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  • REHAB is a fresh-smelling skin cocktail powder, which can be blended into an exfoliating face mask at home. REHAB is a blend of vitamin-rich herbs and skin-softening seaweed from Saaremaa, Estonian wild nettle powder, super hydrating and soothing aloe extract, exfoliating olive stone powder, and cleansing and clarifying mineral-rich clay blend. This product is designed to deep clean, freshen up dull complexion, tone and tighten skin, minimize pores, and brighten up skin tone. This face mask has antibacterial properties, it relieves acne, soothes inflammatory and itchy skin conditions, improves complexion, and helps to wounds faster. The active ingredients in the mask help to neutralize free radicals and boost the regeneration of new skin cells. When massaging the product on your skin before or after masking, olive stones help to remove dead skin cells and improve circulation.

    How to use: Mix 1 teaspoon of mask powder with 2 teaspoons of hot water in a small non-metal bowl using a clean spoon. Let it sit for 10 minutes, then apply it on your face, leave it on for 5-10 min, then rinse off with warm water. You can use this paste as a face scrub as well. Use 1-2 times a week.

    Ingredients: Illite, Moroccan Lava Clay, Olea Europaea Seed Powder, *Mentha Spicata Leaf Powder, *Urtica Dioica Leaf Powder, *Salvia Officinalis Leaf Powder, *Hyssopus Officinalis Leaf Powder, *Thymus Vulgaris Leaf Powder, *Calendula Officinalis Flower Powder, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice Powder, *Furcellaria Lumbricalis Extract, *Melaleuca Alternifolia Leaf Oil.
    *From organic farming.

    Shipping 2-5 working days

  • ENG:

    Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.

    Peppermint Face Tonic has a refreshing and cooling effect. It restores the natural glow and tonality of the skin and is an excellent companion for long office hours and car trips.

    How to use? Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.

    • Size: 50 ml
    • Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh peppermint herbs in the spring-water vapour.
    • Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
    • Produced in Estonia


    Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.

    Piparmündi näovesi on värskendava ja jahutava toimega.

    Taastab naha loomuliku sära ja tonaalsuse ning on suurepärane kaaslane pikkadeks kontoripäevadeks ja autosõitudeks.

    Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!

    • Suurus: 50 ml
    • Koostisosad: Värskete piparmündi taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
    • Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
    • Eestis toodetud

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • ENG:

    Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.

    St. John’s-wort multiplies the effect of the sun on the body. Also soothes, relieves pain, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.

    • Size: 50 ml
    • Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh St. John’s-wort herbs in the spring-water vapour.
    • Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
    • Produced in Estonia


    Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.

    Naistepuna mitmekordistab päikese toimet organismile. Samuti rahustab, leevendab valu ja omab põletikuvastast toimet.

    Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!

    • Suurus: 50 ml
    • Koostisosad: Värskete naistepuna taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
    • Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
    • Eestis toodetud

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • ENG:

    Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.

    Juniper has a tonic effect, suitable especially well for oily skin.

    Use the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.

    • Size: 50 ml
    • Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh juniper in the spring-water vapour.
    • Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
    • Produced in Estonia


    Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.

    Kadaka näovesi vähendab naha rasusust, leevendab paistetust ja ergutab nahaalust vereringet. Lisaks sellele toimivad kadakaokstes ja -marjades sisalduvad eeterlikud õlid põletikuvastaselt ja puhastavalt paljude haigusetekitajate mikroobide vastu.

    Kautamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!

    • Suurus: 50 ml
    • Koostisosad:
      Värskete kadakate destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
    • Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
    • Eestis toodetud

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • ENG:

    Face tonic based on spring water and hand-picked Nordic organic plants.

    Pine face tonic is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Suitable for refreshing the body and hair, also cleanses the air.

    Use: the face tonic in the morning and evening. It will refresh your skin wonderfully in the morning, prior to putting on moisturizer, and in the evening it will help to clear the day off your face. Apply some tonic to the cotton pad and gently wipe your skin, or mist it over your face. It’s also great to pamper your skin and senses during the day.

    • Size: 50 ml
    • Ingredients: Pure distillate from distilling fresh pine in the spring-water vapour.
    • Use within 6 months of opening, and keep protected from direct sunlight.
    • Produced in Estonia


    Näovesi allikavee ja käsitsi korjatud taimedega.

    Männi näovesi on antibakteriaalne ja põletikuvastane. Sobib keha ja juuste värskendamiseks, samuti puhastab õhku.

    Kasutamine: pihusta näovett hommikuti ja õhtuti. Hommikul värskendab ta Su näonahka enne kreemi pealekandmist ja õhtul puhastab õrnalt päevasest mustusest. Kanna näovesi vatipadjale ja paita õrnalt näonahka või pihusta näovett otse nahale. Kergeks naha ja meelte turgutuseks sobilik terve päeva kestel!

    • Suurus: 50 ml
    • Koostisosad: Värskete männi taimede destilleerimisel allikavee auruga tekkinud puhas destillaat.
    • Avatuna säilib kuni kuus kuud, vältida otsest päikesevalgust.
    • Eestis toodetud

    Shipping: 3-7 working days