Made in Estonia

1519 Products


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  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni ERGO softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni TANIEL softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni RÜNNO softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia

    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni MEELIS softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia

    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni RINGO softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KERTTU softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni SUSANNA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia

    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KRISTINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia

    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KARINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. The product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.

    Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.

    NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.

    • Waterproof 10 000 mm
    • Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
    • Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
    • Designed and made in Estonia

    Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni EBEKAI softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.

    Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.

    Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.

    • Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
    • Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
    • Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
    • Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis

    Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
    Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Experience long-lasting quality with AIPI-2 leather boots. Crafted by Estonia’s top boot makers, each pair boasts stitched soles, making them some of the highest-quality boots you’ll ever own.

    AIPI-2 boots are made from 2 mm natural leather and have been in production for over 30 years. These boots feature an EVA insole sewn to the upper, and a durable rubber sole, making them perfect for any environment or season. A natural leather lining offers year-round comfort. Built entirely in Estonia, these boots are designed to last with their stitched soles and robust upper leather. They’re the daily choice for rockers, foresters, military personnel, and office workers alike.

    Based in Tallinn, Estonia, AIPI has decades of experience in handcrafting boots. We’ve even supplied the Estonian defense forces and Finland’s largest military store, Varusteleka.

    Product Details:

    • Upper: 2mm thick natural leather
    • Lining: Natural leather
    • Insole: EVA
    • Sole: Rubber
    • Closure: Laces
    • Made in: Estonia

    Note: All Aipi shoes are made to order and will be shipped in 7-14 working days after the order is placed. During peak times, it may take a bit longer since each pair is handmade. But trust us, they’re worth the wait!

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    AIPI-1 boots are handmade from 2 mm natural leather and have been a customer favorite for over 30 years. These boots feature an EVA insole, sewn to the upper, and a durable rubber sole. Versatile enough for all environments and seasons, they’re lined with natural leather for year-round comfort. Made from start to finish in Estonia, their stitched soles and thick natural upper leather ensure they’ll last for years with proper care. These are the go-to everyday shoes for rockers, foresters, military personnel, and even office workers.

    AIPI is a small shoe studio in Tallinn, Estonia, with decades of experience in crafting handmade boots. We’ve even supplied boots to the Estonian defense forces and Finland’s largest military store, Varusteleka.

    Product Details:

    • Upper: 2mm thick natural leather
    • Lining: Natural leather
    • Insole: EVA
    • Sole: Rubber
    • Closure: Laces
    • Made in: Estonia

    Note: All Aipi shoes are made to order and will be shipped in 7-14 working days after the order is placed. During peak times, it may take a bit longer since each pair is handmade. But trust us, they’re worth the wait!

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    AIPI-PS-2 boots are made from 2 mm thick natural leather. This model has been manufactured for customers for over 5 years. AIPI-PS-2 boots have an EVA material insole, which is sewn to the upper and a rubber-made sole. The boot model has been inspired by boots used in the American military. These boots are suitable to be worn in every environment and in every season. The boots have a natural leather lining that makes them comfortable to wear both in summer and winter. These boots are made from start to finish in Estonia at the AIPI Boot Factory, and thanks to the stitched soles and sufficiently thick natural upper leather, they last for years with proper care. AIPI-PS-2 boots are everyday shoes for many rockers, foresters, militarists, as well as office workers.

    If after years of wearing the sole, the bottom liner or the heel liner needs renewal, this is also offered by the AIPI Boot Factory.

    AIPI is a small shoe manufacturer in Tallinn, Estonia, where handmade boots have been made for decades. AIPI has made shoes for the Estonian defense forces and a very large military store in Finland, Varusteleka, among others.

