The responsible Rucksack is created from British cotton canvas, designed and made in Estonia. Take the backpack to the office, have a picnic in the park, rush to the gym or run your daily errands hands-free, it will serve you at any time.
Responsible Rucksack provides a variety of practical storage options, throw in your sweater or scarf in case it gets cold, don’t forget a water bottle, or your favorite book or two, and hold your laptop (13″) safely in a special outer pocket. The best combination of functionality and simplicity. Nothing superfluous, nothing screamingly missing.
FACET black backpack with adjustable straps. Two inner pockets, one with a zipper and another with a flat open pocket. Handmade from genuine leather, and will last a lifetime.
Gerda Retter is an Estonian accessory designer who established her brand in 2016 while studying leather design at the Tartu Higher Art School. Additionally, Gerda has studied under accessory design masters in both Italy and Hungary. She was nominated for the Design-a-Bag competition in Hong Kong in 2015 and has been nominated for the BRUNO Award at the Estonian Design Award for multiple years.
Size: 40 cm x 38 cm x 12 cm
Material: Quality Spanish leather
Designed & made in Estonia
EU Delivery: 4-10 working days
EST: FACET on reguleeritavate rihmadega Gerda Retteri seljakott. Kaks sisetaskut, üks lukuga ja teine väike lame avatud tasku. Tehtud muidugi käsitööna naturaalsest nahast.
Gerda Retter on Eesti aksessuaaridisainer, kes lõi oma brändi 2016 aastal õpingute ajal Tartu Kõrgemas Kunstikoolis nahadisaini erialal, lisaks on Gerda õppinud nii Itaalia kui ka Ungari aksessuaaridisaini meistrite käe all. Gerda on nomineeritud Hong Kongi Design-a-Bag konkursil aastal 2015 ning mitmel aastal Eesti Disaini Auhinna BRUNO auhinnale.
The Great Rucksack allows you to take your business absolutely anywhere, being both smart at work and suave on the streets. The two adjustable shoulder straps let you alternate between backpack, shoulder, and messenger bag setups and the raindrop-shaped sides enhance the capacity.
Great Rucksack provides a variety of practical storage options, featuring an internal sleeve for laptops up to 15”, a safe zipper pocket for the most valuable, and a quick-access external pocket with an attached keychain for stuff you need on the go.
The Great Rucksack allows you to take your business absolutely anywhere, being both smart at work and suave on the streets. The two adjustable shoulder straps let you alternate between backpack, shoulder, and messenger bag setups and the raindrop-shaped sides enhance the capacity.
Great Rucksack provides a variety of practical storage options, featuring an internal sleeve for laptops up to 15”, a safe zipper pocket for the most valuable, and a quick-access external pocket with an attached keychain for stuff you need on the go.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
I especially like backpacks, so I made one. It’s very comfortable so that you can wear it daily, or it can even be your travel backpack. Very lightweight but durable, up to 7-10kg and wide straps comfortably resting on your shoulders. Paintings on the bag are made by me, Garbanota.
Both sides of the backpack come with the same picture.
Each backpack has a zipper, adjustable straps, lining (Garbanota) and a spacious inner pocket (20x22cm).
Fabric – 100% polyester. Robust, durable, and well washable at 30 ° C.
Plain or velour fabric is available. Velour is soft and gentle and resembles velvet. Plain fabric is smooth and resembles linen.
ENG: Alfa 30 travel bag from Matrix Pro is also suitable as an everyday backpack. So, if you can’t justify buying a quality hiking bag, then with this bag, you can convince yourself that it is also suitable for everyday use. If you don’t believe it, look at the pictures of Riho walking with it at the Widget Factory in Tartu. But this bag is particularly suitable for hiking.
Matrix Pro is absolutely world-class in the category of hiking and mountain climbing bags – even Estonian mountain climbers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags. Alfa 30 is made of durable Condura material and is waterproof. The bag’s capacity is 35 liters, and all seams are triple-stitched. Of course, the bag has plenty of pockets, a cap-closed top, and straps. This bag will serve you long and well, and your envious friends will soon want one just like it. We won’t mind if you don’t tell them where you got this bag.
