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  • We created this handcrafted perfumed home spray to those who seek for coziness and warmth of the family hearth, who protect their home and family like the apple of their eye, whose home is their fortress. We believe that the magical fragrance of this perfumed home spray and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home spray) and Frigga’s assistance might help to:

    • Create harmony at home and among the family members;
    • Protect your home form anger;
    • Protect your home and family members form uninvited guests and their evil thoughts;
    • Bring prosperity and financial wealth.

    In Norse mythology Frigga, the chief god Odin’s wife, is the goddess of household. She is the ideal guardian and keeper of the home’s hearth, the only one who is allowed by her husband to sit in his throne and look out over the whole world.

    The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of black peppercorns, grapefruit and myrtle, rich and intense notes of almond, laurel, oriental spices and saffron followed by luxurious notes of agarwood, amber and cedar and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    The magic fragrance recipe of this perfumed home spray is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Black peppercorns: their aroma helps to reduce pain, activates blood circulation, has a warming quality and a positive effect on aching muscles and joints, stimulates and energizes in cases of weariness, fatigue, and emotional frigidity, stimulates appetite, relaxes, helps to reduce fever and positively affects digestion. Aromas of peppers, just like all tangy spices, cleanse the energy field, helps to get rid of negative energy and protect against harmful surrounding effects.
    Grapefruit: its fragrance helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. The energy of grapefruit’s fragrance boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Grapefruit essential oil is recommended when in need of spiritual warmth. In magic grapefruit is particularly related to the ability to attract love.
    Myrtle: has a positive effect on neurological disorders, depression, helps to breath in cases of upper respiratory tract inflammations, calms and soothes. The scent of myrtle is believed to act as an aphrodisiac and stimulant of reproductive functions. It has a calming and relaxing effect, may help in cases of impotence, frigidity or erectile dysfunction. Myrtle is believed to be an effective helper in getting rid of bad habits, therefore it is a common ingredient in many mixtures for those willing to give up smoking or drug addiction. In magic myrtle is used for love spells and strengthening of household and family bonds.
    Almond: almond nuts and wood have been used for magical purpose since very ancient times. Almond wood was even used for producing magic wands. Almond is a symbol of wealth, material goods and abundance. In this concoction almond will help to attract financial growth and prosperity. Almond scent calms, creates the atmosphere of safety, tranquility, warmth and harmony. Almond also protects from negative energetic environmental impacts, evil eye or curses.
    Laurel: promotes self-confidence and courage, helps to avoid fear, sadness and stress. It is an excellent antiseptic, analgetic, improves appetite. Laurel leaves are used in magic to perform rituals that eliminate negative incantations.
    Oriental spices: the scent of oriental spices mixture will warm you up and spread the feeling of harmony, safety and tranquility. The mixture of various herbs and spices contains aromas of pepper, coriander, fennel, anise, and saffron. Like different tones that make up a chord, these scents will acquire new magical and aromatherapy properties when mixed up, but at the same time they will retain their primal nature. The concoction strengthens energy fields, harmonizes and calms.
    Saffron: an excellent tonic for both mind and body, may be used for reducing pain, treating infections, and stimulating heart rate. In Ireland saffron is still used on baby cots, so that the newborn would grow healthy and strong. In Italy saffron is thrown on the bride and the groom, as it is considered an aphrodisiac that boosts fertility. Arabs, Berbers and the Persians give saffron as a wedding gift for ensuring fertility. The Romans valued the aroma of saffron and considered it to be “gently soothing”, often compared by poets with the soft colors of sunrise or sunset.
    Agarwood: used in incense and perfume since ancient times, mentioned in numerous ancient written sources – Sanskrit Vedas, the Old Testament, and Islamic scriptures. Aquilaria trees are also called god-trees. Agarwood was considered to be so powerful that it could cleanse the soul and banish evil spirits. Traditional Chinese medicine views agarwood as a substance for releasing spasms and also as having warming, balancing, transforming and mind-clearing properties that help to achieve goals.
    Ambergris: solid, flammable, waxy substance, produced in the digestive system of sperm whales and often called “floating gold”. Usually it is found floating in the water or washed on shore in tropical countries, and is highly valued by the perfume industry where it is used for producing expensive perfume. This waxy odorous substance is lighter than water and can float in the sea for years, where under the influence of salty water and sun it becomes hard. When kept in a hermetic container, ambergris gives off a strong scent of musk, which is highly valued by perfumers all around the world and which has been used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. It is one of the most-highly prized ingredients of perfume. The smell of ambergris is characterized by unique invigorating evening musk aroma with oriental notes. Ambergris has been long considered the symbol of luxury.
    Cedar: has a calming, strengthening, rejuvenating effect, gives a feeling of comfort and is therefore recommended when feeling unfounded fear, aggression, hysteria, anger, other anti-physiological behaviors as well as insomnia. Like all nuts, cedar nuts symbolize abundance and wealth. Cedar enhances leadership, confidence in oneself, one’s strengths and abilities.
    Vanilla: the homeland of vanilla is Mexico, Panama, and Antilles. The Aztecs highly valued vanilla as a spice. According to numerous scientific research, vanilla’s fragrance increases sexual attraction. In ancient times healers used vanilla’s fragrance for treating mental illnesses and nervous breakdowns. Vanilla’s aroma is believed to induce the feeling of safety at the subconscious level and to relieve from anxiety and fears. This fragrance soothes, helps to reduce anger and other negative emotions. If you are willing to talk to someone sincerely, want a person to open up to you and trust you, scenting the room with vanilla will help.
    Together with this handcrafted perfumed home spray you will get:

