Kitchen & Dining Room

75 Products


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  • ENG: A modern twist on traditional Muhu embroidery pattern brought to life in vanilla, light blue and charcoal colors. Digitally hand-drawn field flowers, butterflies and dragonflies intertwine to create this dazzling pattern.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • Horizontal repeat: 48cm
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match.

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks.  All sales final.


    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: VANILLA MEADOW on Eesti rahvuslillede muster, mis on sündinud inspiratsioonina Muhu tikandist. Lisab värvi ja õiteilu teie kodule. See on osa MEADOW kollektsioonist, mis koosneb sisustuspatjadest, tumbadest ja tapeedist. Saadaval ka sobiva mustriga sisustuspadjana. Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
    Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Tapeetide paigaldus kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeete ei saa tagastada.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • ENG: The POMEGRANATE collection arrives in matching wallpaper, hand-embroidered designer pillows, and exclusive hand-tufted wool rugs. Pomegranate wallpaper comes in fashionable dark blue, silver grey, and pink colors. NB! The Dark Blue

    The pomegranate pattern is twice as large in scale, as its peer–grey and pink wallpapers. In many ancient cultures, the pomegranate symbolizes fertility, abundance, and a happy marriage. This silhouette is both timeless and compelling. Perfect for bedrooms, kitchen nooks, cabinets, hall spaces, or a girl’s room.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • Horizontal repeat: 24cm
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match.

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks.  All sales are final.


    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: GRANAATÕUNA kollektsioonis on kokkusobivad ökotapeedid, käsitsi tikitud disainpadjad ja eksklusiivsed käsitsi sõlm- või käsitufttehnikas valmistatud villased vaibad.
    Granaatõunamustriga tapeete on moekat tumesinist, hõbehalli ja roosat värvi.
    NB! Tumesinine granaatõunamuster on kaks korda suurem, kui selle paarilised – halli ja roosa taustaga tapeet.
    Paljudes iidsetes kultuurides sümboliseerib granaatõun viljakust, küllust ja õnnelikku abielu. See kujutis on ühtaegu ajatu ja köitev. Tumesinisel granaatõunamustriga tapeedil on selgelt eristuv, kuid õrn motiiv, mis avaldub omapäraselt nii väikestes kui suurtes ruumides.
    Täiuslik magamistoa, kööginurga, kabineti, eesruumi või tüdrukute toa jaoks.
    Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
    Horisintaalne kordus: 24 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Tapeetide paigaldus kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Kõik müügid on lõplikud.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • ENG: Designed as a tribute to a Provencal interior style, this wallpaper is truly a positive mood setter. Works beautifully for breakfast nooks, living rooms, and summerhouse interiors.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • Horizontal repeat: 48cm
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match.

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks. All sales final.


    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: Disainitud austusavaldusena Provence`i interjööristiilile, on see tapeet tõeline positiivse tuju looja.
    Toimib kaunilt hommikusööginurgas, elutoas ja suvemaja interjööris.
    Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
    Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Tapeedid paigaldatakse kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeete ei saa tagastada.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • ENG: Lemon Branch is a beautiful version of Provence-style interior wallpaper. A great pick for rooms with lower ceilings, as the vertically strached nature of the print visually heightens the room. Perfect fit for kitchens, living rooms, and summerhouse interiors. Pairs beautifully with Yellow Stripes and Green Mint Buffalo Check wallpapers.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • Horizontal repeat: 48cm
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match.

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks. All sales final.


    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: Tapeet Sidrunioks helerohelisel taustal on veel üks lõõgastav versioon Provence`i stiilis interjöörist. See on suurepärane valik madalate lagedega ruumidesse, kuna prindi vertikaalne kujundus muudab ruumi visuaalselt kõrgemaks.
    Sobib ideaalselt hommikusööginurka, elutuppa ja suvemaja interjööri. Sobib kokku Yellow Stripes tapeediga.
    Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
    Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Tapeedid paigaldatakse kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeete ei saa tagastada.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • ENG: This classical striped wallpaper is a popular, energetic companion and pairs well with the Striped Lemon, Lemon Branch or Lemon Branch on Buffalo Check wallpapers.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • Horizontal repeat: continuous repeat
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks, and cannot be returned.