Made of durable Condura Dimensions: 15 x 30 x60 cm Capacity: 35 liters 100% Estonian handcraft
Shipping in the EU takes 5-14 working days. Each bag is handmade after the order.
EST: Alfa 30 on Matrix Pro matkakott, mis sobib ka igapäevaseks seljakotiks. Ehk kui sa ei suuda endale ära põhjendada, miks peaksid kvaliteetse matkakoti ostma, siis selle koti puhul saad end veenda, et see sobib ka igapäevaseks käimiseks. Kui sa ei usu, siis vaata piltidelt, kuidas Riho sellega Tartus Aparaaditehases jalutab. Aga eriti hästi sobib see kott siiski matkamiseks.
Matka- ja mägironimiskottide kategoorias on Matrix Pro muidugi absoluutne maailma tippklass – ka Eesti mägironijad Alar Sikk ja Andras Kaasik usaldavad Matrix Pro kotte. Alfa 30 on valmistatud vastupidavast Condura materjalist ning on veekindel. Koti mahutavus on 35 liitrit ning kõik õmblused on kolmekordsed. Muidugi on kotil hulgaliselt taskuid, mütsiga suletav pealis ning rihmad. See kott teenib sind kaua ja hästi, ning su kadedad sõbrad soovivad endale varsti samasugust. Me ei pahanda, kui sa neile ei ütle, kust selle koti said.
Many are probably familiar with Matrix Pro, the Tartu manufacturer of professional hiking bags. In the category of hiking bags, Matrix Pro is absolutely world-class – even Estonian mountaineers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags, as did the Uhhudur adventurers who relied on Matrix Pro equipment. NOEL, however, is the new brand from the creators of Matrix Pro, mainly focused on street bags. The durability and reliability of Matrix Pro are, of course, present in NOEL. All bags are handmade in Tartu.
Zip is a NOEL backpack that makes going to school or the home office a pleasure every day. The large compartment of the bag can be closed with a lock and full-leather straps. In addition to the padded compartment for a laptop, which can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches, the bag has a zippered A5-sized pocket and 3 smaller pockets. The adjustable shoulder straps of the bag are padded for more comfortable wearing, as are the bottom and back of the bag. The bag is made of strong and waterproof Cordura material.
Material: Durable Cordura
Dimensions: 12 x 30 x 50 cm
Volume: 14 liters
100% Estonian handcraft
Paljud on ilmselt tuttavad Tartu professionaalsete matkakottide tootja Matrix Proga. Matkakottide kategoorias on Matrix Pro absoluutne maailma tippklass – ka Eesti mägironijad Alar Sikk ja Andras Kaasik usaldavad Matrix Pro kotte, nagu usaldasid Matrix Pro varustust ka Uhhuduuri seiklejad. NOEL on aga Matrix Pro tegijate uus peamiselt tänavakottidele keskendunud bränd. Matrix Pro vastupidavus ja töökindlus on muidugi kohal NOELis. Kõik kotid on toodetud Tartus käsitööna.
Zip on NOELi seljakott, millega on iga päev koolis või kodukontoris käia lausa rõõm. Koti mahukas suur lahter on luku ning täisnahast rihmadega suletav. Lisaks polsterdatud sülarvutile mõeldud lahtrile, mis mahutab kuni 17 tollise läptopi, on kotil lukuga suletav A5 suuruses tasku ning 3 väiksemat taskut. Koti reguleeritavad õlarihmad on polsterdatud mõnusamaks kandmiseks, nagu ka koti põhi ning seljaosa. Kott on valmistatud tugevast veekindlast Cordura materjalist.
Many are probably familiar with Matrix Pro, the Tartu manufacturer of professional hiking bags. In the category of hiking bags, Matrix Pro is absolutely world-class – even Estonian mountaineers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags, as did the Uhhudur adventurers who relied on Matrix Pro equipment. NOEL, however, is the new brand from the creators of Matrix Pro, mainly focused on street bags. The durability and reliability of Matrix Pro are, of course, present in NOEL. All bags are handmade in Tartu.
Zip is a NOEL backpack that makes going to school or the home office a pleasure every day. The large compartment of the bag can be closed with a lock and full-leather straps. In addition to the padded compartment for a laptop, which can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches, the bag has a zippered A5-sized pocket and 3 smaller pockets. The adjustable shoulder straps of the bag are padded for more comfortable wearing, as are the bottom and back of the bag. The bag is made of strong and waterproof Cordura material.
