DOUGLAS hand-made leather toiletry bag fits all your travel and beauty essentials. This spacious bag is convenient for overnight trips or longer vacations to keep deodorant, fragrance, shaving tools, make-up etc. Smooth running zipper opens the bag widely from side to side. Douglas has an additional zipped pocket in front for storing your small items.
Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.
Peppermint Face Tonic has a refreshing and cooling effect. It restores the natural glow and tonality of the skin and is an excellent companion for long office hours and car trips.
How to use? Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.
Size: 50 ml
Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh peppermint herbs in the spring-water vapour.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.
Piparmündinäovesi on värskendava ja jahutava toimega.
Taastab naha loomuliku sära ja tonaalsuse ning on suurepärane kaaslane pikkadeks kontoripäevadeks ja autosõitudeks.
Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!
Suurus: 50 ml
Koostisosad: Värskete piparmündi taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.
St. John’s-wort multiplies the effect of the sun on the body. Also soothes, relieves pain, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.
Size: 50 ml
Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh St. John’s-wort herbs in the spring-water vapour.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.
Naistepuna mitmekordistab päikese toimet organismile. Samuti rahustab, leevendab valu ja omab põletikuvastast toimet.
Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!
Suurus: 50 ml
Koostisosad: Värskete naistepuna taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.
Juniper has a tonic effect, suitable especially well for oily skin.
Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.
Size: 50 ml
Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh juniper in the spring-water vapour.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.
Kadakanäovesi vähendab naha rasusust, leevendab paistetust ja ergutab nahaalust vereringet. Lisaks sellele toimivad kadakaokstes ja -marjades sisalduvad eeterlikud õlid põletikuvastaselt ja puhastavalt paljude haigusetekitajate mikroobide vastu.
Kautamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!
Suurus: 50 ml
Värskete kadakate destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.
Pine face tonic is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Suitable for refreshing the body and hair, also cleanses the air.
Use: the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.
Size: 50 ml
Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh pine in the spring-water vapour.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.
Männi näovesi on antibakteriaalne ja põletikuvastane. Sobib keha ja juuste värskendamiseks, samuti puhastab õhku.
Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!
Suurus: 50 ml
Koostisosad: Värskete männi taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
Bright white in color and with a slightly citric scent, the Coconut & Lime Body Cream calms and moisturizes your skin. Coconut oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and it is super moisturizing. Lime is full of vitamin C and flavonoids, providing it with rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. In addition, lime helps fight acne and other skin blemishes, making it glow nicely on top of everything.
Size: 60 ml / 120 ml
Ingredients: Mango butter, coconut oil, spring water, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil, kukui oil, wheat germ oil, essential oils of lime, lemon and orange & ecosafe preservative.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Valget tooni ja õrnalt laimilõhnaline kookose & laimi kehakreem rahustab ja niisutab su nahka. Kookosõli on antimikroobse ja põletikuvastase toimega ning samal ajal ka ülimalt niisutav. Tsitruseline laim aga sisaldab ohtralt c-vitamiini ja flavonoide, tänu millele on sellel noorendav ja vananemisvastane toime. Lisaks sellele aitab laim võidelda akne ja teiste naha ebatasasuste ja plekkidega, pannes selle mõnusalt särama.
Suurus: 60 ml / 120 ml
Koostisosad: Mangovõi, kookosõli, allikavesi, kakaovõi, magusa mandli õli, kukuiõli, nisuiduõli, laimi, sidruni ja apelsini eeterlikud õlid ning ecosafe säilitusaine.
Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
The Sea-Buckthorn & Calendula Body Cream softens and moisturizes your skin.
Shea butter enhances the renewal of skin cells and has a rejuvenating and anti-wrinkle effect on the skin. Coconut oil protects the skin from UV rays, moisturizes the skin, and has anti-inflammatory qualities, relieving eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis. Wheat Germ oil is rich in vitamin E, which boosts the growth of new skin cells, facilitates their oxygen supply, and improves blood circulation in the skin. Sweet Almond Oil nourishes, soothes, and smoothens the skin, and is rich in vitamin E, Calcium, and Magnesium. Sea-Buckthorn Oil is a real vitamin bomb and helps to heal small wounds on the skin. Calendula softens the skin and relieves irritation. Also helps to repair small wounds.
Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Lummavalt tummise lõhnaga astelpaju ja saialille kehakreem pehmendab ja niisutab Su nahka. Astelpajumarjad on üks täiuslikumaid taimsete vitamiinide allikaid. Selle marju, varsi, juuri ja lehti on kasutatud juba aastatuhandeid. Välispidiselt kasutatuna aitab astelpaju korrastada naha ainevahetust ning kiirendada haavade paranemispotsessi. Saialill on nagu väike päike, mis toob sära Su päevadesse. Lisaks on ta põletikuvastane ja antibakteriaalse toimega.
The moss green color and mint fresh scent of peppermint & rosemary body scrub is the best thing you can do for your skin! With the texture of a body scrub obtained using unrefined cane sugar, it thoroughly cleanses your skin and covers it with a silky, moisturizing and nourishing layer. Peppermint will make your skin flush nicely!
Wheat germ powder contains antioxidants, vitamins A and C and chlorophyll, which strengthens the immune system and stimulates the tired body. Rosemary is also rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory effects. Peppermint has antibacterial activity.
Size: 120 ml
Use: Exfoliate after sauna, bath, or shower. Apply to wet skin, massage, and then rinse.
Ingredients: Coconut oil, shea butter, cane sugar (unrefined), rosemary and peppermint essential oil, wheat powder and vitamin E.
Use within 3 months of opening, keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Piparmündi & rosmariini kehakoorija – toidab ja värskendab! Sobib igale nahatüübile.
Samblarohelise värvuse ja piparmündiselt värske lõhnaga piparmündi & rosmariini kehakoorija on parim, mida saad oma naha jaoks teha! Kehakoorijale omase tekstuuriga, mis on saadud kasutades rafineerimata roosuhkrut, puhastab ta põhjalikult su nahka ja katab selle siidise, niisutava ja toitva kihiga. Piparmünt paneb su naha mõnusalt õhetama!
Nisuorase pulber sisaldab antioksüdante, A ja C vitamiini ning klorofülli, mis tugevdab immuunsust ja ergutab väsinud organismi. Rosmariin sisaldab samuti ohtralt antioksüdante ning omab põletikuvastast toimet. Piparmündi värske lõhn mõjub ergutavalt, kuid samal ajal ka lõõgastab ja rahustab. Piparmündil on antibakteriaalne toime.
Suurus: 120 ml
Kasutamine: keha kooritakse viimase protseduurina pärast sauna, vannis või duši all käimist. Kanda märjale nahale, masseerida ning seejärel loputada veega.
Koostisosad: Kookosrasv, shea-või, roosuhkur (rafineerimata), rosmariini ja piparmündi eeterlik õli, nisuorase pulber ja E-vitamiin.
Avatuna säilib kuni kolm kuud, hoida toatemperatuuril, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
The citric orange smells like a tropical island in the middle of dull darkness. Its invigorating and energizing aroma gives you the most candid feeling of peace and happiness. A carrot, on the other hand, takes care of you just like a loving mother would. Its soft-touch makes all of the troubles disappear and takes away all the pain. A truly royal combination for an everyday super-woman!
Orange is a powerful source of vitamin C, improving your body’s overall resistance. It is also rich in other antioxidants that help maintain the skin’s youthfulness and glow. Carrot can be a perfect skin tonic thanks to beta-carotene, as well as vitamins A, B, C, D, E and F that it is full of. It boosts healing processes in the skin and reduces itchiness
Size: 120 ml
Use: Exfoliate after sauna, bath, or shower. Apply to wet skin, massage, and then rinse.
Ingredients: Coconut oil, shea butter, cane sugar (unrefined), orange essential oil, carrot powder, and vitamin E.
Use within 3 months of opening, keep protected from direct sunlight.
Produced in Estonia
Apelsini ja porgandi kehakoorija – rõõmustab ja leevendab! Sobib igale nahatüübile.
Tsitruseline apelsin lõhnab nagu troopikasaar keset pilkast pimedust. Selle ergutav ja turgutav aroom tekitab tõelise rõõmu- ja rahulolutunde. Porgand seevastu on nagu hoolitsev ema, kelle puudutus pehmendab iga mure ja leevendab iga valu. Tõeliselt kuninglik kombo igale argisele supernaisele!