    A detailed description of the perfumed home spray purpose, a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents. A simple magical meditation/affirmation ritual and tips for home spray use so that may help you to create harmony at home and among your family members, protect your home and family members form uninvited guests and their evil thoughts.

    • 200 ml spray bottle
    • Consists pure food grade alcohol
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • We devote this handcrafted home perfume to the Norse goddesses of success norns. We believe that the magical fragrance of this home perfume and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home perfume) and norns’ assistance might help to:

    • Attract personal luck;
    • Guide the events towards a favorable direction;
    • Give you confidence in yourself and your powers;
    • Inspire you for new challenges, ideas, originality and resourcefulness.

    In Norse mythology norns are female beings that rule the destiny of a child when it is born. In their function they are similar to Greek Moirai. They live under the roots of the destiny tree Yggdrasill, everyday they pour over them the water from the Well of Urðr and on these roots they carve the destiny of each human.

    The unique formula of this home perfume was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of bergamot, mandarin, mango, orange, rich and intense notes of black peppercorns, cinnamon, clove buds, geranium and water lily followed by luxurious notes of liquorice and  and oriental spices our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh perfume you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    The magic fragrance recipe of this home perfume is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Bergamot: one of the most effective essential oils for fighting undesirable spiritual and psychological conditions. This essential oil is often attributed the qualities of mood booster, while at the same time it helps to relax. Bergamot essential oil calms, revitalizes, helps to fight fatigue and stress. A bride’s bouquet, perfumed with this essential oil, will ensure the success of the future marriage.
    Mandarin: its essential oil helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. Mandarin essential oil boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Mandarin essential oil is recommended in need of spiritual warmth. In magic mandarin is particularly related to the ability to attract love.
    Mango: one of the oldest mankind’s cultivated plants that is used thoroughly – from wood to wonderful mango butter for softening skin. Mango leaves are used to adorn temples; its fruit are sacrificed to gods. In their magical rituals southern nations used aromatic mango fruits and wood for love magic, for revealing a person’s talents and abilities, as well as for protection from negative energetic influence.
    Orange: its essential oil helps to open the heart, frees from sadness, nervousness and anxiety. It has a relaxing effect on some people, while in others it works as an energizer and wards off melancholy. Orange essential oil boosts optimism, natural charm and self-confidence, restores aura after serious illness or emotional stress. Orange essential oil is recommended in need of spiritual warmth. In magic orange is particularly related to the ability to attract love.
    Black peppercorns: their aroma helps to reduce pain, activates blood circulation, has a warming quality and a positive effect on aching muscles and joints, stimulates and energizes in cases of weariness, fatigue, and emotional frigidity, stimulates appetite, relaxes, helps to reduce fever and positively affects digestion. Aromas of peppers, just like all tangy spices, cleanse the energy field, helps to get rid of negative energy and protect against harmful surrounding effects.
