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  • Out of Stock

    This color-it-yourself and assemble-it-yourself house for children is the perfect gift idea for Children’s Day, birthdays, or any other special occasion. It supports the development of creativity and logical thinking and encourages artistic activity. It provides the “little architect” with limitless opportunities to develop their invention and imagination while stimulating their creativity. This playhouse won’t just be another toy in their room, but you can co-create a story and look for it exactly as the child wishes. Have they long dreamed of their own cafe? Or would they like a place to fix their model cars? Make this your unique tradition:

    1. Assemble the house together. It takes about 15 minutes.
    2. Come up with a plan for how to decorate it and what type of house it will be. The house has doors and window shutters that open. With its counter and blackboard showcase, the house can transform into a cafe, store, pizzeria, post office, making it a wonderful play area for a long time.
    3. Next, paint and create decorations for the house. The house can be painted, and its facade can be adorned with materials such as colored paper, fabric materials, leftover wallpaper, chalk, colored pencils, paints, felt stickers, foam, and many other materials according to intuition and creativity. The little house offers endless fun – the child can play in the house they’ve created and build their reality.
    • The house consists of 6 main construction elements and 21 additional connection and decorative elements.
    • Its exceptionally large dimensions, 1150x950x1470 mm, allow bigger kids or those in early school grades to play freely. Delivered flat (multi-element) for self-assembly (instructions are included)
    • The product is made of durable cardboard, one-sided bleached, five-layer EB corrugated cardboard 4 mm thick, and three-layer bleached cardboard.
    • It takes about 15 minutes to assemble the house. The house can be assembled by one person, but two are recommended.
    • A wonderful opportunity to spend time with the child both indoors and outdoors. The house can also be used in the garden, but you should take care to protect it from moisture.
    • Each set contains elements necessary for the quick and easy connection of two houses into one larger house, making it a great attraction for a larger group of children, e.g., in kindergarten or during a birthday party. NOTE: The cardboard house does not fit in a parcel machine. Please choose courier delivery.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Ise värvitav ja kokkupandav maja lastele on ideaalne kingiidee lastekaitsepäevaks, sünnipäevaks või mõneks muuks eriliseks tähtpäevaks. See toetab loovuse ja loogilise mõtlemise arengut ning ergutab kunstilist tegevust. See annab “pisikesele arhidektile” piiramatud võimalused arendada oma leiutist ja kujutlusvõimet, ergutades samal ajal tema loomingulisust. Sellest mängumajast ei saa mitte ainult üks järjekordne mänguasi tema toas, vaid sellele saate luua üheskoos just sellise loo ja väljanägemise nagu laps soovib. On ta juba ammu unistanud oma kohvikust? Või tahaks ta kohta, kus oma mudelautosid parandada? Tehke sellest teie eriline traditsioon:

    1. pange üheskoos maja kokku. See võtab umbes 15 minutit.
    2. mõelge välja plaan, kuidas seda kaunistada ning mis majake sellest saab. Majal on avatavad uksed ja aknaluugid. Tänu leti ja tahvliga vitriinile võib maja muutuda näiteks kohvikuks, kaupluseks, pitsabaariks, postkontoriks, muutes maja suurepäraseks mängupaigaks pikemaks ajaks.
    3. seejärel värvige ja looge majale kaunistused. Maja saab värvida ja fassaadi saab kaunistada erinevatest materjalidest nagu: värviline paber, tekstiilmaterjalid, tapeedijäänused, kriit, värvipliiatsid, värvid, viltkleebised, vahtplast ja palju muid materjale vastavalt äratundmisele ja loomingulisusele.
    4. Majake pakub lõputult palju lõbu – laps saab mängida just enda loodud majas ja luua enda reaalsus.
    • Maja koosneb 6 konstruktsiooni moodustavast põhielemendist ja 21 täiendavast ühendus- ja dekoratiivelemendist.
    • Maja erakordselt suured mõõtmed, 1150x950x1470 mm, võimaldavad vabalt mängida suurematel lastel või varajases kooliastmes.
      Tarnitakse tasasel (mitmeelemendilisel) kujul ise kokkupanemiseks (juhend on saadetisega kaasas)
    • Toode on valmistatud vastupidavast papist, ühepoolsest pleegitatud, viiekihilisest EB lainepapist paksusega 4 mm ja kolmekihilisest pleegitatud lainepapist.
    • Majakese kokkupanemiseks kulub umbes 15 minutit. Maja saab kokku panna ühe inimese, soovitavalt kahe inimesega.
    • Suurepärane võimalus lapsega aega veeta nii kodus kui väljas. Maja saab kasutada ka aias, siis tuleks hoolitseda niiskuse eest kaitsmise eest.
    • Iga komplekt sisaldab elemente, mis on vajalikud kahe maja kiireks ja lihtsaks ühendamiseks üheks suuremaks majaks, mis on suurepärane atraktsioon suuremale lastegrupile nt. lasteaias või sünnipäevapeo ajal
    • NB: Papist maja ei mahu pakiautomaati. Palun valige kuller.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

    psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

    psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

    psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

    psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

    psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

    psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Out of Stock

    Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

    psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

    psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Who among us doesn’t love beautiful things, especially when they’re also practical? SEIK’s design pencil case is both decorative and practical for your office and school desk. The inspiring phrases on the pencil case are minimalist, but when you notice them, they only add to your motivation! The pencil case fits all the necessary pencils, pens, and markers… and definitely also some hand cream or any other essential that needs to be within reach! The pencil case is made of faux leather. Vegan product. Size: 18.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 8 cm.

    psst… the pencil case doesn’t have to be only for storing writing instruments, but can also be used for makeup brushes, lipsticks, and anything else that needs a place.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Kes meist ei armastaks ilusaid asju, eriti, kui nad on ka praktilised? SEIKi disainpinal on dekoratiivne ning praktiline asi sinu kontori- ja koolilaual. Inspireerivad laused pinalil on minimalistlikud, kuid kui neid märkad, annavad sulle ainult indu juurde! Pinal mahutab ära kõik vajalikud pliiatsid, pastakad ja markerid… ja kindlasti ka mõne kätekreemi või muu vajaliku asja, mis peab kindlasti käeulatuses olema! Pinal on valmistatud kunstnahast. Vegan toode. Suurus: 18,5 cm x 7,5cm x 8cm.

    psst… pinal ei pea olema ainult kirjutusvahendite hoidmiseks, vaid saab ka kasutada ka meigipintslite, huulepulkade ja kõige muu hoiustamiseks, mis kohta vajab.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute puppy smiling back at you. The pencil case is in a pastel blue color, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little puppy friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This puppy is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Saa tuttavaks maailma kõige armsama pinaliga! Kujuta ette, kuidas avad oma seljakoti ja näed, kuidas armas kutsu naeratab sulle vastu. Pinal on pastelselt sinine, mis muudab selle veelgi lõbusamaks ja mängulisemaks! Sisemuses saad hoida kõiki oma pastakaid, pliiatseid, makereid ja kõike muud, mida koolis vaja on. Kuid parim osa selle pinali juures on, et see paneb sind iga kord naeratama, kui seda kasutad. See on lihtsalt nii armas ja rõõmsameelne! See on nagu oleks sul terve päev väike kutsu-sõber kaasas. Tehtud kunstnahast. Vegan. Suurus: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute little bear smiling back at you. It’s in a pastel orange color, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little bear friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This bear is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

    EST: Tutvuge maailma kõige armsama pinaliga! Kujuta ette, kuidas avad oma seljakoti ja näed, kuidas armas karuke naeratab sulle vastu. See on pastelselt oranzikas, mis muudab selle veelgi lõbusamaks ja mängulisemaks! Sisemuses saad hoida kõiki oma pastakaid, pliiatseid, markereid ja kõike muud, mida koolis vaja on. Kuid parim osa selle pinali juures on see, et see paneb sind iga kord naeratama, kui seda kasutad. See on lihtsalt nii armas ja rõõmsameelne! See on nagu oleks sul terve päev väike karu-sõber kaasas. Tehtud kunstnahast. Vegan. Suurus: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm.

    Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
    Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.

  • Meet the world’s most adorable pencil case! Imagine opening your backpack and seeing a cute little cat smiling back at you. The pencil case is pink, which makes it even more fun and playful! Inside, you can store all your pens, pencils, markers, and everything else you need for school. But the best part about this pencil case is that it makes you smile every time you use it. It’s just so cute and cheerful! It’s like having a little kitty friend with you all day. The pencil case is made of faux leather. This cat is vegan. Size: 20cm x 8cm x 5cm

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

  • Simplicity is enchanting. The SEIK laptop sleeve captivates with its straightforward design while being extremely practical. The laptop sleeve fits into a handbag, but thanks to its minimalist design, it’s also suitable to be carried on its own. Embossed with a subtle message: ‘DREAM. PLAN. DO.’, the sleeve serves as a constant reminder. The inspirational messages written on the sleeve will motivate you, upon noticing them, to be the best version of yourself.

    PS! We all try to keep our computers as safe as possible. But when “life happens” and something goes wrong, the SEIK laptop sleeve protects your valuables from every angle while looking exceptionally stylish. Size: Fits laptops up to 15”. Material: Faux leather. Designed in Estonia. Weight: 100g. Dimensions: 18 × 8 × 7 cm.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

  • SEIK’s stylish water bottle with a motivational slogan (in Estonian) will help you get one step closer to your goal. With your personal water bottle, you save money and save the environment, because you don’t have to grab another plastic bottle in the store, but you can fill your bottle with clean tap water. Renewed and more durable bottle. A strong matte paint layer and scratch-resistant printing will ensure longer durability compared to the first-generation bottle.

    With your personal water bottle, you can save money and the environment. You don’t have to grab another plastic bottle from the store. Take the thermos bottle with you to your next adventure! It keeps your coffee or tea hot for 6 hours and water cold for 12 hours. The thermos bottles are made of stainless steel and have a vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find your computer and notebook soaked in the beverage from the water bottle. SEIK water bottles have a stylish design and are therefore cool accessories to fit in your handbag or on your desk.

    The outer surface of the flask is non-slip and the walls are made of double stainless steel, which keeps the drink hot for at least 6 hours and cold for 12 hours. Our water bottles do not give your drink a metallic taste!

    Thermos bottles are with vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find a computer or notebook soaking wet in the same bag as the flask.

    Water bottles are packed in recycled tubes, that look elegant and protect the thermos bottle on the journey to you. Add a ribbon and special gift is ready to give!

    The stylish design and colours of SEIK water bottles are an accessory on your desk or in your handbag.

    • 500ML
    • 12H Cold/6H Hot
    • BPA Free
    • Ecological
    • Leakproof
    • Designed in Estonia
    • Suitable for storage of hot and cold liquids, except carbonated drinks.
    • Wash the water bottle by hand, gently use a water bottle brush, water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The smell and taste of strong-smelling tannins may stick to the thermos bottle.
    • Do not put the flask in the oven, freezer or microwave oven.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

  • SEIK’s stylish Girl Boss water bottle will help you get one step closer to your goal. With your personal water bottle, you save money and save the environment, because you don’t have to grab another plastic bottle in the store, but you can fill your bottle with clean tap water. Renewed and more durable bottle. A strong matte paint layer and scratch-resistant printing will ensure longer durability compared to the first-generation bottle.

    With your personal water bottle, you can save money and the environment. You don’t have to grab another plastic bottle from the store. Take the thermos bottle with you to your next adventure! It keeps your coffee or tea hot for 6 hours and water cold for 12 hours. The thermos bottles are made of stainless steel and have a vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find your computer and notebook soaked in the beverage from the water bottle. SEIK water bottles have a stylish design and are therefore cool accessories to fit in your handbag or on your desk.

    The outer surface of the flask is non-slip and the walls are made of double stainless steel, which keeps the drink hot for at least 6 hours and cold for 12 hours. Our water bottles do not give your drink a metallic taste!

    Thermos bottles are with vacuum-insulated cap, which means you won’t find a computer or notebook soaking wet in the same bag as the flask.

    Water bottles are packed in recycled tubes, that look elegant and protect the thermos bottle on the journey to you. Add a ribbon and special gift is ready to give!

    The stylish design and colours of SEIK water bottles are an accessory on your desk or in your handbag.

    • 500ML
    • 12H Cold/6H Hot
    • BPA Free
    • Ecological
    • Leakproof
    • Designed in Estonia
    • Suitable for storage of hot and cold liquids, except carbonated drinks.
    • Wash the water bottle by hand, gently use a water bottle brush, water and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The smell and taste of strong-smelling tannins may stick to the thermos bottle.
    • Do not put the flask in the oven, freezer or microwave oven.

    Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days.
    Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days. 

  • Do you know what can be done, for example, from 12 plastic bottles? An ultra-soft bouclé cloth baby swing, which is especially soft and warm. The poles are made of oak wood and finished with natural oil wax, which is safe for children and the environment.

    The swing prototype has undergone testing at the Health Board’s Safety Laboratory. The swing complies with EU safety requirements and bears the CE mark.

    Nordic color of the swing can easily be matched to various interiors.

    Suitable for children from 6 months of age when the child is capable of sitting independently. Intended for indoor use. The fabric part of the swing is removable and washable. Mounting accessories are not included with the swing.


    • Swing dimensions: 41 x 41 cm
    • Weight capacity up to 50 kg
    • Suitable for children from 6 months
    • Indoor use
    • Fabric is removable and washable
    • Oakwood poles
    • The set includes a swing with a pillow and two carabiners.
    • Material: fabric made of 100% polyester, of which 90% is recycled material (OEKO-TEX certified), 100% cotton rope (OEKO-TEX certified).
    • Produced and designed in Estonia

    Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.

    Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!

  • Do you know what can be done, for example, from 12 plastic bottles? An ultra-soft bouclé cloth baby swing, which is especially soft and warm. The poles are made of oak wood and finished with natural oil wax, which is safe for children and the environment.

    The swing prototype has undergone testing at the Health Board’s Safety Laboratory. The swing complies with EU safety requirements and bears the CE mark.

    Nordic color of the swing can easily be matched to various interiors.

    Suitable for children from 6 months of age when the child is capable of sitting independently. Intended for indoor use. The fabric part of the swing is removable and washable. Mounting accessories are not included with the swing.


    • Swing dimensions: 41 x 41 cm
    • Weight capacity up to 50 kg
    • Suitable for children from 6 months
    • Indoor use
    • Fabric is removable and washable
    • Oakwood poles
    • The set includes a swing with a pillow and two carabiners.
    • Material: fabric made of 100% polyester, of which 90% is recycled material (OEKO-TEX certified), 100% cotton rope (OEKO-TEX certified).
    • Produced and designed in Estonia

    Nofi KIDS aims to ensure comprehensive material safety and environmental friendliness. All textiles (fabric, thread, rope, etc.) have the OEKO-TEX label, confirming that the materials have been tested and are free from harmful chemicals. OEKO-TEX labelled textiles are environmentally friendly as they are produced safely for both humans and nature.

    Before use, please read the accompanying user manual!

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Rough is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 4.42 grams
    • Width: 6 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Layon is a premium accessory for men, made of rhodium-plated 925 sterling silver. The ring has three nanocrystal stones. Elevate your collection with this enduring piece that promises to stand the test of time.


    • Material: 925 sterling silver, rhodium-plated
    • Stone: Nanocrystal
    • Weight: 7.12 grams
    • Width: 5.8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Riona ring from premium stainless steel and natural vineer. Ideal for daily wear or as a sophisticated accessory for special occasions, this ring epitomizes the blend of style and strength. Elevate your collection with this enduring piece that promises to stand the test of time.


    • Material: Stainless steel and natural veneer
    • Weight: 4.74 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Louw is a minimalistic ring from premium stainless steel. Its design offers both durability and a timeless aesthetic, effortlessly blending with any attire. Ideal for daily wear or as a sophisticated accessory for special occasions, this ring epitomizes the blend of style and strength. Elevate your collection with this enduring piece that promises to stand the test of time.


    • Material: Stainless steel
    • Weight: 6.21 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • - 11 % Off
    This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Intare is a minimalistic ring from premium stainless steel. Its design offers both durability and a timeless aesthetic, effortlessly blending with any attire. Ideal for daily wear or as a sophisticated accessory for special occasions, this ring epitomizes the blend of style and strength. Elevate your collection with this enduring piece that promises to stand the test of time.


    • Material: Stainless steel
    • Weight: 8.22 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Leon is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 6.45 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Lion is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 6.98 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Liuw is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 4.81 grams
    • Width: 6 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Leu is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Brown original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 7.93 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s tungsten ring Lejon boasts a remarkable density and weight that speaks to its superior durability. Resistant to scratches and wear, it’s the embodiment of enduring sophistication. Perfect for the man who appreciates both toughness and the finer things in life. Elevate your style with a ring that’s as resilient as it is regal.


    • Material: Tungsten
    • Weight: 17.38 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Tau is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 7.05 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Löwe is from premium stainless steel. Its design offers both durability and a timeless aesthetic, effortlessly blending with any attire. Ideal for daily wear or as a sophisticated accessory for special occasions, this ring epitomizes the blend of style and strength. Elevate your collection with this enduring piece that promises to stand the test of time.


    • Material: Stainless steel
    • Weight: 7.99 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Kahoy is made of high-quality ceramics and natural veneer. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics and natural veneer
    • Weight: 5.81 grams
    • Width: 7 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Lew is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 7.58 grams
    • Width: 8 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Singa is made of high-quality ceramics and complements any style. Lightweight yet incredibly sturdy, this piece is the perfect balance between modern design and lasting durability. Whether it’s a statement piece for everyday wear or a unique gift for that special someone, this ring embodies contemporary elegance for the discerning gentleman.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 4.77 grams
    • Width: 6 mm
  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Men’s ring Zaki is made of black high-quality ceramics.


    • Material: Black original high-quality ceramics
    • Weight: 5.83 grams
    • Width: 6 mm