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  • Spacious everyday handbag AMBER. It is big, multipurpose and long-lasting. The oversize handmade bag has two front pockets and a secret zipped pocket inside. Long handles allow wearing on a shoulder. Fits a laptop, documents, books and other items.

    The leather is very durable leather for long-lasting wear, but please take care for the bag for it to last longer – Impregnation is highly recommended, spray or cream works perfectly.


    • Measurements: L 44 x H 31 cm
    • Sides and bottom: 11 cm
    • Handles: 57 cm
    • Zipper closing
    • Very specious
    • Strong and firm handles
    • Two front pockets and a secret zipped pocket inside
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • Out of Stock

    Spacious everyday handbag AMBER. It is big, multipurpose and long-lasting. The oversize handmade bag has two front pockets and a secret zipped pocket inside. Long handles allow wearing on a shoulder. Fits a laptop, documents, books and other items.

    The leather is very durable leather for long-lasting wear, but please take care for the bag for it to last longer – Impregnation is highly recommended, spray or cream works perfectly.


    • Measurements: L 44 x H 31 cm
    • Sides and bottom: 11 cm
    • Handles: 57 cm
    • Zipper closing
    • Very specious
    • Strong and firm handles
    • Two front pockets and a secret zipped pocket inside
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • ENG: These Kietla Wazz sunglasses for 1-2 year olds, with their rectangular shape and attractive keyhole nose, will appeal to little backpackers who want look like mum and dad. A proper grown-up style that is 100% suitable for children. Their category 3, oversized and ergonomic lenses guarantee optimal protection while ensuring more visual comfort for an age group who are right in the middle of learning to walk.

    • Unbreakable frame and lenses, perfectly designed for being handled by babies.
    • Zigzag technology means an all-in-one frame.
    • No hinges so no risk of getting caught in the hinges or swallowing small metal parts.
    • New soft, comfortable cord.
    • Ergonomic, flexible, light and soft shades. No pressure on temples or on the nose and no pressing against ears.
    • Category 3 polycarbonate lenses.
    • Anti-UVA, Anti-UVB, Anti-UVC filter
    • Ki ET LA’s extra: anti-blue-light filter to reduce glare.
    • Recyclable frame (excluding lenses).
    • Reusable, recyclable cardboard case
    • Made in France

    EST: Kietla Wazz prillid on mõeldud 1-2 aastastele. Kietla päikeseprillide raam on väga kerge ja painduv ning purunematu. Kietla prillide raam on ühes tükis ja selles puuduvad kruvid.

    Kui laps prillide sangu väänab, siis ei ole ohtu, et sellest pudenevad kruvid võiksid suhu sattuda.

    Kuna laste silmade võrkkest on väga tundlik, on prillidel kõrge 3-kategooria kaitse päikese kahjulike kiirte eest.

    Prillidega on kaasas pinguldatav pael, millega saab prillid pähe panna vajadusel, kui laps hakkab prille eest ära sikutama. Prillid on pakendatud ümbrisesse, mida saab hiljem kasutada nt pinalina vm hoidikuna.

    Päikeseprillide erilised omadused:

    • 100% purunematu ühes tükis prilliraam;
    • Väga kerged prillid (kaal 10 gr);
    • Väga painduvad ilma kruvideta sangad;
    • Kõrge 3-kategooria kaitse päikese kahjulike UVA, UVB ja UVC kiirte eest;
    • Kogu prillide raam on ühes tükis ja ilma kruvideta;
    • Sinise valguse filter (kaitse nutiseadmetest tuleneva valguse eest);
    • Väga vastupidavad polükarbonaat läätsed;
    • Prillide klaase on võimalik vahetada tavaliste klaaside vastu (küsi nõu optometristi käest);
    • Prillid ei survesta lapse pead ega nina.
    • CE- sertifitseeritud prillid. Prantsuse kvaliteet.

    Kasutamine: Kuigi Kietla prillid on väga vastupidavad ja raam purunematu, ei ole tegemist mänguasjaga. Ole hea ja vaata, et laps ei hõõruks neid vastu kive ja ei näriks. Sellisel juhul võivad klaasid saada kriimustada.

