Store in Spotlight #1: PikkuMuu

We are excited to introduce a new series, “Store in Spotlight,” where we showcase new and upcoming online stores and the entrepreneurs behind them. The first store in the spotlight is PikkuMuu, founded by Tanja from Finland.

What is PikkuMuu?

Welcome to the world of PikkuMuu! Owned and operated by Tanja from Finland, PikkuMuu is an online store that brings joy, creativity, and quality to your little ones’ lives through a carefully curated selection of children’s products. From durable wooden toys to handcrafted eco-friendly items, each product is chosen with love and care to meet the needs of both children and parents. PikkuMuu focuses on high-quality children’s products and operates in the Finnish market.

We at Hertwill are providing Tanja and PikkuMuu with high-quality dropshipping products to sell in her store. We also asked Tanja a few questions about her journey in the e-commerce and dropshipping world.

Tanja, why did you start your own online store?

I have three elementary school-aged children who often require more time than usual due to their different needs. At the same time, I also have a day job working for someone else, and life sometimes feels like a hamster wheel. My dream is to employ myself as an entrepreneur, thus freeing up more time for my children when they need it the most and focusing on work during the best times.

What has been harder about running your store than you anticipated?

Competition is tough, which I expected, but keeping up with content creation has been more challenging than I anticipated. My advice for this is found in question four :).

What is your favorite product from your store?

I love everything! But during the summer, I’ve fallen in love with towel ponchos, as have my children.

Children's ponchos Hertwill dropshipping
Children’s ponchos available at PikkuMuu.

What is your one recommendation for new online stores?

Have a social media plan, schedule posts well in advance, and organize giveaways.

What would you say to people who are thinking of starting their own store but haven’t made the jump yet?

I read about it for a couple of years and was afraid to start. I’m a complete beginner at this, so if I can do it, so can you! This job teaches you, it’s fun, and it sweeps you away 🙂

Thanks, Tanja! We wish lots of sales for PikkuMuu and thank you for partnering with Hertwill.

If you want to have high-quality dropshipping products from real brands in your store, sign up for Hertwill here.