NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KERTTU softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni SUSANNA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KRISTINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KARINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. The product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni EBEKAI softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
Briefcase No. 36 is a briefcase handmade in Tartu, Estonia, and is made using high-quality and 3-3.5 mm thick full-grain vegetable-tanned leather. Only natural plant extracts, fats, and oils have been used in tanning the leather, giving the leather a natural and clean appearance. Items made from vegetable-tanned leather age and mold to the owner’s habits, recording life on their surface, which means that every briefcase will ultimately have a unique appearance. But most importantly, items made from vegetable-tanned leather last and serve you for a long time – it is possible that if you have this briefcase, you will not need to buy another briefcase in your lifetime. Just in case, we should mention that vegetable-tanned leather is genuine, authentic leather.
The briefcase has a large laptop compartment (capacity 28 x 26 x 2 cm) and a smaller pocket that fits a larger notebook or iPad (capacity 22 x 22 x 2cm). In addition, there is a carabiner for keys and 2 pen holders in the main compartment. The front of the bag has 2 separate smaller pockets with a capacity of 14 x 20 x 4 cm. The briefcase comes with an adjustable-length shoulder strap.
The Kolm leather workshop has been designing and producing bags, briefcases, and other leather goods since 1994. The leather masters of Kolm have made products for several well-known Estonian brands, including Craftory, for example.
Made from genuine and thick, 3-3.5 mm, vegetable-tanned leather
Color: black
Dimensions: 40.5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (with handle 40.5 x 38 x 15 cm)
Briefcase No. 36 is a briefcase handmade in Tartu, Estonia, and is made using high-quality and 3-3.5 mm thick full-grain vegetable-tanned leather. Only natural plant extracts, fats, and oils have been used in tanning the leather, giving the leather a natural and clean appearance. Items made from vegetable-tanned leather age and mold to the owner’s habits, recording life on their surface, which means that every briefcase will ultimately have a unique appearance. But most importantly, items made from vegetable-tanned leather last and serve you for a long time – it is possible that if you have this briefcase, you will not need to buy another briefcase in your lifetime. Just in case, we should mention that vegetable-tanned leather is genuine, authentic leather.
The briefcase has a large laptop compartment (capacity 28 x 26 x 2 cm) and a smaller pocket that fits a larger notebook or iPad (capacity 22 x 22 x 2cm). In addition, there is a carabiner for keys and 2 pen holders in the main compartment. The front of the bag has 2 separate smaller pockets with a capacity of 14 x 20 x 4 cm. The briefcase comes with an adjustable-length shoulder strap.
The Kolm leather workshop has been designing and producing bags, briefcases, and other leather goods since 1994. The leather masters of Kolm have made products for several well-known Estonian brands, including Craftory, for example.
Made from genuine and thick, 3-3.5 mm, vegetable-tanned leather
Color: cognac brown
Dimensions: 40.5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (with handle 40.5 x 38 x 15 cm)
The Hawk Pilot boots or Pilots are military-grade pilot boots that not only look durable but are. Pilots are full leather boots developed based on one of the most legendary military boots ever, M77, aka Norweigan combat boots. Pilots have the quality and durability of M77s. Still, they also have a lace lock system developed according to the pilot’s needs that allows for tying boots faster and hiding laces after tying. Pilots are made of the strongest 2,2-2,4 mm water-repellent full-grain leather, and Cambrelle textile lining under the vamp keeps the boots comfortable and dry. And yes, your feet will also be warm in a typical winter. The removable anatomical insole is antibacterial, breathable, and washable. Multiple NATO armies use Hawk Pilot boots, so we are sure they do okay for your everyday needs. Pilots are manufactured in Estonia according to NATO AQAP 2110 quality standards.
Upper: 2.2-2.4 mm full-grain water-repellent leather
Outsole: Direct-injected PU
Lining: light Cambrelle textile lining under the tongue
Insole: Anatomical, antibacterial and washable
Manufacturer: Samelin
Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
Shipping: 4-8 workdays
The waterproof leather and textile military boots 732 can be worn in various weather conditions. The boots are made of waterproof smooth chrome leather, combined with waterproof textile. The waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE is made using the sock method. Stainless steel eyelets and hooks allow the laces to be tied at different heights. The anatomical insole is shock-resistant, antibacterial, breathable, and washable, the dual-layer PU/rubber outsole is slip- and oil-resistant. The heel and toe of the boots are reinforced with thermoplastic. As is the case with full leather boots, it may take a little while to break them in, but once they are broken in, they are shoes that can be worn in any situation. These boots are unisex and are designed for both men and women.
Military boots 734 are manufactured by AS Samelin for NATO military units in accordance with the NATO-AQAP 2110 quality system.