    Cinnamon: its aroma brings joy and warmth, fights depression and emotional frigidity. It composes a cozy atmosphere of self-confidence. Cinnamon creates an inspiring and creative mood, expands, warms, positively affects aura, boosts optimism, integrity of personality, confidence in one’s strength and self-esteem. The fragrance of cinnamon is a great measure for reducing self-pitying and clinging to unlucky past. It lights and brightens personality.
    Clove buds: clove aroma brings warmth, spreads harmony, security and a feeling of peacefulness. Clove bud essential oil gives a sense of peace and warmth, helps to overcome a negative experience, nervousness, doubts and fears. It develops personal growth, helps to balance emotions after traumatic events, surgeries and illnesses. For people interested in dreams and other subtle information that reaches a person, it may be important that clove oil is thought to attract prophetic dreams and act as a protection. It also reduces deep-rooted tension and the resulting tremor and mental strain.
    Geranium: helps to decrease stress and to release pleasant memories. Balances emotions and at the same time calms, brings back inner tranquility and hope. Decreases the fear to love, to commit and be abandoned, helps to become more loving. The aroma of geranium helps to open up one’s heart and relieve painful memories from the past. It also decreases mood swings.
    Water lily: the Latin name of the water lilies family, Nymphaeaceae is derived from the name of the Greek nymphs living in lakes, rivers and streams, therefore water lilies contain a lot of water and moon energy. Water lilies symbolize tranquility, purity, spiritual glow and modesty. Their aroma helps to fight earthly lusts and soothes the soul. During magic rituals the aroma of water lilies enhances imagination and the ability to visualize your goals.
    Liquorice: for several thousand years the practitioners of Chinese medicine used them to treat many diseases from ulcer and constipation to nausea. In pharaoh tombs among other riches scientists discovered remnants of liquorice root. This plant was particularly valued and appreciated. Since ancient times liquorice has also been included in incense for its aroma that positively affects youth, sexuality, charm, and physical health.
    Oriental spices: the scent of oriental spices mixture will warm you up and spread the feeling of harmony, safety and tranquility. The mixture of various herbs and spices contains aromas of pepper, coriander, fennel, anise, and saffron. Like different tones that make up a chord, these scents will acquire new magical and aromatherapy properties when mixed up, but at the same time they will retain their primal nature. The concoction strengthens energy fields, harmonizes and calms.
    Together with this handcrafted home perfume you will get:

    A detailed description of the home perfume purpose, a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents. A simple magical meditation/affirmation ritual and tips for home perfume use so that may help you  attract personal success and guide the events towards a favorable direction. This perfumed perfume might also give you confidence in yourself and your powers as well as inspire you for new challenges, ideas, originality and resourcefulness.

    • 5 ml glass bottle with a glass pipette
    • Consists of pure food-grade alcohol
    • Volume 100 ml and 180 ml
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • We devote this handcrafted perfumed home spray to the Norse goddess of love Freya. We believe that the magical fragrance of this perfumed home spray and a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home spray) and Freya’s assistance might help to:

    • Attract a new person of your dreams;
    • Forge a harmonious and close relationship;
    • Find happiness and joy in such a relationship;
    • Add love and material joy.