Material: Durable Cordura
Dimensions: 12 x 30 x 50 cm
Volume: 14 liters
100% Estonian handcraft
Paljud on ilmselt tuttavad Tartu professionaalsete matkakottide tootja Matrix Proga. Matkakottide kategoorias on Matrix Pro absoluutne maailma tippklass – ka Eesti mägironijad Alar Sikk ja Andras Kaasik usaldavad Matrix Pro kotte, nagu usaldasid Matrix Pro varustust ka Uhhuduuri seiklejad. NOEL on aga Matrix Pro tegijate uus peamiselt tänavakottidele keskendunud bränd. Matrix Pro vastupidavus ja töökindlus on muidugi kohal NOELis. Kõik kotid on toodetud Tartus käsitööna.
Zip on NOEL seljakott, millega on iga päev koolis või kodukontoris käia lausa rõõm. Koti suur lahter on luku ning täisnahast rihmadega suletav. Lisaks polsterdatud sülarvutile mõeldud lahtrile, mis mahutab kuni 17 tollise läptopi, on kotil lukuga suletav A5 suuruses tasku ning 3 väiksemat taskut. Koti reguleeritavad õlarihmad on polsterdatud mõnusamaks kandmiseks, nagu ka koti põhi ning seljaosa. Kott on valmistatud tugevast ja veekindlast Cordura materjalist.
Triple is a multifunctional unisex bag from NOEL, an Estonian bag brand, which can be worn as a backpack, shoulder bag, or handbag. The bag has fabric carrying straps connected by an adjustable leather handle, which allows the bag to be set up as a backpack, shoulder bag, or handbag depending on the need. The inner walls of the bag have a padded pocket that can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches. In addition, the bag has a separate fabric pocket for a tablet, for example, 1 A5 size zippered pocket, and 3 smaller pockets. The back and bottom of the Triple are padded and the mouth of the bag is closed with a zipper. The bag is made of durable Cordura material and is waterproof. This is the ideal bag if you don’t know where and what you’re about to do, or in life in general, because it fits almost everything. That’s why Joseph, one of our team members, really likes this bag.
The team behind NOEL is the creators of Matrix Pro, a professional hiking backpack manufacturer. In the category of hiking backpacks, Matrix Pro is the absolute world-class – even Estonian mountaineers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags. Now you can carry this quality on the streets as well. All bags are handmade in Tartu.
Multifunctional – backpack, shoulder bag, or handbag
Cliff is a backpack from NOEL, an Estonian bag brand, behind which is the team of Matrix Pro, the manufacturer of professional hiking backpacks. Cliff is inspired by the long history of Matrix Pro’s hiking backpack production but is primarily designed for the street. But, of course, it handles shorter hikes or trips well too. The bag’s capacity is 25 liters and the inner walls have a padded laptop pocket that can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches. In addition, there are several smaller pockets inside the bag, one of which is zippered. The bag has a large front pocket, which also contains one zippered pocket and two open pockets. The bag is made of durable Cordura material and is waterproof. This bag will serve you long and well – whether you take it to the office, on a hike, or to the gym.
Behind the NOEL brand are the creators of Matrix Pro, a professional hiking backpack manufacturer. In the category of hiking backpacks, Matrix Pro is the absolute world-class – even Estonian mountaineers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags. Now you can carry this quality on the streets as well. All NOEL bags are handmade in Tartu.
Made of Durable Cordura
Dimensions: 15 x 30 x 59 cm
Capacity: 25 liters
100% Estonian handcraft
Cliff on Eesti kotibrändi NOEL seljakott, mille taga on professionaalsete matkakottide tootja Matrix Pro tiim. Cliff ongi inspireeritud Matrix Pro pikast matkakottide tootmise ajaloost, kuid on mõeldud siiski eelkõige tänavale. Aga muidugi saab sellega hästi hakkama ka lühemal matkal või reisil. Koti mahutavus on 25 liitrit ning siseseintel on polsterdatud sülearvutitasku, mis mahutab kuni 17 tollise läptopi. Lisaks on koti sisemuses mitu väiksemat tasku, millest üks on lukuga suletav. Kotil on suur esitasku, milles sees on samuti üks lukuga suletav tasku ning kaks avatud taskut. Kott on valmistatud vastupidavast Cordura materjalist ning on veekindel. See kott teenib sind kaua ja hästi – ükskõik, kas käid sellega kontoris, matkal või trennis.