    Kas lapsed peavad kandma päikeseprille?

    Beebide ja laste silmi tuleb kuumal päikesepaistelisel suvepäeval eriti hoolikalt kahjuliku päikesekiirguse eest kaitsta, sest nende silmade kaitsevõime on madal: lapse silma pupill on lai, lääts kristallselge ja pealegi vaatab ta rohkem ülespoole kui täiskasvanu. Lastel on suurem oht ülemäärasest päikesekiirgusest põhjustatud silmakahjustuste tekkeks.

    Kas tavaline tume prilliklaas kaitseb samuti beebide silmi?

    Silmi ei kaitse päikesekiirguse eest mitte tume klaas, vaid UV-kaitse. UV-kaitseta, lihtsalt tumedaks värvitud klaasidega prillide kandmine on silmadele ülimalt ohtlik, sest silma loomulikud kaitsefunktsioonid: kissitamine ja pupillide ahenemine, ei hakka tumeda klaasi puhul tööle. Selletõttu pääseb silma märksa enam UV-kiirgust kui päikeseprillideta olles.

  • Out of Stock

    WEDNESDAY leather wallet is small, but super practical and spacious. You can really fit a lot of life into them. And the zipper curve… mmmm, so satisfying to open and close! Coins fit into a middle section and do not fall out once closed and opened. Convenient for public transport pass, business cards, loyalty cards, cash and coins.


    • Measurements: 14 x 9 cm
    • Fits 8-12 cards on each side.
    • Opens up widely, easy access to content.
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • WEDNESDAY leather wallet is small, but super practical and spacious. You can really fit a lot of life into them. And the zipper curve… mmmm, so satisfying to open and close! Coins fit into a middle section and do not fall out once closed and opened. Convenient for public transport pass, business cards, loyalty cards, cash and coins.


    • Measurements: 14 x 9 cm
    • Fits 8-12 cards on each side.
    • Opens up widely, easy access to content.
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • FRIDAY hand-made leather wallet fits cash, receipts, and cards. The separate coin pocket closes with a smooth-running zipper. FRIDAY wallet opens up wide and convenient.


    • Size: 13 x 10 cm
    • Separate zippered coin pocket
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • SUNDAY wallet is a coinless wallet just for your cards. The hand-made leather wallet fits 6-9 cards in each side. SUNDAY wallet is a convenient choice for public transport passes, business cards, and loyalty cards.


    • Size as folded: 12 x 8,5 cm
    • Size as open: 12 x 17 cm
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • SUNDAY wallet is a coinless wallet just for your cards. The hand-made leather wallet fits 6-9 cards in each side. SUNDAY wallet is a convenient choice for public transport passes, business cards, and loyalty cards.


    • Size as folded: 12 x 8,5 cm
    • Size as open: 12 x 17 cm
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • Out of Stock

    FRIDAY hand-made leather wallet fits cash, receipts, and cards. The separate coin pocket closes with a smooth-running zipper. FRIDAY wallet opens up wide and convenient.


    • Size: 13 x 10 cm
    • Separate zippered coin pocket
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • SUNDAY wallet is a coinless wallet just for your cards. The hand-made leather wallet fits 6-9 cards in each side. SUNDAY wallet is a convenient choice for public transport passes, business cards, and loyalty cards.


    • Size as folded: 12 x 8,5 cm
    • Size as open: 12 x 17 cm
    • Hand-made in Lithuania

    Shipping: 4-7 working days.