    In Norse mythology Freya was the goddess of fertility, love and passion. Freya was considered to be the most desired goddess. Her love was sought by giants and gods, but she agreed to marry only the chief god Odin.  The Norse goddess Freya corresponds to Venus or Aphrodite in the pantheon of Ancient Greek and Roman gods.

    The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of jasmine, lilac and orange blossoms, rich and intense notes of geranium, mango, rose and saffron, followed by luxurious notes of ambergris, cedar, frankincense, white musk and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    The magic fragrance recipe of this perfumed home spray is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Jasmine: the aroma of jasmine calms and relieves unpleasant feelings of depression. This scent boosts self-confidence, arouses optimism and euphoria, revitalizes and energizes. This fragrance has a positive effect on women’s health, increases self-confidence. The calming properties of jasmine have a particularly positive effect on people with issues of sexual life, especially in cases of impotence and frigidity. In India jasmine used to be called “Moonshine in the garden”. Young girls adorned their hair with jasmine blossoms and used them for cosmetic purposes. Cleopatra is said to have had seduced Marc Antony by using jasmine oil during their official meetings in order to arouse his desires.
    Lilac: The cleansing aroma of lilac has been used in magic rituals for removing spells and illusions, for revealing the truth. The fragrance of lilac boosts the mood, promotes the ideas of common good and partnership and raises the mood and personality to a higher spiritual level.
    Orange blossoms (Neroli): the name “Neroli” comes after a 17th century Italian princess who lived in Nerola and adored this scent, thus boosting its popularity across the whole Italy. Orange blossom aroma possesses soothing ant antiseptic qualities, acts as an aphrodisiac, helps fight depression and anxiety, and boosts mood. It can be used before any stressful occasion – an interview, examination, public appearance, etc. In cases of insomnia, take a bath with several drops of neroli or diffuse some of it in the evening. Neroli is safe even to pregnant women. In Italy orange blossoms were traditionally used for making bridal crowns.
    Geranium: helps to decrease stress and to release pleasant memories. Balances emotions and at the same time calms, brings back inner tranquility and hope. Decreases the fear to love, to commit and be abandoned, helps to become more loving. The aroma of geranium helps to open up one’s heart and relieve painful memories from the past. It also decreases mood swings.
    Mango: one of the oldest mankind’s cultivated plants that is used thoroughly – from wood to wonderful mango butter for softening skin. Mango leaves are used to adorn temples; its fruit are sacrificed to gods. In their magical rituals southern nations used aromatic mango fruits and wood for love magic, for revealing a person’s talents and abilities, as well as for protection from negative energetic influence.
    Rose: the aroma of roses is especially valued for its effect on emotions, thus being an effective antidepressant. It is particularly recommended for women who lack confidence in their charm and sexual maturity. Rose aroma is also considered a good remedy against frigidity both in women and men, and, in the latter case, against impotence. Rose substances calm the nervous system, reduce anger and irritability, sooth and open the heart. Rose aroma and substances help to detract thoughts from everyday problems, renew and cleanse thinking, help to make correct decisions. They also give a sense of safety and help to connect to subtle spiritual energies and to open one’s heart. Moreover, they take away unnecessary anger, disappointment and sadness. People who often inhale rose aroma are believed to induce positive feelings towards themselves. Rose aroma is a miraculous energizing remedy for heart and mind, it reduces jealousy, anger and helps to free a person from suspicion.
    Saffron: an excellent tonic for both mind and body, may be used for reducing pain, treating infections, and stimulating heart rate. In Ireland saffron is still used on baby cots, so that the newborn would grow healthy and strong. In Italy saffron is thrown on the bride and the groom, as it is considered an aphrodisiac that boosts fertility. Arabs, Berbers and the Persians give saffron as a wedding gift for ensuring fertility. The Romans valued the aroma of saffron and considered it to be “gently soothing”, often compared by poets with the soft colors of sunrise or sunset.
    Ambergris: solid, flammable, waxy substance, produced in the digestive system of sperm whales and often called “floating gold”. Usually it is found floating in the water or washed on shore in tropical countries, and is highly valued by the perfume industry where it is used for producing expensive perfume. This waxy odorous substance is lighter than water and can float in the sea for years, where under the influence of salty water and sun it becomes hard. When kept in a hermetic container, ambergris gives off a strong scent of musk, which is highly valued by perfumers all around the world and which has been used as an aphrodisiac since ancient times. It is one of the most-highly prized ingredients of perfume. The smell of ambergris is characterized by unique invigorating evening musk aroma with oriental notes. Ambergris has been long considered the symbol of luxury.
    Cedar: has a calming, strengthening, rejuvenating effect, gives a feeling of comfort and is therefore recommended when feeling unfounded fear, aggression, hysteria, anger, other anti-physiological behaviors as well as insomnia. Like all nuts, cedar nuts symbolize abundance and wealth. Cedar enhances leadership, confidence in oneself, one’s strengths and abilities.
    Frankincense: the plant was named after the French word “franc”, meaning “luxurious”. Frankincense has long been used for producing incense. Frankincense (Boswellia) incense was one of the presents of the Three Kings to baby Jesus. In Ancient Greece frankincense resin was burned on altars and in temples, because it slows down and deepens breathing, which helps to calm down and immerse in prayer and meditation. The smell of frankincense calms and soothes, it is used during meditations even today.
    White musk: musk is a classical aromatic substance of animal origin, used in perfume-making and extracted from male glands of certain animals (most often musk deers). Since in nature animals use musk as a pheromone to attract the attention of the opposite sex, this aromatic substance has a similar effect on humans as well. White musk is a synthetic substance used in perfumery as an alternative to the red musk of animal origin in order to preserve nature and animal population. The aroma of white musk brings in vitality and energy. It is believed to be a potent aphrodisiac that stimulates senses, arouses and opens the most secret desires and the depths of soul.
    Together with this handcrafted perfumed home spray you will get:

