile. It will keep you warm in cold weather. The felt boots are special because there is no difference between the left and the right foot in the beginning – your feet will get used to the boots and you won’t feel the need for left and right foot.

    Buy them up to 2 sizes bigger than normal shoes especially if you wear wool socks inside.

    The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • 100% wool felt
    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Norwegian felted wool boots are lightweight and very warm. The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions. These 724 Felt Boots for Kids are the same as the boots made for adults, just smaller and cuter.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    When choosing a size, it is reasonable to consider 1-2 cm of free space, as the toes do not reach the tip of the felt.

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Norwegian felted wool boots are lightweight and very warm. The felted boots are designed to meet the needs of dog mushers but of course, are popular with all outdoor enthusiasts. Perfect for dry, cold conditions.

    The polyurethane moulded soles with deep grooves provide great traction on snow and ice. They may feel a bit stiff at first but with wear, they will mould to your foot and become the cosiest boots you own!

    When choosing a size, it is reasonable to consider 1-2 cm of free space, as the toes do not reach the tip of the felt.

    Care: Wipe off dust with a dry cloth. Clean the sole with clean water and a cloth/sponge.


    • Lightweight and very warm
    • Non-slip soles
    • Wool felt insoles
    • Made in Estonia
    • Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
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    Model Sling is Craftory’s second and more daring attempt to create something for the modern woman. Crafted from 2.5 mm thick vegetable-tanned leather, this bag represents Nordic craftsmanship and endurance. Its timeless, feminine silhouette exudes confidence and grace.

    Embracing practicality, the bag features a long-awaited zipper closure and an inner pocket, ideal for stashing essentials like keys. But that’s not all—it effortlessly accommodates your everyday items, from phones and wallets to hairbrushes, notebooks, and sunglasses.

    Model Sling offers versatility with its adjustable straps, allowing you to wear it over your shoulder, across your chest, or draped across your body, ensuring you stay hands-free in style.

    • Designed & made in Estonia
    • Made to last for decades
    • Organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery, Sweden (Black & Cognac) / Tuscany, Italy (Cookie)
    • 2 Straps 75 cm and 124 cm
    • 1 exterior pocket
    • Measurements: 25 cm x 16 cm x 10 cm
    • Zipper by YKK
    • Your Model Sling will arrive in a reusable cotton gift bag
  • Out of Stock

    Model Sling is Craftory’s second and more daring attempt to create something for the modern woman. Crafted from 2.5 mm thick vegetable-tanned leather, this bag represents Nordic craftsmanship and endurance. Its timeless, feminine silhouette exudes confidence and grace.

    Embracing practicality, the bag features a long-awaited zipper closure and an inner pocket, ideal for stashing essentials like keys. But that’s not all—it effortlessly accommodates your everyday items, from phones and wallets to hairbrushes, notebooks, and sunglasses.

    Model Sling offers versatility with its adjustable straps, allowing you to wear it over your shoulder, across your chest, or draped across your body, ensuring you stay hands-free in style.

    • Designed & made in Estonia
    • Made to last for decades
    • Organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery, Sweden (Black & Cognac) / Tuscany, Italy (Cookie)
    • 2 Straps 75 cm and 124 cm
    • 1 exterior pocket
    • Measurements: 25 cm x 16 cm x 10 cm
    • Zipper by YKK
    • Your Model Sling will arrive in a reusable cotton gift bag
  • Out of Stock

    Model Sling is Craftory’s second and more daring attempt to create something for the modern woman. Crafted from 2.5 mm thick vegetable-tanned leather, this bag represents Nordic craftsmanship and endurance. Its timeless, feminine silhouette exudes confidence and grace.

    Embracing practicality, the bag features a long-awaited zipper closure and an inner pocket, ideal for stashing essentials like keys. But that’s not all—it effortlessly accommodates your everyday items, from phones and wallets to hairbrushes, notebooks, and sunglasses.

    Model Sling offers versatility with its adjustable straps, allowing you to wear it over your shoulder, across your chest, or draped across your body, ensuring you stay hands-free in style.