    • Upper: 2mm thick natural leather
    • Lining: natural leather
    • Insole: EVA
    • Sole: rubber
    • Closure: laces
    • Manufacturer: AIPI
    • Made in Estonia

    Note: All Aipi shoes are made to order and will be shipped in 7-14 working days after the order is placed. During peak times, it may take a bit longer since each pair is handmade. But trust us, they’re worth the wait!

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    AIPI-PS-2 boots are made from 2 mm thick natural leather. This model has been manufactured for customers for over 5 years. AIPI-PS-2 boots have an EVA material insole, which is sewn to the upper and a rubber-made sole. The boot model has been inspired by boots used in the American military. These boots are suitable to be worn in every environment and in every season. The boots have a natural leather lining that makes them comfortable to wear both in summer and winter. These boots are made from start to finish in Estonia at the AIPI Boot Factory, and thanks to the stitched soles and sufficiently thick natural upper leather, they last for years with proper care. AIPI-PS-2 boots are everyday shoes for many rockers, foresters, militarists, as well as office workers.

    If after years of wearing the sole, the bottom liner or the heel liner needs renewal, this is also offered by the AIPI Boot Factory.

    AIPI is a small shoe manufacturer in Tallinn, Estonia, where handmade boots have been made for decades. AIPI has made shoes for the Estonian defense forces and a very large military store in Finland, Varusteleka, among others.

    • Upper: 2mm thick natural leather
    • Lining: natural leather
    • Insole: EVA
    • Sole: rubber
    • Closure: laces
    • Manufacturer: AIPI
    • Made in Estonia

    Note: All Aipi shoes are made to order and will be shipped in 7-14 working days after the order is placed. During peak times, it may take a bit longer since each pair is handmade. But trust us, they’re worth the wait!


  • Out of Stock

    Briefcase No. 36 is a briefcase handmade in Tartu, Estonia, and is made using high-quality and 3-3.5 mm thick full-grain vegetable-tanned leather. Only natural plant extracts, fats, and oils have been used in tanning the leather, giving the leather a natural and clean appearance. Items made from vegetable-tanned leather age and mold to the owner’s habits, recording life on their surface, which means that every briefcase will ultimately have a unique appearance. But most importantly, items made from vegetable-tanned leather last and serve you for a long time – it is possible that if you have this briefcase, you will not need to buy another briefcase in your lifetime. Just in case, we should mention that vegetable-tanned leather is genuine, authentic leather.

    The briefcase has a large laptop compartment (capacity 28 x 26 x 2 cm) and a smaller pocket that fits a larger notebook or iPad (capacity 22 x 22 x 2cm). In addition, there is a carabiner for keys and 2 pen holders in the main compartment. The front of the bag has 2 separate smaller pockets with a capacity of 14 x 20 x 4 cm. The briefcase comes with an adjustable-length shoulder strap.

    The Kolm leather workshop has been designing and producing bags, briefcases, and other leather goods since 1994. The leather masters of Kolm have made products for several well-known Estonian brands, including Craftory, for example.

    • Made from genuine and thick, 3-3.5 mm, vegetable-tanned leather
    • Color: black
    • Dimensions: 40.5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (with handle 40.5 x 38 x 15 cm)
    • Comes with a leather shoulder strap
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Portfell nr 36 Tartus käsitööna valmistatud portfell, mille tegemiseks on kasutatud kvaliteetset ja paksu 3-3,5 mm  full-grain taimparknahka. Naha parkimisel on kasutatud ainult looduslike taimeekstrakte, rasvasid ning õlisid, mis annavad nahale naturaalse ja puhta välimuse. Taimparknahast esemed lähevad aja ja omaniku nägu, salvestavad enda pinnale elu, mis tähendab, et iga portfell on lõpuks oma välimuselt ainulaadne. Aga kõige olulisem on ikkagi see, et taimparknahast esemed kestavad ja teenivad sind kaua – on võimalik, et kui sul on see portfell, siis sa ei pea elu jooksul enam ühtegi teist portfelli ostma. Igaks juhuks mainime, et taimparknahk on ikka see päris ehtne nahk.