    A detailed description of the perfumed home spray purpose, a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents. A simple magical meditation/affirmation ritual and tips for home spray use so that may help you to attract to your life a new person, possessing the qualities of your dreams.

    • 200 ml spray bottle
    • Consists pure food grade alcohol
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • We devote this handcrafted perfumed home spray to the Norse god of inspiration Bragi. We believe that a simple meditation/affirmation ritual (its description is included with the home spray) and Bragi’s help and inspiration might help to:

    • Reveal creative powers;
    • Develop intuition, hear your inner voice;
    • Awaken talents and skills;
    • Inspire artists and creators.

    In Norse mythology Bragi, the god of eloquence and poetry, inspired people to create poetry by giving them a drink of mead of poetry, made from the blood of Kvasir, the god of inspiration.

    The unique formula of this perfumed home spray was created in accordance with all the major perfumery canons. At first the fragrance pyramid will reveal head notes of basil, fig and hemp, rich and intense notes of water lily followed by luxurious notes of labdanum, sandalwood, opium, white musk and our little formula secrets. The aroma at home will be changing over time.  By just one additional fresh spray you will be able to relive the aroma journey from the first to the very last scent.

    The magic fragrance recipe of this perfumed home spray is based on old customs, traditions and the belief that every plant or aroma has its own magical purpose. It is like a witch recipe, where each plant and its aroma have a very important aromatherapic and magic function. The main notes supplement each other with aromatherapic properties and create a high-end fragrance pyramid where each scent has its place in harmony with other aromas.