    • Designed & made in Estonia
    • Made to last for decades
    • Organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery, Sweden (Black & Cognac) / Tuscany, Italy (Cookie)
    • 2 Straps 75 cm and 124 cm
    • 1 exterior pocket
    • Measurements: 25 cm x 16 cm x 10 cm
    • Zipper by YKK
    • Your Model Sling will arrive in a reusable cotton gift bag
  • Out of Stock

    Model Sling is Craftory’s second and more daring attempt to create something for the modern woman. Crafted from 2.5 mm thick vegetable-tanned leather, this bag represents Nordic craftsmanship and endurance. Its timeless, feminine silhouette exudes confidence and grace.

    Embracing practicality, the bag features a long-awaited zipper closure and an inner pocket, ideal for stashing essentials like keys. But that’s not all—it effortlessly accommodates your everyday items, from phones and wallets to hairbrushes, notebooks, and sunglasses.

    Model Sling offers versatility with its adjustable straps, allowing you to wear it over your shoulder, across your chest, or draped across your body, ensuring you stay hands-free in style.

    • Designed & made in Estonia
    • Made to last for decades
    • Organically tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery, Sweden (Black & Cognac) / Tuscany, Italy (Cookie)
    • 2 Straps 75 cm and 124 cm
    • 1 exterior pocket
    • Measurements: 25 cm x 16 cm x 10 cm
    • Zipper by YKK
    • Your Model Sling will arrive in a reusable cotton gift bag
  • - 2 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Military Boots 739 are crafted for performance in a variety of weather conditions. These boots feature high-quality, waterproof smooth chrome leather construction, ensuring your feet stay dry and comfortable.

    The design includes stainless steel eyelets and hooks, offering adjustable lace heights for a custom fit. The anatomical insole is engineered for comfort, boasting shock-resistant, antibacterial, and breathable properties, and it’s easily washable. The dual-layer PU/rubber outsole provides excellent traction and is resistant to slips and oil, ensuring steady footing in challenging environments.

    For added durability, the boots are reinforced with thermoplastic in the heel and toe areas, along with a TPU protector at the toe. While these full leather boots may require some breaking in, they promise unparalleled comfort and suitability for any situation once they’re worn in. The Latvian National Armed Forces have chosen the 739 Army Boots for their personnel. These boots meet the EN ISO 20 347:2012 standards for personal protective equipment and occupational footwear, assuring top-notch quality and safety.

    Designed with a unisex fit, these boots cater to both men and women. Proudly manufactured by AS Samelin for NATO military units, these boots align with the NATO-AQAP 2110 quality system, emphasizing our commitment to excellence.


    • Upper: Waterproof leather
    • Lining: Breathable textile
    • Sole: Dual-layer, slip and oil-resistant PU/rubber
    • Insole: Anatomical, antibacterial, washable
    • Fastening: Adjustable laces with stainless steel eyelets and hooks
    • Reinforcements: Thermoplastic in toe and heel areas
    • Certifications: EN ISO 20 347:2012, NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    • Made in Estonia
  • - 2 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Military Boots 739 are crafted for performance in a variety of weather conditions. These boots feature high-quality, waterproof smooth chrome leather construction, ensuring your feet stay dry and comfortable.

    The design includes stainless steel eyelets and hooks, offering adjustable lace heights for a custom fit. The anatomical insole is engineered for comfort, boasting shock-resistant, antibacterial, and breathable properties, and it’s easily washable. The dual-layer PU/rubber outsole provides excellent traction and is resistant to slips and oil, ensuring steady footing in challenging environments.

    For added durability, the boots are reinforced with thermoplastic in the heel and toe areas, along with a TPU protector at the toe. While these full leather boots may require some breaking in, they promise unparalleled comfort and suitability for any situation once they’re worn in. The Latvian National Armed Forces have chosen the 739 Army Boots for their personnel. These boots meet the EN ISO 20 347:2012 standards for personal protective equipment and occupational footwear, assuring top-notch quality and safety.

    Designed with a unisex fit, these boots cater to both men and women. Proudly manufactured by AS Samelin for NATO military units, these boots align with the NATO-AQAP 2110 quality system, emphasizing our commitment to excellence.


