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    Experience the mighty power of the sea in powder form with Blue Spirulina. The powder is extracted from blue-green algae. Yes, we are aware that it may sound a little, um, unappealing, but just trust us. Blue Spirulina powder will have you singing the praises of the world’s oceans and lakes. It is perfect for colourful lattes! Create Instagram-worthy recipes with this unique ingredient.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • Extract from phycocyanin
    • Origin: Spain
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 414 kcal / 1733 kJ; Fat: 0 g; Carbohydrates: 23 g; Where of natural sugars: 14 g; Protein: 3 g; Fiber: 6 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    Purple Sweet Potato originates from China. This delicious vegetable and its powder has a of deep purple colour and a mild taste. The wonderful natural colour and flavour is retained in its powder form, that is so fun and convenient to use. Add to your smoothies, breakfasts or delicious recipes.

    Enjoy the powder everyday as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Purple Sweet Potato Powder
    • Origin: China
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 144 kcal; Fat: 0 g; Where of saturated fat: 0 g; Carbohydrates: 32 g; Protein: 2 g; Fiber: 10 mg; Salt: 0 mg
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature. Once the package is opened make sure to keep it sealed to prevent moisture for a prolonged shelf life.
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    Pink pitaya powder, derived from the vibrant dragon fruit, is a culinary delight that introduces a stunning pink hue to a variety of dishes. This exotic powder, finely milled from the dragon fruit’s flesh, has gained popularity not only for its visual appeal but also for the touch of elegance it brings to the culinary landscape.

    The colour of pink pitaya powder is a lively and enchanting shade of pink, reminiscent of blossoming flowers and tropical sunsets. Its vibrant and playful appearance adds a whimsical charm to foods, making it a favourite choice among chefs and food enthusiasts looking to elevate the aesthetics of their creations.

    Known for its strong pigmentation, pink pitaya powder can infuse a burst of intense pink colour into a wide range of culinary delights. From smoothie bowls and desserts to beverages and baked goods, the powder allows for creative expression in the kitchen, turning ordinary dishes into visually captivating works of art.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Freeze Dried Dragon Fruit Powder
    • Origin: Vietnam
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 414 kcal / 1733 kJ; Fat: 0 g; Carbohydrates: 23 g; Where of natural sugars: 14 g; Protein: 3 g; Fiber: 6 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    EN: Butterfly pea originates from Thailand. This incredible flower and its powder has a deep purple colour and a sweet-bitter taste. When mixed with lemon, its colors magically turns light blue. The wonderful natural colour and flavour is retained in its powder form, that is so fun and convenient to use. Add to your smoothies, breakfasts or delicious recipes. Enjoy the powder everyday as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    ES: La Flor de guisante de Mariposa tiene su origen en Tailandia. Esta increíble flor y su polvo tienen un color morado intenso y un sabor dulce-amargo. Cuando se mezcla con limón, sus colores mágicamente se vuelven azul claro. El maravilloso y natural color y sabor se conservan en su forma de polvo, que es tan divertida y conveniente de usar. Agrégala a tus batidos, desayunos o deliciosas recetas. Disfruta del polvo todos los días como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada y un estilo de vida saludable.

    SE: Fjärilsärtan härstammar från Thailand. Denna otroliga blomma och dess pulver har en mörklila färg och en söt-bitter smak. När den blandas med citron förvandlas dess färger magiskt till ljusblå. Dess härliga naturliga färg och smak bibehålls i sin pulverform, och är så roligt och praktiskt att använda. Tillsätt i dina smoothies, frukostar eller andra läckra recept. Njut av pulvret varje dag som en del av en varierad och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Butterfly Pea powder
    • Origin: Thailand
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 9 kcal / 38 kJ; Fat: 0g; Where of saturated fat: 0 g; Carbohydrates: 0 g; Where of natural sugars: 0 g; Protein: 0 g; Fiber: 0 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    EN: Blueberry normally originates from Northern Europe and Baltics. This delicious berry and its powder has a deep purple colour and a sweet taste. The wonderful natural colour and flavour is retained in its powder form, that is so fun and convenient to use. Add to your smoothies, breakfasts or delicious recipes. Enjoy the powder everyday as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    ES: La Mora normalmente proviene del norte de Europa o la region Baltica. Esta deliciosa baya y su polvo tienen un color morado intenso y un sabor dulce. El maravilloso y natural color y sabor se conservan en su forma de polvo, que es tan divertida y conveniente de usar. Agrégala a tus batidos, desayunos o deliciosas recetas. Disfruta del polvo todos los días como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada, y un estilo de vida saludable.

