NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni MEELIS softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni RINGO softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KERTTU softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni SUSANNA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KRISTINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. This product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni KARINA softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
NUCKÖ waterproof overall is ideal for walking, playing with children, and hanging out with friends. It’s also perfect for physical activities such as camping, fishing, and skiing. The product is weatherproof, emphasizing the personality of the wearer. The hood and waist are also adjustable with elastic band and velcro strip.
Patterns are made with digital printing. Thanks to this the pattern is durable, abrasion-resistant and flexible.
NB! The product is custom made and delivery time will be specified with the customer.
Waterproof 10 000 mm
Breathable 5000 g/m2/day
Composition: polyester 94%, polyamide 6%
Designed and made in Estonia
Ilmastikukindel Nucköfshioni EBEKAI softshell kombenisoon sobib ideaalselt nii jalutamiseks, lastega mängimiseks, sõpradega hängimiseks kui kehalisteks tegevusteks, olgu selleks siis matkamine, kalapüük või suusatamine.
Kombekas on on vihma- ja tuulekindel, rõhutades seejuures kandja isikupära. Kapuuts ja vöökoht on takjaribadega ning kummiga reguleeritavad. Mustrilise kombenisooni puhul kasutatakse digitaaltrükki. Tänu sellele on muster vastupidav, kulumiskindel ja venitamisel ei pragune.
Nucköfashioni brändi loojad on kaks Noarootsi metsade ja põldude vahel elavat naist, kes pidid ise hakkama kombenisoone tootma, kuna interneti avarustes täiskasvanute kombekaid leida oli peaaegu võimatu. Juba varsti valmiski bränd Nucköfashion, mis pakub kaasaegsetele linnaklientidele kui ka loodushuvilistele kvaliteetseid ülerõivaid, muutes kandja elu nii lihtsamaks kui ka huvitavamaks.
Ilmastikukindel, veepidavus 10 000 mm
Hingavus 5000 g/m²/päev
Koostis: polüester 94%, polüamiid 6%
Disainitud ja valmistatud Eestis
Nuckö toodab lattu vaid üksikud suurused ning enamus tooted alles vastavalt klientide tellimustele – ületootmise oht on sellega nullilähedane ning selline tegevus on teatavasti ökosüsteemi toetav.
Nuckö rõhub kordumatusele ja erinevatele valikuvõimalustele, iga kombinesoon valmistatakse eraldiseisvalt. Sellest tingitult jõuab tellitav kaup kliendini viie päeva kuni nelja nädala jooksul.
ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
ONEHE sustainable ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with 18k gold. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
ONEHE sustainable silver ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with rhodium. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
ONEHE sustainable golden ring is made from 925 sterling silver, plated with 18k gold. The ring is hypoallergenic, which means it is safe for those with sensitive skin.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Minimalistic cross-shaped Cross golden stud earrings.
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
Size: 12 x 12 mm
Weight: 0.9 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
Minimalistic circle-shaped Echo golden stud earrings.
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
Size: 16 x 17 mm
Weight: 1.1 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
Size: 15 x 13 mm
Weight: 1 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
Size: 12 x 12mm
Weight: 0.9 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, rhodium plated
Size: 16 x 17 mm
Weight: 1.1 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Materials: 925 sterling silver, 18k gold plated
Size: 7 x 6.5 mm
Weight: 0.8 g per earring
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
Minimalistic heart-shaped Eros silver stud earrings.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver, plated with 18k gold. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Due to contact with skin or clothing, gold plated jewellery may wear out over time. Remove your jewellery at night and store it in a dark and dry place, for example, in a jewellery box.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
Minimalistic heart-shaped Eros silver stud earrings.
ONEHE sustainable earrings are made from recycled silver. The earrings are hypoallergenic, which means they’re safe for those with sensitive ears. Plus, our earrings are easy to wear and comfortable to wear all day long.
The only thing better than wearing something beautiful is not thinking about whether it will make you look good. ONEHE is a perfect accessory for every occasion. Elegant and minimalist accessories aren’t here to complete the look – the little details make us unique.
Cleaning and care: If you need to clean your jewellery from dirt or traces of makeup, use a damp soft-bristled toothbrush. After cleaning, be sure to wipe your jewellery dry to avoid oxidation of its metal.
Do not forget to remove your jewellery before visiting a sauna, doing sports or engaging in other physical activities.
Store separately from other jewellery to avoid scratching
Made of triple muslin, in black color… the world’s most cuddly ROBE (ÜRP)! The black robe is the ideal combination of comfort, the softest fabric, and the most universal color!
The ROBE has pockets and a belt. The size and shape are universal enough to fit different bodies. The material is fluffy and soft, pleasant against the skin. It’s perfect for winter and cooler summer evenings, making it wearable all year round. It is made with the principle that as little fabric as possible goes to waste!
The photo shows size 36/38 on a mannequin and a person wearing a size M wearing the ROBE in size S/M
Sizes: S/M and L
Composition: 100% cotton, STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®, with a density of 180g/m2.
Care: Machine wash up to 30°C, hand wash, ironing up to 100°C. Bleaching is forbidden, tumble drying is forbidden.
Handmade in Estonia
Delivery time: 3 weeks
Measurements for size S/M +-2 cm: Shoulder: 60 cm Sleeve: 40 cm Circumference: 140 cm Length: 115 cm Waist: 180 cm
Measurements for size L +-2 cm: Shoulder: 64 cm Sleeve: 43 cm Circumference: 155 cm Length: 120 cm Waist: 185 cm
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs means brown trout in the Võru dialect. These fish leather accessories are handmade. Each fish scale pattern is unique, making each cufflink one of a kind. We will post a product that is as similar as possible to the cufflink depicted in the picture.
These cufflinks are made of brown trout leather. We want to emphasize that no brown trout, whose leather has been used, was caught for the purpose of making jewelry. All fish have been legally caught during the fishing season with the appropriate fishing permit.
Size: 1.7 cm
Material: stainless steel, brown trout leather
Packed in a gift box
EE: Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.
Eherüs tähendab Võru murrakus jõeforelli. Need kalanahast aksessuaarid on valminud käsitööna. Iga kala soomuse muster on ainulaadne, mis teeb iga mansetinööbi kordumatuks. Me postitame toote, mis on võimalikult sarnane pildil kujutatud mansetinööbile.
Need mansetinööbid on valmistatud jõeforelli nahast. Soovime rõhutada, et ükski jõeforell, mille nahka on kasutatud, pole püütud eesmärgiga valmistada ehteid. Kõik kalad on püütud seaduspäraselt kalapüügihooajal selleks ette nähtud kalapüügiloaga.