    Basil: in ancient times it was considered a plant of kings, so only members of the noble family could collect basil. In magic, basil is used in various rituals to attract love, money. It was believed that basil could inspire a man to success, encourage him to achieve his goals. Basil is associated with Mars and Mercury, accumulates their energies and can therefore inspire new challenges and creativity.
    Fig: fig trees are one of the earliest cultivated plants. Maybe even the earliest. The Bible tells of Adam and Eve, who, after eating the forbidden fruit, felt ashamed and covered their nakedness with fig leaves. Since then, figs have been considered a link between conscious and subconscious, a certain intermediary between the conscious and subconscious worlds. The aroma of figs is believed to boost the powers of clairvoyance and ability to listen to oneself. In the magic practices the fragrance of figs is related to conscious dreaming, intuition and premonition.
    Hemp: the aroma is rich, sharp, and exotic. This fragrance has a calming and soothing effect, helps to overcome the sense of reserve and negativity, boosts creativity and fantasy. In medicine cannabis oil is used as an antidepressant and for its anti-inflammatory qualities. Since ancient times cannabis seeds were considered as a symbol of harvest and abundance.
    Water lily: The Latin name of the water lilies family, Nymphaeaceae is derived from the name of the Greek nymphs living in lakes, rivers and streams, therefore water lilies contain a lot of water and moon energy. Water lilies symbolize tranquility, purity, spiritual glow and modesty. Their aroma helps to fight earthly lusts and soothes the soul. During magic rituals the aroma of water lilies enhances imagination and the ability to visualize your goals.
    Labdanum: it is used for magical or spiritual practices involving protection, money, and respect. Labdanum has long been valued for its musky, sensual scent. In ancient times, labdanum was collected by combing the beards and thighs of goats and sheep that grazed in labdanum bushes, and many of the false beards worn by the Egyptian pharaohs in ancient times were made precisely from the hair of goats that smelled of the magical and royal aroma of labdanum. Some Bible scholars believe that mysterious labdanum was one of the most important components of sacred incense.
    Sandalwood: its aroma harmonizes and calms, helps to reduce stress and turmoil, is a perfect mood booster for people suffering from depression, fears, and everyday problems, helps in cases of nervous breakdown or anxiety. Eastern cultures believe that this aroma is particularly attractive to various deities, thus sandalwood incense is often used during meditation, sandalwood is used to build temples and sculptures of gods and prophets.
    Opium: the scent is cold, resinous, acidic and bitter, energizes and raises alertness. It awakens consciousness, induces conscious dreaming, creates a connection with one’s ow subconsciousness, evokes and pulls up the most secret thoughts, helps to understand deep problems by revealing them, helps to analyze causes and effects of various events and situations.
    White musk: musk is a classical aromatic substance of animal origin, used in perfume-making and extracted from male glands of certain animals (most often musk deers). Since in nature animals use musk as a pheromone to attract the attention of the opposite sex, this aromatic substance has a similar effect on humans as well. White musk is a synthetic substance used in perfumery as an alternative to the red musk of animal origin in order to preserve nature and animal population. The aroma of white musk brings in vitality and energy. It is believed to be a potent aphrodisiac that stimulates senses, arouses and opens the most secret desires and the depths of soul.
    Together with this handcrafted perfumed home spray you will get:

    A detailed description of the perfumed home spray purpose, a description of the aromatherapic effect of different scents. A simple magical meditation/affirmation ritual and tips for home spray use so that may help you to  reveal creative powers, inspire for new challenges and plans, develop intuition, awaken talents, inspire artists and creators.

    • 200 ml spray bottle
    • Consists pure food grade alcohol
    • Recyclable or reusable packaging
    • Hand-made in Lithuania
  • Oriental notes, the sensual patchouli in particular, create an invigorating bouquet together with citruses. The fresh, sweet, and refreshing combination of captivating aromas fills the room with energy.

    The base of the home fragrances of Magrada Organic Cosmetics is developed with the help of a novel technology and comes from soy-based renewable resources.