Upper: Waterproof smooth chrome leather and waterproof textile
Interior: Waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE
Sole: Dual-layer slip and oil-resistant PU/rubber
Insole: Removable, anatomical, antibacterial, and washable
Closure: Laces
Manufacturer: Samelin AS
Manufacturer’s Certificates: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
The waterproof leather military boots 734 are an advancement of the model 736 with a protector. The boots can be worn in various weather conditions. The boots are made of waterproof smooth chrome leather. The waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE is made using the sock method. Stainless steel eyelets and hooks allow the laces to be tied at different heights. The anatomical insole is shock-resistant, antibacterial, breathable, and washable, the dual-layer PU/rubber outsole is slip- and oil-resistant. The heel and toe of the boots are reinforced with thermoplastic, with an additional TPU protector at the toe. As is the case with full leather boots, it may take a little while to break them in, but once they are broken in, they are shoes that can be worn in any situation. These boots are unisex and are designed for both men and women.
Military boots 734 are manufactured by AS Samelin for NATO military units in accordance with the NATO-AQAP 2110 quality system.
Upper: Waterproof smooth chrome leather
Interior: Waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE
Sole: Dual-layer slip and oil-resistant PU/rubber
Insole: Removable, anatomical, antibacterial, and washable
Toe Protector: TPU
Closure: Laces
Manufacturer: Samelin Boot Factory
Manufacturer’s Certificates: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
The waterproof leather military boots 736 can be worn in various weather conditions. The boots are made of waterproof smooth chrome leather. The waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE is made using the sock method. Stainless steel eyelets and hooks allow the laces to be tied at different heights. The anatomical insole is shock-resistant, antibacterial, breathable, and washable, the dual-layer PU/rubber outsole is slip- and oil-resistant. The heel and toe of the boots are reinforced with thermoplastic. As is the case with full leather boots, it may take a little while to break them in, but once they are broken in, they are shoes that can be worn in any situation. These boots are unisex and are designed for both men and women.
Military boots 736 are manufactured by AS Samelin for NATO military units in accordance with the NATO-AQAP 2110 quality system.
Upper: Waterproof smooth chrome leather
Interior: Waterproof and breathable textile lining 4ply PTFE
Sole: Dual-layer slip and oil-resistant PU/rubber
Insole: Removable, anatomical, antibacterial, and washable
Closure: Laces
Manufacturer: Samelin AS
Manufacturer’s Certificates: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
Made of triple muslin, in black color… the world’s most cuddly ROBE (ÜRP)! The black robe is the ideal combination of comfort, the softest fabric, and the most universal color!
The ROBE has pockets and a belt. The size and shape are universal enough to fit different bodies. The material is fluffy and soft, pleasant against the skin. It’s perfect for winter and cooler summer evenings, making it wearable all year round. It is made with the principle that as little fabric as possible goes to waste!
The photo shows size 36/38 on a mannequin and a person wearing a size M wearing the ROBE in size S/M
Sizes: S/M and L
Composition: 100% cotton, STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, with a density of 180g/m2.
Care: Machine wash up to 30°C, hand wash, ironing up to 100°C. Bleaching is forbidden, tumble drying is forbidden.
Handmade in Estonia
Delivery time: 3 weeks
Measurements for size S/M +-2 cm: Shoulder: 60 cm Sleeve: 40 cm Circumference: 140 cm Length: 115 cm Waist: 180 cm
Measurements for size L +-2 cm: Shoulder: 64 cm Sleeve: 43 cm Circumference: 155 cm Length: 120 cm Waist: 185 cm
EXENTRI Miniwallet is a small, practical and elegant wallet designed for cards and bills.
Swipe & block! The smart and innovative design gives you slim storage and quick access to your most frequently used cards. With Miniwallet you get the best of both worlds. One scanner-friendly pocket, no need to remove your metro card, just tap and travel. One RFID blocked pocket, to protect your payment cards.
This wallet has six pockets for cards and bills. Made of premium leather and solid stainless steel for stability and durability. Lined with nylon to optimize the cards sliding movement. An exclusive and elegant wallet that organizes your cards and bills in a smart and secure way. Norwegian design. Delivered in an elegant box.
Tip: for quick access, place your most used payment card in the front pocket. Place your metro card in the back pocket for access without taking it out of your wallet. This way you can pay and travel/check-in even faster and more securely.
Each EXENTRI Miniwallet is unique! Leather is a natural material and minor variations in structure and color can occur.