    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: Tapeet YELLOW STRIPES on osa FRUIT tapeedikollektsioonist toetava tapeedimustrina. See on suurepärane valik madalate lagedega ruumidesse, kuna prindi vertikaalne kujundus muudab ruumi visuaalselt kõrgemaks.
    Sobib ideaalselt hommikusööginurka, elutuppa ja suvemaja interjööri.
    Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.
    Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Tapeedid paigaldatakse kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeete ei saa tagastada.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • ENG: This lilac garden in light purple wallpaper has lush hand-painted watercolor strokes in shades of purple, violet, and fuchsia, inspired by the romance of Estonian lilacs in bloom. The wallpaper was designed during the COVID-19 pandemia’s quarantine time to boost positivity and focus on the natural beauty surrounding us.

    • Designed by Rita Assor (Tallinn, Estonia) and digitally printed with green technology in Germany.
    • This high-quality non-vowen wallpaper is easy to install and removable.
    • Horizontal repeat: 48cm
    • Each roll is 48cm wide x 10m long
    • Straight across match.

    Wallpaper ships in 2-3 weeks, and cannot be returned.



    -no smell

    -solvent-free certified printing ink

    -brilliant print quality, UV-resistant

    -non-bleaching colors


    -non-woven material, 122 g/qm

    -resistant to humidity

    -free of PVC, plasticizers and glass fibre


    EST: Helelilla mustriga sireliaed on maalitud käsitsi lopsakate akvarellsete pintsitõmmetega – lilla, violetse ja fuksia värvide varjundis, mis on inspireeritud õitsvate eesti sirelite romantikast. Muster kujundati COVID-19 pandeemia karantiini ajal, et kasvatada positiivsust ja keskenduda meid ümbritsevale looduslikule ilule.

    Disaininud Rita Assor (Tallinn, Eesti) ja prinditud digitaalselt Saksamaal rohetehnoloogia abil.

    Horisintaalne kordus: 48 cm
    Iga rull on 48 cm lai ja 10 m pikk
    Mustri jätkamine kohakuti.
    Tapeetide tarneaeg 2-3 nädalat. Tapeedid ei ole tagastatavad.



    -solvendivaba sertifitseeritud trükivärv

    -võrratu trükikvaliteet, UV-kindel

    -mitte pleekivad värvid


    -mittekootud materjal, 122 g/m2


    -PVC-, plastitsiidide ja klaaskiudude vaba

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    The versatile yet classic design of Linen Placemat will protect your table from heat and scratches and act as a perfect decoration piece. Made from 100% European linen, the fabric is lightweight and beautiful; the natural wrinkled look will create a rustic and simple look for you, your family, and friends to enjoy.


    • Size: 25 x 40 cm
    • 100% linen, 310 g/m2
    • Stone washed for extra softness
    • Handmade with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen fabric



    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Linen Placemat give your dining room a simple, relaxed touch and pull together a stylish look to your table. Choose from a sophisticated selection of prints to find the perfect match of beautiful hand-made linen pieces.


    • Size: 35 x 45 cm
    • The mitered hem helps the placemats to hold their beautiful and neat shape
    • The linen fabric for placemats are double-side
    • 100% linen, 185 g/m2
    • Stone washed for extra softness
    • Handmade with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen fabric


    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Still thinking what would be an excellent gift for your loved one? A Linen Napkin Set will be a beautiful addition to the table and bring joy to your loved ones. Share the all-natural beauty of vintage linen fabric with a rough yet fluffy texture with the ones that matter to you the most.

    Two napkins per set.


    • Size: 40 x 40 cm
    • 100% linen, 310 g/m2
    • Stone washed for extra softness
    • Handmade with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen fabric


    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    Linen Napkins provide a delicate and stylish impact on your dining table. The shape, unique prints, and mitered corners of 100% linen piece can help you fold them elegantly to achieve fantastic addition to the table. Make your daily life simple yet beautiful.

    Two napkins per set.


    • Size: 40 x 40 cm
    • The mitered corners help for the napkins to hold their beautiful shape
    • 100% linen, 185 g/m2
    • Stone washed for extra softness
    • Handmade with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen fabric


    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    One of the best ways to keep everything dry and clean is to use Linen Kitchen Towel. A unique rough texture of the vintage fabric lets the piece dry quickly, and you can use it as often as you need: the drying performance improves with every use. A pop of color, a classic ornament, or an eye-catching print you decide. Our Linen Kitchen Towel us an excellent combination of function and beauty for everyday use. Hand-made using 100% natural linen highly durable, these kitchen linen accessories are irreplaceable helpers when dealing with spills and splashes.


    • Size: 40×65 cm / 16″x26″
    • Has hanging hook
    • 100% linen, 310 g/m2
    • Hand-made with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen


    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

    One of the best ways to keep everything dry and clean is to use Linen Kitchen Towel. A unique rough texture of the vintage fabric lets the piece dry quickly, and you can use it as often as you need: the drying performance improves with every use.


    • Size: 40×65 cm / 16″x26″
    • Has hanging hook
    • 100% linen, 310 g/m2
    • Hand-made with love in Lithuania
    • OEKO-TEX® and EUROPEAN FLAX® certified linen


    Linen is the strongest, and most resistant natural fiber has unique bacteriologic properties and is less prone to wear and tear down. Your favorite linen pieces can last you for many years with proper care!

    To avoid shrinkage, the machine washing temperature should be 40°C / 100°F; for thin linen fabrics, avoid using a washing machine; it’s best to do it by hand. Avoid harsh powder detergents to clean the pieces and use oxygen-based bleach only on white linen. For best drying results, hang-dry your linen; if you don’t have such an opportunity, use a tumble on low and remove it while still damp. You can iron the fabric for a neat look, but we encourage you to embrace a natural crinkled look.

    Actual colors may vary. This is due to the fact that every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors and that everyone sees these colors differently. We try to edit our photos to show the samples as life-like as possible, but please understand the actual color may vary slightly from your monitor. We cannot guarantee that the color you see accurately portrays the true color of the product.

    Please note that if you’re purchasing the same color items at different times there may be some color differences. This happens because items may be manufactured from different dye lots and the shade may differ due to natural linen qualities.


    Delivery: The item is made-to-order. It takes 3-5 working days to make + shipping 2-4 working days. 

  • Cutting board, which is especially liked by men, because women tend to cut sausage slices too thin. A great gift idea! If you don’t like sausage, you can also chop cucumber or zucchini.

    • Size 7 x 30 cm.


    Lõikelaud, mis meeldib eriti meestele, sest naistel on komme liiga õhukesed vorstiviilud lõigata. Hea kingiidee! Kui vorst ei meeldi, siis võid ka kurki või suvikõrvitsat tükeldada.

    • Suurus 7 x 30 cm

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Harju County mitten pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 50 x 145 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Harjumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 50 x 145 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Viru County mitten pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 50 x 145 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Virumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 50 x 145 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Hiiumaa Hanikatsi fly pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 50 x 145 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Hiiumaa Hanikatsi kärbsekirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 50 x 145 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Hiiumaa Hanikatsi fly pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 45 x 50 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Hiiumaa Hanikatsi kärbsekirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 45 x 50 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Viru County mitten pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 45 x 50 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Virumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 45 x 50 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Sauna bench seating pad protects the bench from getting dirty and shields you from being burned by the heat. The fabric is adorned with the traditional Harju County mitten pattern.

    • Composition: 52% linen, 48% cotton
    • Size: 45 x 50 cm
    • Can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Saunalava istumisalus kaitseb lavalaudu määrdumise eest ja sind selle eest, et kuum ei kõrvetaks. Kangast kaunistab Harjumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Koostis: 52% lina, 48% puuvill
    • Suurus: 45 x 50 cm
    • Võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Pärnumaa mitten pattern.

    • Size: 67 x 150 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Pärnumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Suurus: 67 x 150 cm
    • Koostis: 100% puuvill
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Hiiumaa mitten pattern.

    • Size: 67 x 150 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Hiiumaa kaheksakanna muster.

    • Suurus: 67 x 150 cm
    • Koostis: 100% puuvill
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Setumaa mitten pattern.

    • Size: 67 x 150 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Setumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Suurus: 67 x 150 cm
    • Koostis: 100% puuvill
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Virumaa mitten pattern.

    • Size: 67 x 150 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Virumaa kindakirja muster.

    • Suurus: 67 x 150 cm
    • Koostis: 100% puuvill
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Saaremaa mitten pattern.

    • Size: 67 x 150 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Saaremaa kindakirja muster.

    • Suurus: 67 x 150 cm
    • Koostis: 100% puuvill
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Viljandi County mitten pattern. Comfortably large and wide enough to wrap around every body.

    • Size: 81 x 160 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Viljandimaa kindakirja muster. Mõnusalt suur ja piisavalt lai, et keerduda iga keha ümber.

    • Suurus: 81 x 160 cm
    • Koostis: 83% puuvill, 17% lina
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Tartu County mitten pattern. Comfortably large and wide enough to wrap around every body.

    • Size: 81 x 160 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Tartumaa kindakirja muster. Mõnusalt suur ja piisavalt lai, et keerduda iga keha ümber.

    • Suurus: 81 x 160 cm
    • Koostis: 83% puuvill, 17% lina
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Lääne County mitten pattern. Comfortably large and wide enough to wrap around every body.

    • Size: 81 x 160 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Läänemaa Martna maasikalehekiri. Mõnusalt suur ja piisavalt lai, et keerduda iga keha ümber.

    • Suurus: 81 x 160 cm
    • Koostis: 83% puuvill, 17% lina
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Harju County mitten pattern. Comfortably large and wide enough to wrap around every body.

    • Size: 81 x 160 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistabHarjumaa kindakirja muster. Mõnusalt suur ja piisavalt lai, et keerduda iga keha ümber.

    • Suurus: 81 x 160 cm
    • Koostis: 83% puuvill, 17% lina
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Out of Stock

    The towel is made of natural 100% linen fabric. The color is blue with a fishbone pattern. It is easy to fold and carry, ’cause linen is light and does not take up much space. The material is prewashed, so it already has a bit wrinkly elegant look. The hanger is made of a natural white band.

    • Material: Linen
    • Size: 75 x 145 cm
    • Length of hanger: 12 cm
    • Color: blue fishbone pattern
    • Care: Wash the textile separately at 40°C on a gentle cycle in plenty of water. Do not spin dry. Avoid softener and bleach. Reshape and dry. Do not tumble dry. Linen fibers may come off the product during the wash. No ironing needed.

    Linen is an ecological choice that will only get better over time.


    Shipping: 3-7 working days

  • Beautiful and soft terry sauna towel. Use it for the bath, gym, sauna, or at the beach. The sauna towel is decorated with the Hiiumaa County mitten pattern. Comfortably large and wide enough to wrap around every body.

    • Size: 81 x 160 cm
    • Composition: 100% cotton
    • The towel is easy to maintain – it can be washed in the washing machine at 40 degrees Celsius.


    Ilus ja pehme froteest saunalina. Kasuta nii vannis, trennis, saunas kui rannas käies. Saunalina kaunistab Hiiumaa Hanikatsi kindakirja kärbsemuster. Mõnusalt suur ja piisavalt lai, et keerduda iga keha ümber.

    • Suurus: 81 x 160 cm
    • Koostis: 83% puuvill, 17% lina
    • Rätikut on lihtne hooldada –  võib pesta pesumasinas 40 kraadi juures.

    Shipping: 3-7 working days