NOELi taga on professionaalsete matkakottide tootja Matrix Pro tegijad. Matkakottide kategoorias on Matrix Pro absoluutne maailma tippklass – ka Eesti mägironijad Alar Sikk ja Andras Kaasik usaldavad Matrix Pro kotte. Nüüd saad seda kvaliteeti kanda ka tänavatel. Kõik NOELi kotid on toodetud Tartus käsitööna.
Cliff is a backpack from NOEL, an Estonian bag brand, behind which is the team of Matrix Pro, the manufacturer of professional hiking backpacks. Cliff is inspired by the long history of Matrix Pro’s hiking backpack production but is primarily designed for the street. But, of course, it handles shorter hikes or trips well too. The bag’s capacity is 25 liters and the inner walls have a padded laptop pocket that can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches. In addition, there are several smaller pockets inside the bag, one of which is zippered. The bag has a large front pocket, which also contains one zippered pocket and two open pockets. The bag is made of durable Cordura material and is waterproof. This bag will serve you long and well – whether you take it to the office, on a hike, or to the gym.
Behind the NOEL brand are the creators of Matrix Pro, a professional hiking backpack manufacturer. In the category of hiking backpacks, Matrix Pro is the absolute world-class – even Estonian mountaineers Alar Sikk and Andras Kaasik trust Matrix Pro bags. Now you can carry this quality on the streets as well. All NOEL bags are handmade in Tartu.
Cafe is a durable backpack by Matrix Pro, inspired by the long history of Matrix Pro’s hiking backpack production. The bag is made of durable Cordura material and is waterproof. The bag’s capacity is 18 liters and it has 4 smaller pockets and a padded pocket in the back wall that can accommodate a laptop up to 17 inches. In addition, the bag has a deeper internal pocket, which can conveniently accommodate a water bottle. The bag is handcrafted in Tartu, Estonia.
Material: Durable Cordura
Dimensions: 16 x 33 x 45 cm
Capacity: 18 liters
100% Estonian handcraft
Cafe on vastupidav NOEL by Matrix Pro seljakott, mis on inspireeritud Matrix Pro pikast matkakottide tootmise ajaloost. Kott on valmistatud vastupidavast Cordura materjalist ning on veekindel. Koti mahutavus on 18 liitrit ning sellel on 4 väiksemat taskut ja tagaseinal polsterdatud tasku, mis mahutab kuni 17 tollise sülearvuti. Lisaks on kotil sügavam sisetasku, kuhu mahub mugavalt näiteks veepudel. Kott on toodetud käsitööna Tartus. Lisaks lubame, et ühelgi su sõbral pole seda kotti – tegemist on lihtsalt nii uue kotiga.
NOEL on Tartu professionaalsete matkakottide tootja Matrix Pro uus tänavakottide bränd. Matkakottide kategoorias on Matrix Pro absoluutne maailma tippklass – ka Eesti tippmägironijad Alar Sikk ja Andras Kaasik usaldavad Matrix Pro kotte.
Practical yet stylish unisex backpack with an inner laptop pocket
LUND is one of our most iconic products of all time. Solid design with minimalist characteristics. Its sleek geometry and rough material combination create a modern personalized look. The practical yet stylish unisex backpack is lightweight, keeps its shape well, and is spacious enough to fit a laptop, documents, and all essentials. Available in various sizes. Its minimal design remains versatile to work with any outfit. The bag has a spare inner pocket for the laptop and adjustable webbing straps. The front flap fastens with magnetic snaps. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.
・recycled PET felt
・100% handmade in Estonia
・shipped in an eco-friendly package
・size 15″ – 28 x40 x14 cm,weight 542g
・size 17″ – 30 x44 x14 cm,weight 615g
LUND MINI is a mini edition for a LUND backpack. Solid design with minimalist characteristics. Its sleek geometry and rough material combination create a modern personalized look. A practical yet stylish unisex bag is lightweight, keeps its shape well, and is spacious enough to fit A4 documents essentials and a smaller laptop. Its minimal design remains versatile to work with any outfit. The bag has a woven inner pocket and adjustable webbing straps; the front flap fastens with magnetic snaps.