• Easy access
• Small, slim and practical
• 6 pockets for cards and bills
• RFID protection
• Scanner-friendly pocket
• Quality leather, stainless steel
• Norwegian design
EXENTRI Multiwallet is a modern wallet that combines small size and easy access with great storage space for 5-10 cards, bills, receipts, tickets, coins and other small objects. Multiwallet has a compartment for bills and receipts, a solid stainless steel lock and a pocket for coins.
Multiwallet is made with high quality leather and stainless steel. Contains RFID block. Delivered in an elegant gift box.
The RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) block technology in the EXENTRI City protects your credit cards against electronic pickpocketing and private data theft. Tested by the Euro Lab for International Transaction Technologies (Elitt). Today many cards contain a chip and an antenna for wireless communication. With this technology, you can make payments without physical contact between the card and the terminal using NFC (Near Field Communication). Unfortunately, the downside is that cards with RFID technology could potentially be read by someone with a device equipped with NFC technology from a distance. This reading device could potentially read your cards through your clothes and wallet. This way a dishonest person could perhaps scan your personal information by placing him/herself close to your wallet, without you even knowing.
For that reason, the EXENTRI City contain a RFID blocking nylon to ensure that your private information and credit cards are safe.
EXENTRI City is a small, slim and practical card holder made of quality leather and stainless steel. EXENTRI City provides quick access to your most frequently used card by sliding it out with your thumb. Designed for 3 cards – perfect for all those occasions when you want to carry as little as possible. Contains RFID block in the front pocket.
Delivered in an elegant gift box.
The RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) block technology in the EXENTRI City protects your credit cards against electronic pickpocketing and private data theft. Tested by the Euro Lab for International Transaction Technologies (Elitt). Today many cards contain a chip and an antenna for wireless communication. With this technology, you can make payments without physical contact between the card and the terminal using NFC (Near Field Communication). Unfortunately, the downside is that cards with RFID technology could potentially be read by someone with a device equipped with NFC technology from a distance. This reading device could potentially read your cards through your clothes and wallet. This way a dishonest person could perhaps scan your personal information by placing him/herself close to your wallet, without you even knowing.
For that reason, the EXENTRI City contain a RFID blocking nylon to ensure that your private information and credit cards are safe.
EXENTRI Walletin structured leather is a classic, smart and elegant wallet made of high-quality leather structured and stainless steel, coming in various structured leather variations. The Wallet gives you quick access to your cards by sliding them out using your thumb. Designed for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills, receipts and tickets. Contains an RFID block.
EXENTRI Wallets are delivered in an elegant box in a colored carton with a nylon interior. Perfect as a gift to someone who deserves it – and to yourself.
The RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) block technology in the EXENTRI Wallets protects your credit cards against electronic pickpocketing and private data theft. Tested by the Euro Lab for International Transaction Technologies (Elitt). Today many cards contain a chip and an antenna for wireless communication. With this technology, you can make payments without physical contact between the card and the terminal using NFC (Near Field Communication). Unfortunately, the downside is that cards with RFID technology could potentially be read by someone with a device equipped with NFC technology from a distance. This reading device could potentially read your cards through your clothes and wallet. This way a dishonest person could perhaps scan your personal information by placing him/herself close to your wallet, without you even knowing.
For that reason, the EXENTRI Wallets contain a RFID blocking nylon to ensure that your private information and credit cards are safe.
EXENTRI Wallet is a classic, smart and elegant wallet made of high-quality leather and stainless steel. The Wallet gives you quick access to your cards by sliding them out using your thumb. Designed for 6-10 cards, with plenty of room for bills, receipts and tickets. Contains an RFID block.
EXENTRI Wallets are delivered in an elegant box in a colored carton with a nylon interior. Perfect as a gift to someone who deserves it – and to yourself.
The RFID (short for Radio Frequency Identification) block technology in the EXENTRI Wallets protects your credit cards against electronic pickpocketing and private data theft. Tested by the Euro Lab for International Transaction Technologies (Elitt). Today many cards contain a chip and an antenna for wireless communication. With this technology, you can make payments without physical contact between the card and the terminal using NFC (Near Field Communication). Unfortunately, the downside is that cards with RFID technology could potentially be read by someone with a device equipped with NFC technology from a distance. This reading device could potentially read your cards through your clothes and wallet. This way a dishonest person could perhaps scan your personal information by placing him/herself close to your wallet, without you even knowing.
For that reason, the EXENTRI Wallets contain a RFID blocking nylon to ensure that your private information and credit cards are safe.
Sika leather slippers are handmade in Europe by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. Oma King practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. All our sandals will be shipped to you directly from the factory.
These are not just cozy slippers, but slippers made of recycled plastic bottles!
Öko-Toku sustainable slippers are handmade in Europe by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. Oma King practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your slippers serve you for years.