  • Märss is an upcycled bag handmade of durable leftover fabric from furniture manufacturing. The bottom and the strap details are made of faux leather consisting of 70% genuine leather and 30% fibrous material. Märss can be worn as a handbag or a shoulder bag. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Märss is designed and made in Estonia. Dimensions: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Märss on multifunktsionaalne kott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud vastupidavatest materjalidest. Koti põhi ning rihmadetailid on valmistatud kunstnahast, mis koosneb 70% naturaalnahast ja 30% kiudmaterjalist. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Märss sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Mõõtmed: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • Märss is an upcycled bag handmade of durable leftover fabric from furniture manufacturing. The bottom and the strap details are made of faux leather consisting of 70% genuine leather and 30% fibrous material. Märss can be worn as a handbag or a shoulder bag. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Märss is designed and made in Estonia. Dimensions: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Märss on multifunktsionaalne kott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud vastupidavatest materjalidest. Koti põhi ning rihmadetailid on valmistatud kunstnahast, mis koosneb 70% naturaalnahast ja 30% kiudmaterjalist. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Märss sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Mõõtmed: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • Märss is an upcycled bag handmade of durable leftover fabric from furniture manufacturing. The bottom and the strap details are made of faux leather consisting of 70% genuine leather and 30% fibrous material. Märss can be worn as a handbag or a shoulder bag. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Märss is designed and made in Estonia. Dimensions: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Märss on multifunktsionaalne kott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud vastupidavatest materjalidest. Koti põhi ning rihmadetailid on valmistatud kunstnahast, mis koosneb 70% naturaalnahast ja 30% kiudmaterjalist. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Märss sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Mõõtmed: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • Märss is an upcycled bag handmade of durable leftover fabric from furniture manufacturing. The bottom and the strap details are made of faux leather consisting of 70% genuine leather and 30% fibrous material. Märss can be worn as a handbag or a shoulder bag. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Märss is designed and made in Estonia. Dimensions: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Märss on multifunktsionaalne kott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud vastupidavatest materjalidest. Koti põhi ning rihmadetailid on valmistatud kunstnahast, mis koosneb 70% naturaalnahast ja 30% kiudmaterjalist. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Märss sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Mõõtmed: 45 x 24 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • Folk 2 is a leather handbag/tote bag handmade of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. The large pocket of the bag has a zipper closure. No extra pockets inside. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. The Folk 2 handbag is designed and made in Estonia. Dimensions: 30 x 30x 12,5 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Folk 2 on naturaalsest nahast käekott/kandekott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Koti suur tasku on suletav lukuga. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Folk 2 sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 30 x 30 x 12,5 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Anet L is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Anet L shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia. Size: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Anet L on naturaalsest nahast naiste õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kotil on suur lukuga suletav tasku ja 2 väiksemat sisetaskut. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Anet L on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Anet L is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Anet L shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia. Size: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Anet L on naturaalsest nahast naiste õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kotil on suur lukuga suletav tasku ja 2 väiksemat sisetaskut. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Anet L on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Anet L is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Anet L shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia. Size: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Anet L on naturaalsest nahast naiste õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kotil on suur lukuga suletav tasku ja 2 väiksemat sisetaskut. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Anet L on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Folk 1 is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Folk 1 shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Folk 1 on nahast õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Folk 1 sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • - 12 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Widgets are no-nonsense unisex shoes made of genuine leather. They are manufactured in Europe according to the NATO AQAP 2110 standard by the same factory making one of the most legendary military boots, M77s. The same manufacturer has also worked with well-known brands, including Dr. Martens and Rossignol. So you can be assured they have military-grade quality and robustness. The name of the shoes, Widgets, comes from the hipster area in Tartu, Estonia, where the shoe factory is located, The Widget Factory. During the depressing Soviet times, the area was used to manufacture refrigeration equipment and secret submarine parts, and to mislead the public, non-functioning umbrellas and zippers. But nowadays, the area brings together creative entrepreneurs, artist and designer studios, cafes and, of course, the shoe factory.

    Widgets are suitable for women, men and children. For women and children, we recommend ordering one number of smaller shoes. Widgets will be shipped to you directly from the factory.