・recycled PET felt
・100% handmade in Estonia
・shipped in an eco-friendly package
・size 12″ – 32 x23 x10 cm (height, length, width)
・weight 370g
LUND MINI is a mini edition for a LUND backpack. Solid design with minimalist characteristics. Its sleek geometry and rough material combination create a modern personalized look. A practical yet stylish unisex bag is lightweight, keeps its shape well, and is spacious enough to fit A4 documents essentials and a smaller laptop. Its minimal design remains versatile to work with any outfit. The bag has a woven inner pocket and adjustable webbing straps; the front flap fastens with magnetic snaps.
・recycled PET felt
・100% handmade in Estonia
・shipped in an eco-friendly package
・size 12″ – 32 x23 x10 cm (height, length, width)
・weight 370g
Practical yet stylish unisex backpack with an inner laptop pocket
LUND is one of our most iconic products of all time. Solid design with minimalist characteristics. Its sleek geometry and rough material combination create a modern personalized look. The practical yet stylish unisex backpack is lightweight, keeps its shape well, and is spacious enough to fit a laptop, documents, and all essentials. Available in various sizes. Its minimal design remains versatile to work with any outfit. The bag has a spare inner pocket for the laptop and adjustable webbing straps. The front flap fastens with magnetic snaps. Durable felt and handmade production make this bag your everyday companion for a long time.
・recycled PET felt
・100% handmade in Estonia
・shipped in an eco-friendly package
・size 15″ – 28 x40 x14 cm,weight 542g
・size 17″ – 30 x44 x14 cm,weight 615g
The Galvi-Linda Patrol Backpack 077 is a robust backpack made from durable and wear-resistant material suitable for various life situations. The backpack features a main compartment closed with drawstrings and a flap, along with two side pockets. The front panel of the backpack has straps in the Molle system for attaching additional equipment. The padded shoulder straps have loops and D-rings for attaching even more additional gear. Inside the backpack, there is a spacious pocket for documents and a hydration bladder, and at the bottom, there is a separate pocket for rain and dust covers. In addition to the padded back, the backpack also has a hip support. The bag is manufactured and designed in Estonia.
Bags produced by the Estonian company Galvi-Linda are no-nonsense military-grade bags that won’t let you down in any situation. Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police for many years in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Ministry of Defense decided to develop its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces in the late 1990s, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.
Made from durable Polyamide 6
Color: Military green
Dimensions: 34 cm x 50 cm x 18 cm
Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
NATO product code: 8465-38-000-9537
Designed and produced in Estonia
Galvi-Linda patrullkott 077 on robustne kulumiskindlast materjalist seljakott igaks eluolukorraks. Kotil on nöörkinnituse ja klapiga suletav mahukas põhitasku ning kaks küljetaskut. Lisaks pehmendatud seljaosale on kotil ka puusatugi. Kott on toodetud ja disainitud Eestis.
The Backpack 019 is the flagship model in Galvi-Linda’s patrol backpack series. The backpack is made from Cordura, an exceptionally durable material often used in the production of work and military clothing. Adidas, for example, also utilizes Cordura in some of its most durable shoe models. The front panel of the backpack features two spacious external pockets with Molle system straps for attaching additional pouches. The upper external pocket has textile loops for securing extra accessories. On the inside of the front panel, there are two mesh pockets with zip closures. The main compartment of the backpack opens fully, making packing particularly convenient when you need to fit more items into the bag. And there’s ample space – the backpack has a capacity of 35 liters (for comparison, a carry-on travel suitcase typically holds 40-44 liters). The sides of the bag have compression straps to adjust the volume and tighten the bag if needed. The reinforced inner back panel has a pocket for a water bladder and a zip-closed opening for the hose. The inner back panel also features adjustable straps for securing equipment. The backpack’s back panel and ergonomic shoulder straps are padded, and it comes with both a carrying handle and an adjustable hip support with a width of 14 cm. The hip support is also removable. The shoulder straps can be secured to each other with compression straps and are equipped with Molle system loops for attaching additional accessories. Additionally, there are D-rings on the shoulder straps for quick equipment attachment. The backpack comes with a removable waterproof cover located in a zipper-closed compartment at the bottom of the bag. There are loops on the bottom and sides of the bag for attaching additional Molle system pouches.
