Foldable shooter base mat

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The foldable shooter base mat with carrying handles is made from robust PVC, suitable for use in all weather conditions. The mat contains a 1 cm thick padding material. The product is divided into four sections and can be conveniently folded for storage. Dimensions when folded are 80 x 57 cm.

  • Material: Strong PVC, with padding material inside
  • Colour: Military green
  • Dimensions: 220 cm x 80 cm, folded 80 x 57 cm
  • Thickness: 1 cm
  • Capacity: 30 liters
  • Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
  • Designed and produced in Estonia

The Estonian company Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police for many years in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Ministry of Defense decided to develop its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces in the late 1990s, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.


Kokkuvolditav kandesangadega laskuri alusmatt on valmistatud tugevast PVC-st ja sobib kasutamiseks igasugustes ilmastikuoludes. Mati sees on 1 cm paksune pehmendusmaterjal. Toode on jaotatud neljaks sektoriks ja seda on võimalik ökonoomselt kokku panna. Mõõdud kokkupanduna 80 x 57 cm.

  • Materjal: tugev PVC, sees pehmendusmaterjal
  • Värv: militaarroheline
  • Mõõdud: 220 cm x 80 cm, kokkupanduna 80 x 57 cm
  • Paksus: 1 cm
  • Mahutavus: 30 liitrit
  • Tootja standardid: ISO 9001:2015
  • Disainitud ja toodetud Eestis

Eesti ettevõtte Galvi-Linda on olnud aastaid Eesti Kaitseväe ja politsei poolt usaldatud partneriks seljakottide, riiete ja muu varustuse tootmisel. Kui Kaitseministeerium otsustas 90ndate teises pooles Eesti Kaitseväele päris oma varustust välja hakata arendama, siis üheks partneriks valiti just Galvi-Linda.

Kohaletoimetamine: 2-4 tööpäeva

SKU: 117-033-03 Categories: , , ,



Bags produced by the Estonian company Galvi-Linda are no-nonsense military-grade bags that won't let you down in any situation. Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for years to the Estonian Defense Forces and the police in producing backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Ministry of Defense decided in the late 90s to start developing its equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners. military bags / military quality / tactical / performance


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