    Portfellil on suur sülearvuti lahter (mahutavus 28 x 26 x 2 cm) ja väiksem tasku, kuhu mahub nt suurem märkmik või iPad (mahutavus 22 x 22 x 2cm). Lisaks on põhilahtris karabiiner võtmetele ning 2 pastakahoidjat. Koti esiseinas on 2 eraldi väiksemat taskut mahutavusega 14 x 20 x 4 cm. Portfelliga tuleb kaasa reguleeritav pikkusega õlarihm.

    Nahatöökojas Kolm on kotte, portfelle ja muid nahatooteid disainitud ja toodetud juba alates 1994. aastast. Kolme nahameistrid on teinud tooteid mitmetele tuntud Eesti brändidele, sealhulgas näiteks Craftoryle.

    • Toodetud ehtsat ja paksust, 3-3,5 mm, taimparknahast
    • Värv: must
    • Mõõdud: 40,5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (koos sangaga 40,5 x 38 x 15 cm)
    • Kaasa tuleb nahast õlarihm
    • Disainitud ja toodetud Eestis


  • Out of Stock

    Briefcase No. 36 is a briefcase handmade in Tartu, Estonia, and is made using high-quality and 3-3.5 mm thick full-grain vegetable-tanned leather. Only natural plant extracts, fats, and oils have been used in tanning the leather, giving the leather a natural and clean appearance. Items made from vegetable-tanned leather age and mold to the owner’s habits, recording life on their surface, which means that every briefcase will ultimately have a unique appearance. But most importantly, items made from vegetable-tanned leather last and serve you for a long time – it is possible that if you have this briefcase, you will not need to buy another briefcase in your lifetime. Just in case, we should mention that vegetable-tanned leather is genuine, authentic leather.

    The briefcase has a large laptop compartment (capacity 28 x 26 x 2 cm) and a smaller pocket that fits a larger notebook or iPad (capacity 22 x 22 x 2cm). In addition, there is a carabiner for keys and 2 pen holders in the main compartment. The front of the bag has 2 separate smaller pockets with a capacity of 14 x 20 x 4 cm. The briefcase comes with an adjustable-length shoulder strap.

    The Kolm leather workshop has been designing and producing bags, briefcases, and other leather goods since 1994. The leather masters of Kolm have made products for several well-known Estonian brands, including Craftory, for example.

    • Made from genuine and thick, 3-3.5 mm, vegetable-tanned leather
    • Color: cognac brown
    • Dimensions: 40.5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (with handle 40.5 x 38 x 15 cm)
    • Comes with a leather shoulder strap
    • Designed and made in Estonia


    Portfell nr 36 Tartus käsitööna valmistatud portfell, mille tegemiseks on kasutatud kvaliteetset ja paksu 3-3,5 mm  full-grain taimparknahka. Naha parkimisel on kasutatud ainult looduslike taimeekstrakte, rasvasid ning õlisid, mis annavad nahale naturaalse ja puhta välimuse. Taimparknahast esemed lähevad aja ja omaniku nägu, salvestavad enda pinnale elu, mis tähendab, et iga portfell on lõpuks oma välimuselt ainulaadne. Aga kõige olulisem on ikkagi see, et taimparknahast esemed kestavad ja teenivad sind kaua – on võimalik, et kui sul on see portfell, siis sa ei pea elu jooksul enam ühtegi teist portfelli ostma. Igaks juhuks mainime, et taimparknahk on ikka see päris ehtne nahk.

    Portfellil on suur sülearvuti lahter (mahutavus 28 x 26 x 2 cm) ja väiksem tasku, kuhu mahub nt suurem märkmik või iPad (mahutavus 22 x 22 x 2cm). Lisaks on põhilahtris karabiiner võtmetele ning 2 pastakahoidjat. Koti esiseinas on 2 eraldi väiksemat taskut mahutavusega 14 x 20 x 4 cm. Portfelliga tuleb kaasa reguleeritav pikkusega õlarihm.