    SE: Blåbär härstamma normalt från norra Europa och Baltikum. Detta läckra bär och dess pulver har en djup lila färg och en söt smak. Dess härliga naturliga färg och smak bibehålls i sin pulverform, och är så roligt och praktiskt att använda. Tillsätt i dina smoothies, frukostar eller andra läckra recept. Njut av pulvret varje dag som en del av en varierad och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Organic Blueberry powder
    • Origin: Northern Europe, the Baltics
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 309 kcal / 1313 kJ; Fat: 2 g; Where of saturated fat: 0.2 g; Carbohydrates: 75 g; Where of natural sugars: 62 g; Protein: 5 g; Fiber: 1 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    En: Matcha originates from Japan. The green tea extract and its powder has a deep green colour and a tart taste. The wonderful natural colour and flavour is retained in its powder form, that is so fun and convenient to use. Add to your smoothies, breakfasts or delicious recipes. Enjoy the powder everyday as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    ES: El Matcha tiene su origen en Japón. El extracto de té verde y su polvo tienen un color verde intenso y un sabor agrio. El maravilloso y natural color y sabor se conservan en su forma de polvo, que es tan divertida y conveniente de usar. Agrégalo a tus batidos, desayunos o deliciosas recetas. Disfruta del polvo todos los días como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada, y un estilo de vida saludable.

    SE: Matcha härstammar från Japan. Detta grönt te-extrakt och dess pulver har en djupgrön färg och en bittersöt smak. Dess härliga naturliga färg och smak bibehålls i sin pulverform, och är så roligt och praktiskt att använda. Tillsätt i dina smoothies, frukostar eller andra läckra recept. Njut av pulvret varje dag som en del av en varierad och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Organic Matcha powder
    • Origin: Japan and China
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy: 302 kcal / 1268 kJ; Fat: 5 g; Where of saturated fat: 0.7 g; Carbohydrates: 21 g; Where of natural sugars: 1 g; Protein: 24 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
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    EN: Acai originates from Brazil. This delicious berry and its powder has a deep purple colour and sweet tropical taste. The wonderful and natural colour and flavour is retained in its powder form, that is so fun and convenient to use. Add to your smoothies, breakfasts or delicious recipes. Enjoy the powder everyday as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    ES: El Acai proviene de Brasil. Esta deliciosa baya y su polvo tienen un color morado intenso y un dulce sabor tropical. El maravilloso y natural color y sabor se conservan en su forma de polvo, que es tan divertida y conveniente de usar. Agrégalo a tus batidos, desayunos o deliciosas recetas. Disfruta del polvo todos los días como parte de una dieta variada y equilibrada, y un estilo de vida saludable.

    SE: Acai härstammar från Brasilien. Detta läckra bär och dess pulver har en djup lila färg och söt tropisk smak. Dess härliga naturliga färg och smak bibehålls i sin pulverform, och är så roligt och praktiskt att använda. Tillsätt i dina smoothies, frukostar eller andra läckra recept. Njut av pulvret varje dag som en del av en varierad och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil.

    • Volume: 70 g
    • 100% Organic Acai powder
    • Origin: Brazil
    • Packaged in: Sweden
    • Nutritional values per 100 g: Energy 2079 kJ / 495 kcal; Fat: 46 g; Where of saturated fat: 11g; Carbohydrates: 32 g; Where of natural sugars: 0 g; Protein: 10 g; Fiber: 53 g; Salt: 0 g
    • Recommended servings: 1-2 tsp per day
    • Storage: in a dry place at room temperature
    • Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacturing