Kas tunned, et kõik siin planeedil on kuidagi veider ja teistmoodi? Sellisel juhul võib tõesti olla, et oled pärit kaugemalt maalt. Joo teed või kohvi sellest omapärasest tassist.
Paula Helena Kuklane on EKA graafilise disaini tudeng ja on kujundanud seeria kruuse mõnusate ütlemiste ja olukordadega. Kombinatsioon vanasõnadest, tuntud ütlustest ja väljenditest segatud maitseka graafilise disainiga.
Kruusi mahutavus on 330ml. Suurus: diameeter 82, kõrgus 95 mm. Kruusi võib pesta käsitsi või nõudepesumasinas. Kruus on pakendatud ilusasse karpi.
Vahet ei ole, kas jood kohvi või teed – naudi seda!
Sometimes the weather is truly such that the only wish is to sit in your warm room with a cup of hot tea. Look out the window at the pouring rain (literally “cats and dogs rain”) and drink tea or coffee from this wonderful mug. Paula Helena Kuklane is a graphic design student at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts) and has designed a series of mugs with delightful sayings and scenarios. A combination of proverbs, famous sayings, and expressions mixed with tasteful graphic design.
The mug has a capacity of 330ml. Size: diameter 82, height 95 mm. The mug can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher. The mug is packaged in a beautiful box. Whether you drink coffee or tea – enjoy it!
Shipping in the EU: 4-8 business days. Shipping in Baltics and Finland: 2-5 business days.
EST: Mõnikord on tõesti ilm kohe selline, et ainus soov on istuda oma soojas toas koos tassi sooja teega. Vaata aknast kasside ja koerte sadu ja joo teed või kohvi sellest imelisest tassist. Paula Helena Kuklane on EKA graafilise disaini tudeng ja on kujundanud seeria kruuse mõnusate ütlemiste ja olukordadega. Kombinatsioon vanasõnadest, tuntud ütlustest ja väljenditest segatud maitseka graafilise disainiga. Kruusi mahutavus on 330ml. Suurus: diameeter 82, kõrgus 95 mm. Kruusi võib pesta käsitsi või nõudepesumasinas. Kruus on pakendatud ilusasse karpi. Vahet ei ole, kas jood kohvi või teed – naudi seda!
Transport Euroopa Liidus: 4-8 tööpäeva.
Transport Baltikumis ja Soomes: 2-5 tööpäeva.
Pime Kõrb is a metal cardholder designed using natural slate stone. Slate stone is formed deep underground over millions of years from clay, volcanic ash, and other finely structured rocks. Our product is minimalist, unique, and nature-inspired, and it is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials.
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its globally unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design uses only fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia.
Accommodates up to 12 cards
Available in versions with and without a money clip
Protection against contactless theft
Made in Estonia
Pime Kõrb on metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame naturaalset kiltkivi. Kiltkivi on tekkinud sügaval maapõues miljonite aastate jooksul savist, vulkaanilisest tuhast ja teistest peene struktuuriga kivimitest. Meie toode on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja looduslähedane ning see on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega.
Seif Design on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.
– Mahutab kuni 12 kaarti
– Valikus on rahaklambriga ja ilma klambrita versioon
– Viipevarguse kaitse
– Toodetud Eestis
Metal cardholder designed using natural slate stone. Slate stone is formed deep underground over millions of years from clay, volcanic ash, and other finely structured rocks. Tume Kask is minimalist, unique, and nature-inspired, and it is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials.
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its globally unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design uses only fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia.
Accommodates up to 12 cards
Available in versions with and without a money clip
Protection against contactless theft
Made in Estonia
Metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame naturaalset kiltkivi. Kiltkivi on tekkinud sügaval maapõues miljonite aastate jooksul savist, vulkaanilisest tuhast ja teistest peene struktuuriga kivimitest. Tume Kask on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja looduslähedane ning see on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega.
Seif Design on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.
– Mahutab kuni 12 kaarti
– Valikus on rahaklambriga ja ilma klambrita versioon
– Viipevarguse kaitse
– Toodetud Eestis
Must Süsi is a metal cardholder designed using natural slate stone. Slate stone is formed deep underground over millions of years from clay, volcanic ash, and other finely structured rocks. Our product is minimalist, unique, and nature-inspired, and it is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials.
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its globally unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design uses only fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia.
Kersti Kaljulaid (Estonian ex-president): “A wallet made from stone is as sustainable as it gets! A true counter to things with a short lifespan, hopefully lasting from father to son. I love it when things don’t break or wear away.”
Accommodates up to 12 cards
Available in versions with and without a money clip
Protection against contactless theft
Made in Estonia
Must Süsi on metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame naturaalset kiltkivi. Kiltkivi on tekkinud sügaval maapõues miljonite aastate jooksul savist, vulkaanilisest tuhast ja teistest peene struktuuriga kivimitest. Meie toode on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja looduslähedane ning see on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega.
Seif Design on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.
Kersti Kaljulaid: “A wallet made from stone is as sustainable as it gets! A true counter to things with a short lifespan, hopefully lasting from father to son. I love it when things don’t break or wear away.”
– Mahutab kuni 12 kaarti
– Valikus on rahaklambriga ja ilma klambrita versioon
– Viipevarguse kaitse
– Toodetud Eestis
Mere Marmor is a metal cardholder designed using natural marble. Marble is typically formed when carbonate rocks are subjected to high temperature and pressure, such as in tectonic movements. Depending on whether the marble has formed from limestone or dolomite, it consists of either calcite or dolomite. Our product is minimalist, unique, and nature-inspired, and it is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials.
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its globally unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design uses only fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia.
Accommodates up to 12 cards
Available in versions with and without a money clip
Protection against contactless theft
Made in Estonia
Mere Marmor on metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame naturaalset marmorit. Tavaliselt tekib marmor, kui karbonaatkivid satuvad kõrge temperatuuri ja rõhu alla, näiteks tektoonilises liikumises. Olenevalt sellest, kas marmor on tekkinud lubjakivist või dolokivist, koosneb marmor kas kaltsiidist või dolomiidist. Meie toode on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja looduslähedane ning see on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega.
Seif Design on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.
– Mahutab kuni 12 kaarti
– Valikus on rahaklambriga ja ilma klambrita versioon
– Viipevarguse kaitse
– Toodetud Eestis
Kohev Lumi is a metal cardholder designed using natural slate. Slate is formed deep underground over millions of years from clay, volcanic ash, and other fine-grained rocks. Our product is minimalist, unique, and nature-inspired, and it is packaged using fully environmentally friendly materials.
Seif Design is an Estonian brand known for its globally unique stone-designed cardholders. Seif Design uses only fully recyclable materials for packaging and has transitioned its production processes to green energy sourced from solar panels. All Seif Design products are made in Estonia.
Accommodates up to 12 cards
Available in versions with and without a money clip
Protection against contactless theft
Made in Estonia
Kohev Lumi on metallist kaarditasku, mille disainis kasutame naturaalset kiltkivi. Kiltkivi on tekkinud sügaval maapõues miljonite aastate jooksul savist, vulkaanilisest tuhast ja teistest peene struktuuriga kivimitest. Meie toode on minimalistlik, unikaalne ja looduslähedane ning see on pakendatud täielikult loodussõbralike materjalidega.
Seif Design on Eesti bränd, mis on tuntud oma maailmas ainulaadsete kividisainiga kaarditaskute poolest. Seif Design kasutab pakendamisel ainult täielikult taaskasutatavaid materjale ja on viinud oma tööprotsessid üle roheenergiale, mis tuleb päikesepaneelidest. Kõik Seif Design tooted on valmistatud Eestis.
– Mahutab kuni 12 kaarti
– Valikus on rahaklambriga ja ilma klambrita versioon
– Viipevarguse kaitse
– Toodetud Eestis
Classic and sophisticated leather sleeve for your laptop. We offer 2 fixed sizes or can custom-make according to your measurements.
We useresponsibly made vegetable tanned leather that ages beautifully.
Stella Soomlais: We have great respect for the materials we use. Our designs are crafted to minimize the cutting leftovers. So far, we have managed to reduce the leftovers to only 2-4%. Our goal is to reach zero waste in the next few years. The bag designs follow our own circular concept, which we call Round 2. It enables us to give the product and the material the longest lifetime. This is why our bag design is minimal and with no decor – all details have a function. As high-quality natural finish leather is used, the decor part is done by the material itself – in time, it will have a great patina and it tells its story. Changeable parts enable simple maintenance and after-care. Face-lifting of used products is easy and allows us to direct refreshed bags into the next rounds of usage. The big material surface without any seams also allows some redesigning if necessary (e.g., if stains and scratches occur, it’s possible to add a pocket, etc.) or create something completely new out of the used material.
13″: Fits both 13″ MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. Sleeve size is 33 x 22.5 cm.
16″: Fits 16″ MacBook Pro. Sleeve size is 39 x 26 cm.
Custom-made and delivered to you within 4-6 weeks.
Simple but sturdy, our leather laptop sleeve is your everyday sidekick. Available in two standard sizes or customized to fit your laptop. Crafted from long-lasting, responsibly sourced vegetable-tanned leather that ages beautifully.