    • Upper: Waterproof leather
    • Lining: Breathable textile
    • Sole: Dual-layer, slip and oil-resistant PU/rubber
    • Insole: Anatomical, antibacterial, washable
    • Fastening: Adjustable laces with stainless steel eyelets and hooks
    • Reinforcements: Thermoplastic in toe and heel areas
    • Certifications: EN ISO 20 347:2012, NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    • Made in Estonia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Handmade from smooth, soft and sturdy high-quality leather. Fits around the neck and the waist.

    Classic buckle fastening.

    Adjustable length.


    S: Chest: 81-86 cm/32-34 inches
    Waist: 63-68 cm/24.75-26.75 inches
    Hips: 88.5-93.5 cm/34.75-36.75 inches

    M: Chest: 91-98 cm/36-38 inches
    Waist: 73-78 cm/28.75-30.75 inches
    Hips: 98.5-103.5 cm/38.75-40.75 inches

    L: Chest: 101-108.5 cm/40-43 inches
    Waist: 83-90.5 cm/32.75-35.75 inches
    Hips: 108.5-116 cm/42.75-45.75 inches


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Can be worn both front and back
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Leather body harness with pentagon detail in front. It’s a bit daring, and a little wild, but it also lends itself well to more classic or even romantic looks.
    It’s a statement piece, that will sure make you feel confident.

    Custom-made for each order. Fits around the shoulders and waist.


    S: Chest: 81-86 cm/32-34 inches
    Waist: 63-68 cm/24.75-26.75 inches
    Hips: 88.5-93.5 cm/34.75-36.75 inches

    M: Chest: 91-98 cm/36-38 inches
    Waist: 73-78 cm/28.75-30.75 inches
    Hips: 98.5-103.5 cm/38.75-40.75 inches

    L: Chest: 101-108.5 cm/40-43 inches
    Waist: 83-90.5 cm/32.75-35.75 inches
    Hips: 108.5-116 cm/42.75-45.75 inches


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Can be worn both front and back
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • Out of Stock

    Riding the ride-on car develops a child’s motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness. The car is made of lightweight and durable plastic.

    • Different sounds on the steering wheel (5 different sounds)
    • Plastic seat and wheels
    • Storage space under the seat
    • Front and rear guards against tipping over
    • Maximum load 25 kg
    • Dimensions 60 x 27 x 36 cm
  • Out of Stock

    The Ride-on Mercedes Truck for Kids is intended for children who can push themselves off the ground with their feet.

    • Light but durable construction
    • Leather seat with storage space underneath
    • Backrest
    • The seat back protects the child from leaning backwards, and a detail between the rear wheels prevents tipping over
    • Horn on the steering wheel
    • Sound signal and engine sound
    • Set includes decorative stickers Maximum load 25 kg. Dimensions 60 x 22 x 44 cm.

    The product operates on 2 x AA batteries (not included in the set).

  • Out of Stock

    Riding the ride-on car develops a child’s motor skills, coordination, and spatial awareness. The car is made of lightweight and durable plastic. Its rotatable steering wheel and horn make driving particularly enjoyable.  To always take your favorite toys along, there is a storage space under the seat.

    • Storage space under the seat
    • Protection between the rear wheels to prevent tipping over
    • Plastic wheels
    • Dimensions 60 x 22 x 38 cm.
    • Backrest
    • Recommended age 12-36 months
  • Out of Stock

    The ride-on Fiat 500 is a fun companion for playtime. Its rotatable steering wheel and horn make driving particularly enjoyable. The mood-lifting music adds to the fun. To always take your favorite toys along, there is a storage space under the seat.

    • Backrest
    • Maximum load capacity 25 kg
    • Age: From 12 months
    • Sound effects operate with 2 x AA batteries (not included)
    • Recommended age 12-36 months
    • Product dimensions 38 x 28 x 63 cm
    • Seat height 23 cm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Leather body harness with chest-flattering straps and pentagon detail in front.  It’s a bit daring, and a little wild, but it also lends itself well to more classic or even romantic looks.
    It’s a statement piece, that will sure make you feel confident.

    Custom-made for each order. Fits around the shoulders and waist.