    Upper: Genuine leather
    Outsole: Direct-injected PU
    Lining: Leather and textile
    Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    Shipping: 4-8 workdays

  • - 14 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Widgets are no-nonsense unisex shoes made of genuine leather. They are manufactured in Europe according to the NATO AQAP 2110 standard by the same factory making one of the most legendary military boots, M77s. The same manufacturer has also worked with well-known brands, including Dr. Martens and Rossignol. So you can be assured they have military-grade quality and robustness. The name of the shoes, Widgets, comes from the hipster area in Tartu, Estonia, where the shoe factory is located, The Widget Factory. During the depressing Soviet times, the area was used to manufacture refrigeration equipment and secret submarine parts, and to mislead the public, non-functioning umbrellas and zippers. But nowadays, the area brings together creative entrepreneurs, artist and designer studios, cafes and, of course, the shoe factory.

    Widgets are suitable for women, men and children. For women and children, we recommend ordering one number of smaller shoes.

    Upper: Genuine leather
    Outsole: Direct-injected PU
    Lining: Leather and textile
    Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    Shipping: 4-8 workdays

  • - 12 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Widgets are no-nonsense unisex shoes made of genuine leather. They are manufactured in Europe according to the NATO AQAP 2110 standard by the same factory making one of the most legendary military boots, M77s. The same manufacturer has also worked with well-known brands, including Dr. Martens and Rossignol. So you can be assured they have military-grade quality and robustness. The name of the shoes, Widgets, comes from the hipster area in Tartu, Estonia, where the shoe factory is located, The Widget Factory. During the depressing Soviet times, the area was used to manufacture refrigeration equipment and secret submarine parts, and to mislead the public, non-functioning umbrellas and zippers. But nowadays, the area brings together creative entrepreneurs, artist and designer studios, cafes and, of course, the shoe factory.

    Widgets are suitable for women, men and children. For women and children, we recommend ordering one number of smaller shoes.

    Upper: Genuine leather
    Outsole: Direct-injected PU
    Lining: Leather and textile
    Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    Shipping: 4-8 workdays

  • - 10 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    511 Bianco are leather boots that you can wear all year, even in the summer. 511s have a light textile lining and are made of genuine leather. 511’s are manufactured in Estonia according to NATO AQAP 2110 quality standards. Our boots manufacturer has worked with well-known brands, including Dr. Martens and Rossignol, and has manufactured boots for multiple NATO armies. We promise that they will serve you long and well.

    Upper: Water-repellent natural leather
    Outsole: Direct-injected PU
    Lining: Textile
    Insole: Anatomical, antibacterial, and washable
    Manufacturer: Samelin
    Manufacturer Standards: NATO AQAP 2110, ISO 9001
    Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    Shipping: 4-8 workdays

  • ENG: Anet L is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Anet L shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia. Size: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Anet L on naturaalsest nahast naiste õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kotil on suur lukuga suletav tasku ja 2 väiksemat sisetaskut. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Anet L on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis. Suurus: 28 x 21,5 x 7,5 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Folk 1 is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Folk 1 shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Folk 1 on naturaalsest nahast õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Folk 1 sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Folk 1 is a handmade leather shoulder bag that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Folk 1 shoulder bag is designed and made in Estonia.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Folk 1 on nahast õlakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Folk 1 sobib nii naistele kui meestele ning on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • ENG: Barbara is a handmade leather backpack that has been made of high-quality leftovers from furniture manufacturing. In addition to the large compartment, the backpack has a zippered pocket on the outside and a separate compartment for a laptop inside. As every bag is handmade from the materials left over in the furniture industry to waste as little as possible, each bag is one of a kind, and the looks may slightly differ from the bag in the picture. Barbara is designed and made in Estonia. Barbara comes with a 2-year warranty. Dimensions: 39 x 29 cm.

    Trendbag manufactures handmade bags from the furniture industry leftover. All bags are designed and produced in Estonia. Utilizing furniture industry leftovers means that Trendbag’s products are eco-friendly and very durable, as the furniture industry often has much higher durability standards for garments than those in the bag industry.

    Shipping: 4-7 workdays

    EST: Barbara on nahast seljakott, mis on valmistatud käsitööna pehme mööbli tootmisest üle jäänud materjalidest. Seljakotil on lisaks suurele lahtrile lukuga suletav tasku väljaspool ning sees eraldi lahter läptopile. Kuna iga kott tehakse käsitööna mööblitööstuse ülejääkidest, võib koti välimus natuke pildil olevast erineda. Barbara on disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis ning tuleb 2-aastase garantiiga. Mõõtmed: 39 x 29 cm.