Bags produced by the Estonian company Galvi-Linda are no-nonsense, military-grade bags that won’t leave you stranded in any situation. Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for years in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police. When the Ministry of Defense decided in the late 90s to develop its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.
Made from durable Cordura
Colour: Military green
Dimensions: 28 cm x 50 cm x 24 cm
Capacity: 35 liters
Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
Designed and produced in Estonia
Seljakott 019 on Galvi-Linda patrullkottide sarja kõige vingem mudel, millel on kõik kellad ja viled, mida sa vajad ja ei vaja. Kott on valmistatud Cordurast – eriti vastupidavast materjalist, mida kasutatakse tihti töö- ja militaarriiete tegemisel. Koti esipaneelil on kaks mahukat välistaskut ning koti põhitasku käib lõpuni lahti, mis teeb pakkimise eriti mugavaks, kui on vaja kotti rohkem asju mahutada. Ja asju mahub siia kotti palju. Koti 35 liitrilist mahutavust on võimaliks suurendada Molle-süsteemiga kokku sobiva lisavarustusega. Koti seljaosa ja ergonoomilised õlarihmad on polsterdatud ning olemas on nii kandesang kui ka reguleeritav ja eemaldatav puusatugi. Kott on varustatud eemaldatava vihmakindla kattega, mis asub koti põhja all lukuga suletavas sahtlis. See kott on robustne ja vastupidav ning sobib igasse olukorda. Kott on toodetud ja disainitud Eestis.
The Galvi-Linda Backpack 039 is the most minimalist model in the Galvi-Linda patrol backpack series, but being minimalist doesn’t mean compromising on durability or functionality. The backpack is made from Cordura, an exceptionally durable material commonly used in the production of work and military clothing. The bag features one large and spacious compartment, along with two small independent compartments in the front section of the bag. The large compartment opens very wide, making packing particularly convenient when you need to fit more items into the bag. And there’s plenty of room in this bag – it has a capacity of 30 liters. The sides of the bag have compression straps, allowing you to adjust the bag’s volume and tighten it as needed (useful, for example, when traveling by plane, where the bag must fit within specific dimensions). The backpack’s back panel and ergonomic shoulder straps are padded. Additionally, the sides of the bag feature the Molle system, allowing you to easily expand the bag with accessories such as hiking or military gear.
Estonian company Galvi-Linda’s backpacks are no-nonsense, military-grade bags that won’t let you down in any situation. Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police for years in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Ministry of Defense decided in the late ’90s to develop its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.
Manufactured from durable Cordura
Color: black
Dimensions: 25 cm x 50 cm x 24 cm
Capacity: 30 liters
Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
Designed and produced in Estonia
Eestis toodetud Galvi-Linda seljakott 039 on seljakott, mida saaad usaldada igas olukorras, olgu igapäevase kontorikoti, matkakoti või trennikotina. Kott on valmistatud Cordurast – eriti vastupidavast materjalist, mida kasutatakse tihti töö- ja militaarriiete valmistamisel. Kotil on 1 suur ja mahukas lahter ning 2 väikest eraldiseisvat lahtrit koti eesosas. Suur lahter avaneb väga pikalt, mis teeb pakkimise eriti mugavaks, kui on vaja kotti rohkem asju mahutada.
Backpack 063 belongs to the Galvi-Linda patrol backpack series and is made of Cordura.
Cordura is an especially durable material often used specifically for the manufacture of work and military clothing. For instance, Adidas also uses Cordura for some of its most durable shoe models. The bag has 2 separate large compartments and 2 small separate compartments at the front. The large compartments fully unzip, making packing extremely convenient when needing to fit more items. And this bag can hold a good amount – its capacity is 35 liters (for comparison, a carry-on suitcase holds 40-44 liters). On the sides of the bag are compression straps, which allow you to adjust the bag’s volume and, if necessary, tighten the bag (essential when boarding a plane, for instance, when the bag needs to fit certain dimensions). The back of the bag and the ergonomic shoulder straps are padded, and there’s also a carry handle and an adjustable hip support. In addition, the bag has, among other features, the Molle system used by NATO, which allows the bag to be easily expanded, e.g., with hiking or military equipment.