    The reed sticks of the home fragrance are made of natural reeds and are specifically meant for diffusing a scent indoors. Fibre reed sticks are strong and have a uniform colour, giving the home fragrance kit a beautifully aesthetic look. Natural fibres have a wonderful absorbency which makes sure that the room will always have your favourite scent.

    paraben-free / alcohol-free / vegan / cruelty-free / hand-made / with a minimal list of ingredients.
  • Enjoy your favourite scent longer by choosing a 200 ml refill bottle. With this, you can refill the original diffuser twice. Every home fragrance comes with a set of reeds (10 pc) which ensure that your home smells wonderfully fresh.

    Lavender, which has been used in aromatherapy for centuries, meets the woody scent of juniper. Together, they create a particularly relaxing and calming environment for your senses. The bouquet is complemented by the citrusy aroma of feisty grapefruit.

    The base of the home fragrances of Magrada Organic Cosmetics is developed with the help of a novel technology and comes from soy-based renewable resources.

    The reed sticks of the home fragrance are made of natural reeds and are specifically meant for diffusing a scent indoors. Fibre reed sticks are strong and have a uniform colour, giving the home fragrance kit a beautifully aesthetic look. Natural fibres have excellent absorbency, which ensures that your room always has your favourite scent.

    paraben-free / vegan /cruelty-free / hand-made / with a minimal list of ingredients.


    First, remove the outer glass cap of the diffuser, then the inner protective cap, and pour in the new oil. Swap the old reeds for new ones. The number of reed sticks should be selected based on the size and temperature of the room and the intensity of the fragrance. The smaller and warmer the room, the less reeds you should use. Liquid absorbs into the reeds and starts to diffuse the fragrance within 12–24 hours. We recommend that you turn the reeds occasionally. A refill bottle will last up to 32 weeks.

  • Lavender, which has been used in aromatherapy for centuries, meets the woody scent of juniper. Together, the notes create a particularly relaxing and calming ambience for the senses. Feisty grapefruit adds a gentle touch of citrus to this bouquet.

    The base of the home fragrances of Magrada Organic Cosmetics is developed with the help of a novel technology and comes from soy-based renewable resources.

    The reed sticks of the home fragrance are made of natural reeds and are specifically meant for diffusing a scent indoors. Fibre reed sticks are strong and have a uniform colour, giving the home fragrance kit a beautifully aesthetic look. Natural fibres have a wonderful absorbency which makes sure that the room will always have your favourite scent.

    paraben-free / vegan / cruelty-free / hand-made / with a minimal list of ingredients.
  • A delicious and uplifting scent bouquet that is particularly suitable for anyone who loves juicy fruit notes. The home fragrance creates a happy and vibrant atmosphere in the room with the help of fresh citruses.

    The base of the home fragrances of Magrada Organic Cosmetics is developed with the help of a novel technology and comes from soy-based renewable resources.

    The reed sticks of the home fragrance are made of natural reeds and are specifically meant for diffusing a scent indoors. Fibre reed sticks are strong and have a uniform colour, giving the home fragrance kit a beautifully aesthetic look. Natural fibres have a wonderful absorbency which makes sure that the room will always have your favourite scent.

    paraben-free / vegan / cruelty-free / hand-made / with a minimal list of ingredients.
  • The scent bouquet of the home fragrance ‘Refreshing’ includes the soothing aromas of playful lemongrass, fresh flowers, and herbs! The dominating tropical lemongrass is invigorating and creates a positive and liberating atmosphere in the room.

    The base of the home fragrances of Magrada Organic Cosmetics is developed with the help of a novel technology and comes from soy-based renewable resources.

    The reed sticks of the home fragrance are made of natural reeds and are specifically meant for diffusing a scent indoors. Fibre reed sticks are strong and have a uniform colour, giving the home fragrance kit a beautifully aesthetic look. Natural fibres have a wonderful absorbency which makes sure that the room always has your favourite scent.

    paraben-free / alcohol-free / vegan / cruelty-free / hand-made / with a minimal list of ingredients.