Apelsin on tõeline C-vitamiini allikas, mis tõstab keha vastupanuvõimet. Lisaks sellele leidub apelsinis veel hulgaliselt teisigi antioksüdante, mis aitavad nahal säilitada selle nooruslikkust ja sära. Porgand sisaldab aga rohkelt beetakaroteeni ning A-, B-, C-, D-, E- ja F-vitamiine, tänu millele on see suurepärane nahatoonik, soodustades naha paranemist ja leevendades sügelevat nahka.
Suurus: 120 ml
Kasutamine: keha kooritakse viimase protseduurina pärast sauna, vannis või duši all käimist. Kanda märjale nahale, masseerida ning seejärel loputada veega.
NES by Nordhale is an unisex water-repellent toiletry bag, designed specifically for travel. Whether you need a compact storage solution for your cosmetics or a versatile bag for your accessories, NES has you covered. Designed to be practical and lightweight, making it a perfect companion for your journeys. NES bags come in two sizes to cater to everyone’s specific needs. choose the size that suits you best, ensuring you have the ideal amount of space for your belongings while maintaining a compact and travel-friendly design.
NES is part of Nordhale’s new line THUNDER of water-repellent bags that effortlessly combine practicality with functionality, crafted from high-quality polyester canvas.
Nurme’s gift set rosemary and black pepper for men includes Mint Rosemary Shampoo and Coriander Black Pepper Shower Gel.
Mint Rosemary Shampoo for men, 250 ml – This shampoo contains natural peppermint and rosemary essential oils. It re-energizes hair and leaves a pleasant fragrance. The contents of this shampoo vitalize hair follicles.
Coriander Black Pepper Shower Gel for men, 250ml – Awaken and nourish your skin daily with this naturally cleansing shower gel. Infused with the fragrant and therapeutic essential oils of Coriander and Black pepper. Start your day feeling clean and revitalised.
Nurme is a cosmetics brand from Estonia. Nurme values physical and spiritual contentment and living in harmony with nature. Nurme does not compromise on ingredients and quality. Every soap, cream, shampoo, oil – all products in the product range are made by hand, using only the best raw materials. Nurme cosmetics are cruelty-free and 100% of natural ingredients.
Nurme’s body care gift care set for men includes Facial Balm for Men and Coriander Black Pepper Shower Gel.
Mint Rosemary Shampoo for men, 250 ml – This shampoo contains natural peppermint and rosemary essential oils. It re-energizes hair and leaves a pleasant fragrance. The contents of this shampoo vitalize hair follicles.
The face cream with coriander and black pepper is suitable for daily moisturizing, after shaving. All ingredients are carefully selected, and natural and do not irritate the skin. Apply the cream to the skin in a circular motion and allow it to absorb. The face cream is Free From Skincare Awards FINALIST 2021.
Nurme is a cosmetics brand from Estonia. Nurme values physical and spiritual contentment and living in harmony with nature. Nurme does not compromise on ingredients and quality. Every soap, cream, shampoo, oil – all products in the product range are made by hand, using only the best raw materials. Nurme cosmetics are cruelty-free and 100% of natural ingredients.
Nurme’s natural gift set for men includes men’s soap, mint lip balm, and face cream with coriander and black pepper.
Mint lip balm protects lips from cold, wind and sun. Men’s soap is a natural handmade two-in-one soap suitable for both washing and shaving. The soap cleanses the pores and has an antiseptic effect. To shave, rub the soap until enough foam is created. The face cream with coriander and black pepper is suitable for daily moisturizing, after shaving. All ingredients are carefully selected, natural and do not irritate the skin. Apply the cream to the skin in a circular motion and allow it to absorb. The face cream is Free From Skincare Awards FINALIST 2021.
Nurme is a cosmetics brand from Estonia. Nurme values physical and spiritual contentment and living in harmony with nature. Nurme does not compromise on ingredients and quality. Every soap, cream, shampoo, oil – all products in the product range are made by hand, using only the best raw materials. Nurme cosmetics are cruelty-free and 100% of natural ingredients.
With the arrival of evening comes silence and nature settles down in anticipation of the next day. THE BEAUTY OF THE EVENING is designed to enjoy the end of the day and create a peaceful atmosphere with the wonderful scents of essential oils.
The aromatherapy roll brings out a combination of calming lavender and sweetly spicy nutmeg to create moments for gathering energy and enjoying peace. The rollerball is created with a skin-friendly coconut oil base.
Õhtu saabumisega tuleb vaikus ja loodus sätib end järgmiseks päevaks ootele. ÕHTU ILU on loodud päeva lõpu nautimiseks ja rahuliku õhkkonna loomiseks imeliste eeterlike õlide lõhnadega.
Aroomirullikus tuleb esile rahustava lavendli ja magusalt vürtsika muskaatpähkli kooslus, et luua hetki energia kogumiseks ja rahu nautimiseks. Rullik on loodud nahale sõbraliku kookosõli baasil.
When designing makeup bags, I thought about my own needs. I carry a size S pouch in my backpack or handbag every day. There are various female trivia inside it. The makeup bag of size S is quite roomy. When traveling, I take both, M and S-size pouches with me. Size M is really large, it holds shampoos, hair mousse, brushes, etc. There are four of us traveling. Two pouches and all family hygiene items packed. My makeup bag of XS size contains lipstick, mascara, blush, and shadows. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
All bags are with Garbanota lining and metal rings on the sides. Makeup bags are handmade of 100% polyester in the EU. Fabric is robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Smooth or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft, and gentle, and resembles velvet. The smooth fabric resembles linen.
When designing makeup bags, I thought about my own needs. I carry a size S pouch in my backpack or handbag every day. There are various female trivia inside it. The makeup bag of size S is quite roomy. When traveling, I take both, M and S-size pouches with me. Size M is really large, it holds shampoos, hair mousse, brushes, etc. There are four of us traveling. Two pouches and all family hygiene items packed. My makeup bag of XS size contains lipstick, mascara, blush, and shadows. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
All bags are with Garbanota lining and metal rings on the sides. Makeup bags are handmade of 100% polyester in the EU. Fabric is robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Smooth or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft, and gentle, and resembles velvet. The smooth fabric resembles linen.
When designing makeup bags, I thought about my own needs. I carry a size S pouch in my backpack or handbag every day. There are various female trivia inside it. The makeup bag of size S is quite roomy. When traveling, I take both, M and S-size pouches with me. Size M is really large, it holds shampoos, hair mousse, brushes, etc. There are four of us traveling. Two pouches and all family hygiene items packed. My makeup bag of XS size contains lipstick, mascara, blush, and shadows. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
All bags are with Garbanota lining and metal rings on the sides. Makeup bags are handmade of 100% polyester in the EU. Fabric is robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Smooth or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft, and gentle, and resembles velvet. The smooth fabric resembles linen.
When designing makeup bags, I thought about my own needs. I carry a size S pouch in my backpack or handbag every day. There are various female trivia inside it. The makeup bag of size S is quite roomy. When traveling, I take both, M and S-size pouches with me. Size M is really large, it holds shampoos, hair mousse, brushes, etc. There are four of us traveling. Two pouches and all family hygiene items packed. My makeup bag of XS size contains lipstick, mascara, blush, and shadows. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
All bags are with Garbanota lining and metal rings on the sides. Makeup bags are handmade of 100% polyester in the EU. Fabric is robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Smooth or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft, and gentle, and resembles velvet. The smooth fabric resembles linen.
When designing makeup bags, I thought about my own needs. I carry a size S pouch in my backpack or handbag every day. There are various female trivia inside it. The makeup bag of size S is quite roomy. When traveling, I take both, M and S-size pouches with me. Size M is really large, it holds shampoos, hair mousse, brushes, etc. There are four of us traveling. Two pouches and all family hygiene items packed. My makeup bag of XS size contains lipstick, mascara, blush, and shadows. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
All bags are with Garbanota lining and metal rings on the sides. Makeup bags are handmade of 100% polyester in the EU. Fabric is robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Smooth or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft, and gentle, and resembles velvet. The smooth fabric resembles linen.