Brand Statement by Stella Soomlais:
We’re big on materials and low on waste—just 2-4% leftovers and aiming for zero. Our designs follow the “Round 2” concept, focusing on product longevity. It’s minimal but functional design, made from top-grade leather that gets better with age. And hey, it’s built for easy upkeep and even a revamp if needed.
13″: Fits both 13″ MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. Sleeve size is 33 x 22.5 cm.
16″: Fits 16″ MacBook Pro. Sleeve size is 39 x 26 cm.
Custom-made and delivered to you within 4-6 weeks.
The belt is handmade in Estonia of high-quality 3mm thick full-grain vegetable-tanned leather. Only natural plant extracts, fats, and oils have been used in the tanning process, which gives the leather a natural and clean appearance. The belt is adjustable by +-5cm. It is possible to make the belt shorter later, but it is recommended to choose the belt size that matches the wearer’s waist size.
Width: 35mm
Available in three lengths: 90cm, 100cm, and 110cm
Püksirihm on valmistatud kvaliteetsest 3mm paksusest “full-grain” taimparknahast. Naha parkimisel on kasutatatud ainult looduslike taimeekstrakte, rasvasid ning õlisid, mis annavad nahale naturaalse ja puhta välimuse. Vöö on reguleeritav +-5cm. Püksirihma on võimalik hiljem teha lühemaks kuid soovitame võimalusel valida vöö samas mõõdus, mis on kandja vööümbermõõt.
Keep your passport in tip-top shape with our passport covers, letting you travel worry-free. Made from responsibly sourced vegetable-tanned leather, these covers are durable and age gracefully.
Brand Statement by Stella Soomlais:
We value the materials we use and aim to cut waste—so far we’re down to just 2-4% leftovers. Our designs follow our “Round 2” sustainability concept, ensuring each product lasts as long as possible. Made from top-notch leather, each item ages with style, and is built for easy upkeep and modification if needed.
Open: 20 x 14 cm
Closed: 10 x 14 cm
Made to order just for you, and delivered within 2 weeks.
A robe is a personal and essential piece of clothing, worn during those precious moments, that special quality time – when you step away from the daily rush and just enjoy being by yourself.
The gray 3/4 sleeve flannel-collared robe by Prii features a well-fitting kimono cut, crafted from soft, lightweight cotton fleece. The inner side of the fabric is brushed, making it exceptionally soft and pleasant against the skin.
The robe has comfortable 3/4 length sleeves. The lapels and sleeve cuffs are finished with soft, black-and-white checkered flannel. Inner seams are neatly finished with binding. The belt is attached at the back, and both front panels feature a stitched pocket.
A robe is a personal and essential garment, worn during those cherished moments, that special quality time – when you unwind from the daily rush and simply enjoy your own company.
The PRII gray paisley silk-collared robe features a well-fitted kimono cut, crafted from soft and lightweight cotton fleece. The inner side of the fabric is brushed, making it exceptionally soft and comfortable against the skin.
The lapels and sleeve cuffs are finished with a silver-gray paisley-patterned silk. The inner seams are trimmed with dark gray binding. The belt is attached at the back, and each front panel includes a stitched pocket.
A classic pullover sweatshirt, regular fit, somewhat a bit longer.
Extra soft 80% cotton / 20% polyester, 280 gr/m2
Size M is approximately 73 cm in total length and 55 cm wide.
Handprinted at Heavy Mental experimental printstudio
Regular shipping: 3-7 workdays regular; in summer: 5-10 workdays. Every item is handprinted on demand.
A classic pullover sweatshirt, regular fit, somewhat a bit longer.
Extra soft 80% cotton / 20% polyester, 280 gr/m2
Size M is approximately 73 cm in total length and 55 cm wide.
Handprinted at Heavy Mental experimental printstudio
Regular shipping: 3-7 workdays regular; in summer: 5-10 workdays. Every hoodie is handprinted on demand.
The leather Kitchen Pot Holder is suitable for use in the kitchen, barbecue, and oven heating. One side of the potholder is wool and the other side is leather. The length of the cotton hook is 7 cm. The holder is made of the material left over after the production of leather furniture. These small leather pieces are ideal for making small leather accessories.
Front material: bovine skin
Back material: felt (70% wool, 30% other fibers)
Size: 18 x 18 cm
Care: We recommend cleaning the skin with a damp cloth. Leather care products can also be used.
Long and comfortable cover for sauna seat. The cover is made of rough natural linen fabric. The fabric is prewashed, and will not shrink while washed.
Size: 55 x 150 cm
Composition: 100% linen
Colour: beige as sand
Care: Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. The color of natural linen becomes lighter with washing. No ironing is needed.
Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.
The linen bathrobe is a comfortable and unisex piece. The bathrobe has pockets, a cotton belt, and a hanging hook. The seams are treated with a hem.
One Size. Measurements: Bathrobe dimensions: back 130 cm, circumference 140 cm, cuff length 62 cm, shoulder 16 cm, cuff circumference 32 cm from the bottom and 40 cm from the middle, collar width 5 cm
Material: 100% linen
Color: linen grey
Care: The fabric is pre-washed and softened. After washing, it no longer shrinks and does not change its appearance. Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. No ironing is needed.
Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.
Men’s skirt for sauna and bath is made of 100% natural linen fabric, with a fishbone pattern. Light and elegant, easy to use. The skirt has a pocket and is adjustable with velcro which makes it suitable for different sizes!
Size : 135 x 48 cm
Material: 100% linen
Color: grayish blue with fishbone pattern
The material is prewashed, it has a bit wrinkly elegant look and will not shrink after washing. It is easy to taking care of your piece by washing it in the machine at 40 degrees. No ironing is needed.
The towel is made of natural 78% linen and 22% cotton fabric. The color is blue with a fishbone pattern. It is easy to fold and carry, ’cause linen is light and does not take up much space. The material is prewashed, so it already has a bit wrinkly elegant look. The hanger is made of a natural white band.
Material: Linen and cotton
Size: 75 x 130 cm
Length of hanger: 12 cm
Color: blue fishbone pattern
Care: Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. No ironing needed.
Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.
The towel is made of natural 100% linen fabric. The color is brown with a checkered fishbone pattern. Material is prewashed, so it will not shrink anymore, has excellent absorbability, and dries fast. The hanger is made of a white cotton band.
Material: Linen
Size: 70 x 140 cm
Length of hanger: 12 cm
Care: Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. No ironing needed.
Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.
The towel is made of 100% natural linen textured fabric. Material is prewashed, so it will not shrink anymore, has excellent absorbability, and dries fast.
Size: 80 x 148 cm. The cotton hanger is 12 cm long
Composition: 100% linen
Colour: white, textured fabric
Care: Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. The color becomes lighter with washing. No ironing needed.
Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.
ENG: The design of the apron made from herringbone-patterned linen fabric is made special by leather details. The apron has a pocket and a leather belt, where a hand towel can be inserted. Leather details are made from the leftover material from leather furniture production.
Dimensions: width 68 cm, height 82 cm Material: 100% linen Color: black/gray herringbone Details: Genuine leather
Care: Remove leather details before washing. The apron can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees.”
Delivery: 4-8 workdays
EST: Linasest kalasabamustrilisest kangast põlle disaini teevad eriliseks nahast detailid. Põllel on tasku ja nahast vöö, mille vahele saab panna käterätiku. Nahast detailid on valmistatud nahkmööbli tootmisest järele jäänud materjalist. Tükkidest, mis on mööbli tootmiseks liiga väikesed.
Mõõdud: laius 68 cm, kõrgus 82 cm
Materjal: 100% lina
Värvus: must/hall kalasabamuster
Detailid: veisenahk
Hooldus: Enne pesu eemaldada nahast detailid. Põlle võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadiga.
Kitchen Mitten is suitable for use in the kitchen, barbecue, and oven heating. One side of the glove is double wool and the other side is leather with a single woolen layer. The length of the cotton hook is 7 cm.
Front material: bovine skin
Back material: felt (70% wool, 30% other fibers)
Size: 17/21 x 32 cm
Care: We recommend cleaning the skin with a damp cloth.
Manly 100% leather apron. The apron has a pocket and brown cotton belt, with which you can put a towel. The apron is made of leftovers from leather furniture production.
Size: 70 x 92 cm
Composition: 100% leather
Colour: beige
Care: We recommend cleaning the skin with a damp cloth. Leather care products can also be used.
Lightweight, big and spacious travel bag. Fits into Ryanair hand luggage dimensions: 40 × 25 × 20 cm. The travel bag has one pocket on the outside and another pocket and Garabnota lining on the inside. A long strap is attached, so the duffle is comfortable to wear also on the shoulders.
Handmade in Lithuania. 100% polyester. Robust, durable. Washes at 30 ° C. Dimensions: 20×40×25cm.
Lightweight, big and spacious travel bag. Fits into Ryanair hand luggage dimensions: 40 × 25 × 20 cm. The travel bag has one pocket on the outside and another pocket and Garabnota lining on the inside. A long strap is attached, so the duffle is comfortable to wear also on the shoulders.
Handmade in Lithuania. 100% polyester. Robust, durable. Washes at 30 ° C. Dimensions: 20×40×25cm.