Trolla slippers are closed-style slippers with 100% lambswool lining. The slippers do not slide off and are really warm and cosy. Trollas are handmade in Europe by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. Oma King practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years.
Woolen textile upper.
The rubber detailing on the top makes it easy to slip the slippers on, thus also suitable for a higher foot.
100% lambswool lining.
Soft latex insole, covered with 100% lambswool.
Velour outsole.
Manufacturer: OmaKing
Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
If the foot number is between two sizes, we recommend ordering a larger size.
Pilling on the slippers can be removed with a fabric shaver or a simple razor.
Trolla slippers are closed-style slippers with 100% lambswool lining. The slippers do not slide off and are really warm and cosy. Trollas are handmade in Europe by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. Oma King practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. All our sandals will be shipped to you directly from the factory.
Woolen textile upper.
The rubber detailing on the top makes it easy to slip the slippers on, thus also suitable for a higher foot.
100% lambswool lining.
Soft latex insole, covered with 100% lambswool.
Velour outsole.
Manufacturer: OmaKing
Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
If the foot number is between two sizes, we recommend ordering a larger size.
Pilling on the slippers can be removed with a fabric shaver or a simple razor.
These are really warm but breathable indoor slippers.
Pähni slippers keep your feet warm. These cosy slippers are handmade in Europe by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. Oma King practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. All our sandals will be shipped to you directly from the factory.
100% lambswool upper and lining.
Soft latex insole, covered with 100% lambswool.
Velour outsole.
Easy to put on
Manufacturer: OmaKing
Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
If the foot number is between two sizes, we recommend ordering a larger size.
Pilling on the slippers can be removed with a fabric shaver or a simple razor.
TOKU Budapest slippers keep your feet snug at all times, definitely for those who are always cold. A closed heel and toe guarantee the comfiest experience. The little peek-hole and natural lamb wool make sure your feet can still breathe. All of our slippers feature a special insole with arch support – these really feel like you are walking on clouds! The slippers also come in a cotton cloth bag that keeps even the wildest pair of shoes in place (and as a bonus is more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box).
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has made great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion by using natural, high-quality materials and creating versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. All TOKUs will be shipped to you directly from the factory.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Budapest slippers keep your feet snug at all times, definitely for those who are always cold. A closed heel and toe guarantee the comfiest experience. The little peek-hole and natural lamb wool make sure your feet can still breathe. All of our slippers feature a special insole with arch support – these really feel like you are walking on clouds! The slippers also come in a cotton cloth bag that keeps even the wildest pair of shoes in place (and as a bonus is more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box).
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Budapest slippers keep your feet snug at all times, definitely for those who are always cold. A closed heel and toe guarantee the comfiest experience. The little peek-hole and natural lamb wool make sure your feet can still breathe. All of our slippers feature a special insole with arch support – these really feel like you are walking on clouds! The slippers also come in a cotton cloth bag that keeps even the wildest pair of shoes in place (and as a bonus is more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box).
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Budapest slippers keep your feet snug at all times, definitely for those who are always cold. A closed heel and toe guarantee the comfiest experience. The little peek-hole and natural lamb wool make sure your feet can still breathe. All of our slippers feature a special insole with arch support – these really feel like you are walking on clouds! The slippers also come in a cotton cloth bag that keeps even the wildest pair of shoes in place (and as a bonus is more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box).
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Brussels are handmade slippers made from 100% lambswool felt. The insole features arch support and a slightly raised heel. The outer sole and heel are crafted from durable black microfibre material with a PU coating. These natural felt slippers mold to your feet and may stretch over time. They also come in a cotton cloth bag, which is both practical and more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box.
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Brussels are handmade slippers made from 100% lambswool felt. The insole features arch support and a slightly raised heel. The outer sole and heel are crafted from durable black microfibre material with a PU coating. These natural felt slippers mold to your feet and may stretch over time. They also come in a cotton cloth bag, which is both practical and more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box.
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels
TOKU Brussels are handmade slippers made from 100% lambswool felt. The insole features arch support and a slightly raised heel. The outer sole and heel are crafted from durable black microfibre material with a PU coating. These natural felt slippers mold to your feet and may stretch over time. They also come in a cotton cloth bag, which is both practical and more environmentally friendly than a cardboard box.
All TOKU shoes are handmade in southern Estonia by a small family company that has been making great shoes since 1927. They practice slow fashion, using natural, high-quality materials to create versatile, long-lasting styles, ensuring your sandals serve you for years. In 2018, Piibe Tomp, the designer and soul of TOKU, won the prestigious Estonian Young Designer of the Year Award. The jury at the Estonian Design Awards has described the TOKU brand as “The New Estonian Classic.
Upper & lining: natural lambswool felt
Insole: with arch support, slightly heightened heels