    S: Chest: 81-86 cm/32-34 inches
    Waist: 63-68 cm/24.75-26.75 inches
    Hips: 88.5-93.5 cm/34.75-36.75 inches

    M: Chest: 91-98 cm/36-38 inches
    Waist: 73-78 cm/28.75-30.75 inches
    Hips: 98.5-103.5 cm/38.75-40.75 inches

    L: Chest: 101-108.5 cm/40-43 inches
    Waist: 83-90.5 cm/32.75-35.75 inches
    Hips: 108.5-116 cm/42.75-45.75 inches


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Can be worn both front and back
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Leather body harness with chest flattering straps and ring detail in front. It’s a bit daring, and a little wild, but it also lends itself well to more classic or even romantic looks.
    It’s a statement piece, that will sure make you feel confident.

    Custom made for each order. Fits around the shoulders and waist.


    S: Chest: 81-86 cm/32-34 inches
    Waist: 63-68 cm/24.75-26.75 inches
    Hips: 88.5-93.5 cm/34.75-36.75 inches

    M: Chest: 91-98 cm/36-38 inches
    Waist: 73-78 cm/28.75-30.75 inches
    Hips: 98.5-103.5 cm/38.75-40.75 inches

    L: Chest: 101-108.5 cm/40-43 inches
    Waist: 83-90.5 cm/32.75-35.75 inches
    Hips: 108.5-116 cm/42.75-45.75 inches


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Can be worn both front and back
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Simple leather fashion body harness with ring detail in front. Frame the body layering harness over a cozy dress, or oversized shirt, let it peek out under a blouse, or style it any other way you want.

    It’s a bit daring, and a little wild, but also lends itself well to more classic or even romantic looks. Statement piece, that will sure make you feel confident.

    Handmade from smooth, soft and sturdy high-quality leather. Fits around the neck and the waist.

    Adjustable length. Intended to be loose-fitting and relaxed.


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Gunmetal or black matte harness details.
    • Classic buckle fastening
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Leather body harness with ring detail. Frame the body layering harness over a cozy dress, let it peek out under a blouse, or style it any other way you want. It’s a bit daring, and a little wild, but it also lends itself well to more classic or even romantic looks. It’s a statement piece, that will sure make you feel confident.


    S: Chest: 81-86 cm/32-34 inches
    Waist: 63-68 cm/24.75-26.75 inches
    Hips: 88.5-93.5 cm/34.75-36.75 inches

    M: Chest: 91-98 cm/36-38 inches
    Waist: 73-78 cm/28.75-30.75 inches
    Hips: 98.5-103.5 cm/38.75-40.75 inches

    L: Chest: 101-108.5 cm/40-43 inches
    Waist: 83-90.5 cm/32.75-35.75 inches
    Hips: 108.5-116 cm/42.75-45.75 inches


    • Custom made for each order
    • Fits around the shoulders and waist
    • Can be worn both front and back
    • Available in black, brown, red and white leather
    • Hand-made in Latvia
  • We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

    The candle marked with number 14 of the Major Arcana – Temperance. This archetype holds the absolute balance, harmony and coherence of your personality. It indicates your ability to warm up coldness and cool down hotness, to round off sharp corners and make excessively smooth shapes a bit sharper. The archetype of Temperance symbolizes the ability to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things. Temperance also forces each of us to ask ourselves the following question: do I, as a personality, radiate only harmony, or do I spread destruction for which I tend to blame circumstances and other people?

    Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, in combination with Temperance, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of Temperance manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical green tea, lime, mint, lavender, eucalyptus, oriental spices fragrance may help you to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things.