The bags produced by the Estonian company Galvi-Linda are no-nonsense military-grade bags that won’t let you down in any situation. For years, Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner of the Estonian Defense Forces and the police in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Ministry of Defense decided in the second half of the 90s to start developing its equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces, one of the partners they chose was Galvi-Linda.
Produced from durable Cordura
Dimensions: 28 cm x 50 cm x 24 cm
Capacity: 35 liters
Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
Designed and produced in Estonia
EST: Galvi-Linda seljakott 063 on tehtud Cordurast – eriti vastupidavast materjalist, mida kasutatakse tihti töö- ja militaarriiete valmistamisel. Kotil on 2 eraldiseisvat suurt lahtrit ning 2 väikest eraldiseisvat lahtrit koti eesosas. Suured lahtrid käivad lõpuni lahti, mis teeb pakkimise eriti mugavaks, kui on vaja kotti rohkem asju mahutada. See kott on robustne ja vastupidav ning sobib igasse olukorda. Kott on toodetud ja disainitud Eestis.
The military green backpack 063 is part of the Galvi-Linda patrol backpack series, made from Cordura, a highly durable material often used in the production of work and military clothing. Cordura is also used by Adidas in the manufacturing of some of their most durable shoe models. The backpack features two independent large compartments and two small independent compartments in the front section of the bag. The large compartments open fully, making packing particularly convenient when you need to fit more items into the bag. This backpack has a capacity of 35 liters, and it accommodates items effectively.
On the sides of the bag, there are compression straps, allowing you to adjust the bag’s volume and tighten it if necessary (useful, for example, when boarding a plane, where the bag must fit specific dimensions). The backpack’s back panel and ergonomic shoulder straps are padded, and it includes a carrying handle and an adjustable hip support. Additionally, the bag features the NATO-used Molle system, allowing you to easily expand the bag, for example, with hiking or military gear.
Bags produced by the Estonian company Galvi-Linda are no-nonsense, military-grade bags that won’t leave you stranded in any situation. Galvi-Linda has been a trusted partner for the Estonian Defense Forces and the police for years in the production of backpacks, clothing, and other equipment. When the Estonian Ministry of Defense decided in the late 90s to start developing its own equipment for the Estonian Defense Forces, Galvi-Linda was chosen as one of the partners.
Manufactured from durable Cordura
Color: Military green
Dimensions: 28 cm x 50 cm x 24 cm
Capacity: 35 liters
Manufacturer standards: ISO 9001:2015
Designed and produced in Estonia
Galvi-Linda seljakott 063 on tehtud Cordurast – eriti vastupidavast materjalist, mida kasutatakse tihti töö- ja militaarriiete valmistamisel. Kotil on 2 eraldiseisvat suurt lahtrit ning 2 väikest eraldiseisvat lahtrit koti eesosas. Suured lahtrid käivad lõpuni lahti, mis teeb pakkimise eriti mugavaks, kui on vaja kotti rohkem asju mahutada. See kott on robustne ja vastupidav ning sobib igasse olukorda.
The Galvi-Linda green duffle bag 047 is made from durable polyester and features shoulder straps and a handle for versatile carrying options—you can wear it on your back or carry it in your hand. The bag’s opening can be secured with a carabiner. This spacious bag offers ample room for all your essentials and even some non-essentials if needed. Designed and manufactured in Estonia.
Material: Durable Polyester
Color: Green
Dimensions: 30 cm x 83 cm x 30 cm
Manufacturer Standards: ISO 9001:2015
Designed and Made in Estonia
EST: Galvi-Linda roheline torukott 047 on toodetud vastupidavast polüesterist ning kotil on õlarihmad ja käesang kandmiseks ehk kanna mugavalt seljas või käe otsas. Koti suu on suletav karabiineriga. Tegemist on suure ja mahuka kotiga, kuhu mahub kõik vajalik, aga vajadusel ka ebavajalik. Kott on toodetud ja disainitud Eestis.