    Nahatöökojas Kolm on kotte, portfelle ja muid nahatooteid disainitud ja toodetud juba alates 1994. aastast. Kolme nahameistrid on teinud tooteid mitmetele tuntud Eesti brändidele, sealhulgas näiteks Craftoryle.

    • Toodetud ehtsat ja paksust, 3-3,5 mm, taimparknahast
    • Värv: konjakipruun
    • Mõõdud: 40,5 cm x 32 cm x 15 cm (koos sangaga 40,5 x 38 x 15 cm)
    • Kaasa tuleb nahast õlarihm
    • Disainitud ja toodetud Eestis


  • Out of Stock

    Mist resizable silver ring.

    ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
    • Weight: 1.6 g
    • Ring width: 9 mm
    • Size: adjustable
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia

    Shipping: 2-4 working days

  • Out of Stock

    Spiral resizable silver ring.

    ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Weight: 4 g
    • Ring width: 15 mm
    • Size: adjustable
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia

    Shipping: 2-4 working days

  • Out of Stock

    Spiral resizable golden ring.

    ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with 18k gold. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Weight: 4 g
    • Ring width: 15 mm
    • Size: adjustable
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia

    Shipping: 2-4 working days

  • Out of Stock

    Polaris resizable silver ring.

    ONEHE sustainable silver ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
    • Weight: 3 g
    • Ring width: 23 mm
    • Size: adjustable
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia

    Shipping: 2-4 working days

  • Out of Stock

    Polaris resizable golden ring.

    ONEHE sustainable golden ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with 18k gold. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Weight: 3 g
    • Ring width: 23 mm
    • Size: adjustable
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Designed in Estonia

    Shipping: 2-4 working days

  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic cross-shaped Cross golden stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Size: 12 x 12 mm
    • Weight: 0.9 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic circle-shaped Echo golden stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Size: 16 x 17 mm
    • Weight: 1.1 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic Luna golden stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Size: 15 x 13 mm
    • Weight: 1 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic Cross silver stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
    • Size: 12 x 12mm
    • Weight: 0.9 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic circle-shaped Echo silver stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
    • Size: 16 x 17 mm
    • Weight: 1.1 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic heart-shaped golden stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
    • Size: 7 x 6.5 mm
    • Weight: 0.8 g per earring
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic heart-shaped Eros silver stud earrings.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    • Materials: brass, 925 sterling silver pin, 18k gold plated
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • Out of Stock

    Minimalistic heart-shaped Eros silver stud earrings.

    ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.

    The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.

    • Materials: brass, 925 sterling silver pin, rhodium plated
    • Hypoallergenic
    • Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
    • Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
    • Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
    • Designed in Estonia
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The Hawk Pilot boots or Pilots are military-grade pilot boots that not only look durable but are. Pilots are full leather boots developed based on one of the most legendary military boots ever, M77, aka Norweigan combat boots. Pilots have the quality and durability of M77s. Still, they also have a lace lock system developed according to the pilot’s needs that allows for tying boots faster and hiding laces after tying. Pilots are made of the strongest 2,2-2,4 mm water-repellent full-grain leather, and Cambrelle textile lining under the vamp keeps the boots comfortable and dry. And yes, your feet will also be warm in a typical winter. The removable anatomical insole is antibacterial, breathable, and washable. Multiple NATO armies use Hawk Pilot boots, so we are sure they do okay for your everyday needs. Pilots are manufactured in Estonia according to NATO AQAP 2110 quality standards.

    Upper: 2.2-2.4 mm full-grain water-repellent leather
    Outsole: Direct-injected PU
    Lining: light Cambrelle textile lining under the tongue
    Insole: Anatomical, antibacterial and washable
    Manufacturer: Samelin
    Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    Shipping: 4-8 workdays