    The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Green tea: it helps to freshen and cleanse air, purifies thoughts and boosts the mood, self-confidence, and the level of energy. The aroma of green tea also helps to make the necessary decisions and become more determined. The cleansing fragrance of green tea also helps to get rid of negative energy.
    Oriental spices: the mixture of various herbs and spices contains aromas of pepper, coriander, fennel, anise, and saffron. Like different tones that make up a chord, these scents will acquire new magical and aromatherapy properties when mixed up, but at the same time they will retain their primal nature. The concoction strengthens energy fields, harmonizes and calms.
    Eucalyptus: eucalyptus essential oil is a wonderful preventative measure and is extremely suitable for cleansing and freshening air in rooms. By cleansing the room’s air and filling it with freshness, eucalyptus also kills pathogenic microorganisms, boosts the immune system and wakes the body’s vital powers.
    Lavender: lavender essential oil has a calming and soothing effect, removes aches and is one of the most effective anti-inflammatory oils. Lavenders also have a positive effect on blood circulation and boost immunity. The energy of the essential oil helps to know and understand oneself, restores strength and is suitable for meditations. It ensures thorough energetic relaxation, also reduces aggression, helps to avoid envy and jealousy.
    Mint: mint has a positive effect on humans’ biological energy: it improves mutual understanding between people and removes neurological tension. The aroma of spearmint stimulates body and soul, and increases concentration. It is also a wonderful freshener and mood booster.
    Lime: herbalists advised using lime juice to lower blood-pressure, to cleanse toxins from the liver and to ease joint aches. Lime scent helps to successfully adapt and dwell in new conditions, with new people, strengthens life goals, awakens creativity at work and in the family. It also helps to overcome difficult situations.
    Together with this soy wax candle you will get:

    A detailed description of the candle’s purpose; a description of the magical aroma’s meanings; a card from the Tarot card deck of our design. Its meaning will indicate the current quality of the archetype of Temperance; a simple meditation/affirmation ritual for revealing the power of the aromatic candle that may help you to create a harmonious whole out of seemingly opposite things. Affirmations (Latin affirmatio – to declare, declaration) – positive statements which we repeat to program ourselves, to consistently change ourselves and our thinking, thus consequently transforming the surrounding environment. Our subconscious is very susceptible to often repeated delicate and figurative phrases, therefore, affirmations are like positive programs which we install and run in our subconscious. Repeatedly uttered affirmations help to overcome obstacles and achieve goals that seemed impossible.

    • Pure soy wax; essential and fragrance oils; cotton wick
    • Hand-made porcelain containerr
    • Burning time: approx 60 hours
    • Height: 9.5 cm; Diameter: 7.5 cm
    • Weight: 650 g; Net weight: 250 g
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Taro card included
    • Hand-made in Lithuania


  • We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

    This candle is marked with number 4 of the Major Arcana – The Emperor. This archetype comprises the four main roles of a man: Father, Husband, Lover, Servant. The Emperor symbolizes authority, fertility, fatherhood, concern, authority, and the strength of a personality, however, at the same time The Emperor encompasses excessive control, demonstration of power, overly eager desire to take care of the surroundings, as well as waning or dwindled masculine energy. When overly strict, The Emperor might also turn into a dictator.

    Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The Emperor, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The Emperor manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of cedar, saffron, ambergris, patchouli, and myrrh will help to harmonize the masculine energy and restore the necessary balance.

    The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Cedar: its fragrance has a soothing, invigorating and rejuvenating effect, gives a sense of comfort, therefore it is recommended for sufferers of irrational fears, aggression, hysteria, and anger. Cedar boosts leadership, helps to have faith in oneself, one’s strengths and abilities.
    Saffron: an excellent tonic for both mind and body, may be used for reducing pain, treating infections, and stimulating heart rate. The Romans valued the aroma of saffron and considered it to be “gently soothing”, often compared by poets to the soft colors of sunrise or sunset.
    Myrrh: The fragrance of myrrh helps to sort out thoughts, prevents from indulging into non-relevant details. This scent is particularly suitable for meditation, as it helps to ward off egocentric thoughts, restores the objectivity and adequacy of one’s psychological state, calms irritation, and improves sleep.
    Patchouli: helps to survive and reduce grief, nourishes, invigorates, induces feelings of power, determination and self-confidence. Patchouli essential oil intensifies sensuality, helps to heal from frigidity and impotence. Patchouli essential oil creates an atmosphere of peacefulness, tranquility and love. Since ancient times patchouli has been believed to attract wealth.
    Ambergris: it is one of the most-highly prized ingredients of perfume. The smell of ambergris is characterized by unique invigorating evening musk aroma with oriental notes. Ambergris has been long considered a symbol of luxury and power.
    Together with this soy wax candle you will get:

    A detailed description of the candle’s purpose; a description of the magical aroma’s meanings; a card from the Tarot card deck of our design. Its meaning will indicate the current quality of the archetype of The Emperor; a simple meditation/affirmation ritual for revealing the power of the aromatic candle that will balance and harmonize your – The Emperor’s who is an ideal man – energies. Affirmations (Latin affirmatio – to declare, declaration) – positive statements which we repeat to program ourselves, to consistently change ourselves and our thinking, thus consequently transforming the surrounding environment. Our subconscious is very susceptible to often repeated delicate and figurative phrases, therefore, affirmations are like positive programs which we install and run in our subconscious. Repeatedly uttered affirmations help to overcome obstacles and achieve goals that seemed impossible.

    • Pure soy wax; essential and fragrance oils; cotton wick
    • Hand-made porcelain container
    • Burning time: approx 60 hours
    • Height: 9.5 cm; Diameter: 7.5 cm
    • Weight: 650 g; Net weight: 250 g
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Taro card included
    • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • We created this collection of hand-made candles based on the 22 cards of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck (Latin arcānus – mystery). These 22 cards can be interpreted as a person’s spiritual path from birth to perfection.

    This candle is marked with number 2 of the Major Arcana – The High Priestess. This archetype encompasses all that is related to the subconscious, intuition, and premonition. It is the archetype of the divine, supernatural wisdom, that allows you to learn about the most secret corners of your existence and to confront yourself. The High Priestess allows to see the very essence of the situation, to knowledge and understand mysteries that are more than meets the eye.

    Included with this candle you will find one of the 22 Major Arcana cards, which, together with The High Priestess, may suggest how and at what level the archetype of The High Priestess manifests itself in your life. Suggested affirmations and the magical aroma of figs, hibiscus, water lilies, sandalwood, orchids and mimosa will help you to hear and acknowledge yourself, to train your intuition and feel one with the world.

    The magic fragrance of this candle is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Figs: their aroma has been considered a link between conscious and subconscious, a certain intermediary between the conscious and subconscious worlds. The aroma of figs is believed to boost the powers of clairvoyance and ability to listen to oneself.
    Hibiscus: it can help reveal the gift of clairvoyance and premonitory dreams, as well as open paths towards knowing one’s inner-self.
    Water lily: water lilies contain a lot of water and moon energy, therefore their aroma helps to fight earthly lusts and soothes the soul. During magic rituals the aroma of water lilies enhances imagination and the ability to visualize your goals.
    Orchid: the fragrance of orchids helps to emphasize the individuality of the personality and its original traits, boosts self-confidence. This aroma also helps to fight negative emotions.
    Mimosa: sensitive and shy mimosas have been used in magic rituals to induce psychic dreams. Their magical aroma helps to dive into the depths of the soul, to hear your inner voice and receive information from the spiritual world.
    Sandalwood: its aroma harmonizes and calms, helps to reduce stress and turmoil, is a perfect mood booster for people suffering from depression, fears, and everyday problems, helps in cases of nervous breakdown or anxiety.
    Together with this soy wax candle you will get:

    A detailed description of the candle’s purpose; a description of the magical aroma’s meanings; a card from the Tarot card deck of our design. Its meaning will indicate the current quality of the archetype of The High Priestess; a simple meditation/affirmation ritual for revealing the power of the aromatic candle that will balance and harmonize your – The High Priestess’s who is a perfect being and always in harmony with oneself – energies. Affirmations (Latin affirmatio – to declare, declaration) – positive statements which we repeat to program ourselves, to consistently change ourselves and our thinking, thus consequently transforming the surrounding environment. Our subconscious is very susceptible to often repeated delicate and figurative phrases, therefore, affirmations are like positive programs which we install and run in our subconscious. Repeatedly uttered affirmations help to overcome obstacles and achieve goals that seemed impossible.

    • Pure soy wax; essential and fragrance oils; cotton wick
    • Hand-made porcelain container
    • Burning time: approx 60 hours
    • Height: 9.5 cm; Diameter: 7.5 cm
    • Weight: 650 g; Net weight: 250 g
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Taro card included
    • Hand-made in Lithuania