    Trendbag on Eesti kotibränd, mis valmistab käsitööna kotte mööblitööstuse jääkidest. Kuna mööblitööstuses on materjalidele tihti eriti karmid vastupidavuse nõuded, siis on ka Trendbagi kotid väga vastupidavad ning vahel tehtud ka märksa kallimatest materjalidest kui palju tuntumate brändide kotid. Kõik Trendbagi kotid on disainitud ja toodetud Eestis.

    Transport: 2-4 tööpäeva

  • - 10 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    ENG: Classic slip-on leather sandals with adjustable buckle straps. Suitable for indoors, work, home, school and outdoors. Sandals are handmade in Estonia.

    • Upper and insole from leather.
    • The upper has two adjustable buckle straps.
    • The insole is anatomically supportive.
    • The outsole is made of springy and durable polyurethane (PU), which does not leave marks on the floor.
    • Manufacturer: OmaKing
    • Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    • Shipping: 3-8 workdays


    ET: Klassikaline jalgatorgatav reguleeritavate pandlakinnistega sandaalimudel. Sobib nii sisejalatsiks – tööle, koju, kooli, kui ka tänavale.

    • Pealis ja sisetald on nahast.
    • Pealsel on kaks reguleeritavat pannalkinnist.
    • Sisetald on anatoomiliselt jalga toestav.
    • Välistald on valmistatud elastsest ja vastupidavast polüuretaanist (PU), mis ei määri põrandaid.
    • Tootja: OmaKing
    • Tootjariik: Eesti
  • - 8 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    ENG: Light slip on leather sandals with two adjustable velcro straps. Suitable for indoors, home, work, school and outdoors.

    • Upper and insole from natural leather.
    • The insole is from antibacterial textile.
    • The upper has two adjustable velcro straps.
    • The outsole is made of springy and durable polyurethane (PU), which does not leave marks on the floor.
    • Manufacturer: OmaKing
    • Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    • Shipping: 3-8 workdays


    ET: Kerge jalgatorgatav, kahe reguleeritava takjakinnisega nahast sandaalimudel. Sobib nii sisejalatsiks – koju, tööle, kooli, kui ka tänavale.

    • Pealis ja sisetald on naturaalsest nahast.
    • Sandaalidel on antibakteriaalne tekstiilist vooder.
    • Pealsel on kaks reguleeritavat takjakinnist.
    • Tald on valmistatud elastsest ja vastupidavast polüuretaanist (PU), mis ei määri põrandaid.
    • Tootja: OmaKing
    • Tootjariik: Eesti
  • - 8 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
    Slip-on leather sandals. These minimal-design sandals are great for indoors, work, school, home, and outdoors. Sandals are designed and handmade in Estonia. 
    • Upper and insole from natural leather.
    • Soft and velvety microfiber lining.
    • The upper features a stretchy rubber detail on one side, which makes it more comfortable.
    • The outsole is anatomically supportive and made of elastic and durable polyurethane (PU), which does not leave marks on the floor.
    • Manufacturer: OmaKing
    • Where It’s Made: Estonia, Europe
    • Shipping: 4-8 workdays


    Lihtsa välimusega nahast jalgatorgatav sandaalimudel. Sandaal sobib nii sisejalatsiks – tööle, kooli, koju, kui ka tänavale. Sandaalid on disainitud ja toodetud käsitööna Eestis.

    • Pealis ja sisetald on naturaalsest nahast.
    • Pehme ja sametine microfiibrist vooder.
    • Pealsel on ühel küljel kummiosa, mis annab venida et oleks jalal mugavam.
    • Välistald on anatoomiliselt jalga toestav ja valmistatud elastsest ning vastupidavast polüuretaanist (PU), mis ei määri põrandaid.
    • Tootja: OmaKing
    • Tootjariik: Eesti

    Kohaletoimetamine: 2-4 tööpäeva